danagisana Member


  • The first few weeks are so hard! But your breathing will get easier the more you run. So just stick with it. When I take a break from running then start again my lungs feel like they are going to explode! But once your cardio improves it will all seem so much easier. Good luck!
  • I have tried it once and gave up but I am actually starting again today. I have a friend who lost 40 lbs slowly sticking to this plan. She also worked out a lot. Your lifestyle will dictate whether this works for you. It's difficult to cook for others when you are not eating so everything has to be well planned out. I say…
  • Breakfast makes me hungrier. Especially if I eat something like oatmeal. So I am in my mid-40s and I have experimented with every type of eating plan, and now I am at the point where I will eat it if I am hungry and not eat it if I am not. Food as fuel
  • I think it's good for a kick start. You will lose water weight quickly and it will probably make you feel great at first. Also, eliminating carbs really does curb cravings. I've tried it and I had success, and I do it sporadically when I need to curb cravings which is an issue I struggle with. However I don't find it…
  • I used to always think you had to because that's what experts seemed to say. I love breakfast. But I find I am not hungry in the morning anymore and if I'm not hungry I'm not eating. I will eat to fuel my body when I'm hungry not just because a clock says so. But whatever works for you personally is the best.
  • this is just a different way of doing things. Whatever works. But the fasting has to have more of an effect than just the caloric deficit. The weight loss does not add up mathematically - if it were just limiting calories for two days per week then people would not be losing so much. Fasting has been going on through…
  • I get that too and I try to resist eating. For me, that is the time of the month when I lose the most weight. When I get crazy hungry I know that the scale will go down if I can make it through the next few days. good luck!
  • It will get easier so don't despair. Running is hard if you've never done it. Then one day you will find that you can easily do what seemed impossible before. Just don't give up. I did a 10k running plan and often did some of the weeks twice.
  • I have been running for a year. My last 10k was under the hour mark which was a huge goal of mine. I take breather breaks every few kms and I have found that it has really increased my run times. When I try to go nonstop my time slows down. Its also way more enjoyable when I know I can stop when I need to. So do whatever…
  • gaining 10lbs is really hard to accept, but you sound a lot healthier. I agree with the others about the water gain. As an aside, if you take a lot of vitamin C you can eliminate using the laxitives. When I up my protein I make sure I take vitamin C chewables and it keeps everything on schedule
  • this may sound crazy but there is a diet plan out there called the Shangri La diet. You might want to read up on it and give it a shot. Basically the doctor used himself as a patient to come up with a plan that would help him lose weight. It involved having tablespoons of oil twice per day. Apparently this works to…
  • i want to start taking this but have read mixed reviews. Any updates from people using it??
    in 7-Keto Comment by danagisana March 2012
  • If anyone has tried it please let us know how it goes. I have researched it and want to believe the claims yet there seems to be some question as to the long term affects so I am staying away from it. I would love to hear from a real person how they thought it worked.
  • For all the people who are taking hormone replacements, especially desiccated thyroid, how long did you take it before you noticed a difference? I don't mind doing the hard work to lose weight but dieting is much easier when there are actual results. I am starting thyroid medication soon and I am curious what to expect and…
  • Hi this might be off topic but could you share with us how you broke through the plateaus? I haven't only lost one lb since Christmas and it is killing me. thanks
  • I had a plateau from the last week of December through to the end of January. I didn't lose an ounce. I was perfect during the holidays and it was so frustrating to have no results at all. I was so upset but I had MFP friends who helped me push through. But last week I finally lost a little bit. I didn't try eating more…
  • Adidas Supernova are known for their comfort. I swear by them. They are the best I have ever tried. Each person is different. Make sure you can try them out and take them back if needed. It sucks to be stuck with an expensive pair of shoes that hurt your feet.
  • I agree. See a doctor because that doesn't sound like something you should deal with from random strangers on myfitnesspal, especially if you are experiencing depression. Good luck.
  • That's phenomenal! Everyone has those crazy stories about things in life that are so much better when they lose weight. You should be really proud of yourself.
  • I've had that happen once (a little binge on Halloween chocolate) but I think it's just your body reacting to eating different foods and not feeling like its being deprived.
  • If you are not hungry then don't eat them. Or grab a small handful of nuts that will quickly add some calories. However, on the other hand don't beat yourself up if one day you go a little over. This is a long journey and you have to take the whole picture into account.
  • Not sure if this helps because I don't know when you got back from your trip, but I went to Cambodia awhile ago and was eating very healthy (veggies, rice, fruit, etc) and I kept gaining weight. Halfway through the trip I realized everything was cooked with a ton of salt and MSG! So after a couple of days on a strictly…
  • Try taking measurements. I have a friend who lost 11 inches but no lbs. If she hadn't taken her measurements she would have quit by now too.
  • You might not rush to dump the doctor but a second opinion is always useful. Yes, it is harder to lose at this weight but there are also a lot of other factors at play when our bodies are changing, and hormone levels have a lot to do with things. There are a lot of really great books on perimenopause that spell out why it…
  • what are thyroid antibodies? I keep getting regular blood test results but I am sure something is up and the doctors don't seem to listen
  • Just bring something that you know you can eat. Perhaps a big veggie tray or a big salad. Even if you bring 2 things and one is just for you. Most people understand. As well, exercise that day so you have some extra calories just in case. I also find eaten a huge salad beforehand to fill me up really helps me to not be…
  • In addition to your thyroid, try getting all of your hormones checked such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. I was having the same problem and it turned out that my estrogen/progesterone balance was off (you can google it, it's called estrogen dominance). There are so many things that affect how your engine runs…
  • i have the same thing. I get frustrated. After a few months I have seen how the weight fluctuations are part of my cycle. I am up a week, then I can lose for a week, then I am up a week then I can lose a bit more. The general trend is downward though so I just try to hold onto that. Never weigh yourself at night though!!!…
  • I agree with the person who thought your wife was jealous. Sounds like it bothers her that you are making great strides and she is not doing anything. My husband is supportive but he has never struggled with weight so he doesn't really get it. However I have an amazing group of friends who are doing this with me and…
  • I stay away from chemical sweeteners, although the odd time I will give in and have a diet coke. Adding any unnecessary chemical to my body just does not make sense to me. There is too much evidence out there that it just isn't safe.