Spouse support



  • USCEE77
    Doughnuts! Are you kidding me!!! This is why there is a pandemic of obesity in the USA - fast food, sugared water and doughnuts. Your analogy is spot on, take those doughnuts straight to the trash can.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    mine didnt like it at first - thought I was going to force him to count calories and stop eating his chocolate and pizza. Took an argument and a talk but now he's being supportive :) especially after the hard work started to show some results. he would still let me pig out, and wants pizza and other unhealthy foodsies - but at least he compliments me and encourages me in doing better at the gym.

    i know its harder to do than say, but just ignore the trash food the SO brings. and have a good talk. if your SO still cant accept your changes then there's something more going on than you trying to loose weight.
  • jfcarlson713
    jfcarlson713 Posts: 108 Member
    This is YOUR journey. My husband is the origianl junk food junky. He can eat it and not gain as his job is extremely physical. I have never asked him to change his eating habits because I have a problem with self-control. He does comment on how good I'm looking (lost 45 lbs since May 15th) and he doesn't think I need to loose any more. About a year ago he started taking a medication that prohibits him from drinking alcohol. He has never asked me to stop having a beer when I want one. In fact, when I say something he has absolutely no problem with having a soft drink while I have a beer. Why should I ask him to stop having Cheetos if he hasn't asked me to stop having beer.
  • petergarcia82
    petergarcia82 Posts: 122 Member
    This is YOUR journey. My husband is the origianl junk food junky. He can eat it and not gain as his job is extremely physical. I have never asked him to change his eating habits because I have a problem with self-control. He does comment on how good I'm looking (lost 45 lbs since May 15th) and he doesn't think I need to loose any more. About a year ago he started taking a medication that prohibits him from drinking alcohol. He has never asked me to stop having a beer when I want one. In fact, when I say something he has absolutely no problem with having a soft drink while I have a beer. Why should I ask him to stop having Cheetos if he hasn't asked me to stop having beer.

    I get what your saying. And I am doing it on my own but a little support is nice. Do you go out and stock your liquor cabinet with tons of alcohol? If so if your husband only asked for you to only keep a few would you do it? Are you annoyed if he talks about his medication or symptoms that follow it?
  • andezz99
    andezz99 Posts: 56 Member
    My wife and I are luckily in sync, we've both lost a lot of weight together in the past but have both put on the pounds recently. We are doing this thing together again and pushing each other at the gym, when we eat and everywhere in between. I'm lucky to have a supportive partner.

    It can be frustrating for both of you when your not on the same page whether it's diet, exercise, raising kids, or managing money. It would be great if she joined you, there are many benefits, improved love life, new activities,and more. Maybe you need to offer up a cheat day once a week to enjoy a splurge with her and in return she supports your weekly exercise and diet routine.

    A splurge once a week won't kill you and in some ways it will keep you sane.
  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    When I first started, my boyfriend supported me 100%. He helped me abstain from snacks, and he ended up losing about 40ish pounds himself by eating when I ate. He ate slightly bigger portions or maybe had a beer, but for the most part, he was really awesome. If I didn't feel like working out, he would push me to go to the gym, and we'd work out together.

    We ended up taking a 3 month break due to family loss, birthdays, anniversaries, Halloween and Thanksgiving, but we are now 2 weeks back on track. We both gained back a little. He liked being thinner and when I said I wanted to get back on track, he was even more willing to support me. So now we're both trying to eat healthier and be more active.

    I honestly don't think I could have lost as much as I have without him.
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    This is off topic, but evonday, i <3 your weight-loss tracker.
  • VanessaMFaulkner
    My husband does support me, actually he tries to watch he eats as well. We do go out & eat a lot, but its always my choice as to where so that we go somewhere I can eat ;) I think, personally that even with losing weight one shouldn't keep his or herself "kept away." You have to learn how to be able to go out in public & make healthy decisions. I'm sorry your wife doesn't support you :(
  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    When I first started (which was only 2 months ago), my boyfriend wasn't very supportive at all. He was supposed to join a weight loss competition with my friends and I...so he did eat whatever healthier meals I made, and tried not to bring treats home...but that didn't last long at all. After a week or 2 he was asking me to pick up treats every time I went to the grocery store (and for the holidays I obliged, but that's stopping). The thing he was least supportive of was counting calories. He would get VERY annoyed every time I went on the computer to track, and definitely didn't like talking about it. He preferred not to know what was in the food he was eating. He hasn't made much progress at all with his own weight loss, but he HAS become MUCH more supportive of mine. He gets excited for me when I tell him my loss for the week, he motivates me to work out, and he doesn't seem to complain as much about my tracking (though maybe that's because I do it less when we're spending time together..). I know he doesn't want to talk about how many calories are in everything we eat, so I don't do it as much. Like many others have said, it's a lot of give and take. I'm happy with how much he's come around, and hopefully your wife will start to as well!
  • petergarcia82
    petergarcia82 Posts: 122 Member
    Wife and i were discussing some items while i was getting ready to head to the gym. she was getting kind of upset so i said i am going to go to the gym and we can talk more. Then she says go to the gym its all u do anyway. Before this she used to complain because i work from home i should get out. Now she complains because i am at the gym an hour a day if that and the gym is only a 3 min drive. Its funny because before i started losing weight she said i should and now that i do and get out of the house she is mad. I can't win. Well no matter what i will still go to the gym and lose weight this crap will just make me that much stronger.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    I'm very fortunate - blessed - that my Dear Hubby is totally on-board with weight loss... he's losing too, and he does most of the cooking (I shop and do meal planning). He weighs things for me, he encourages my workouts, he works out...

    but then, he is my best friend, and that's what best friends do. I'm very lucky to have married mine. :happy:
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    My husband has actually been really supportive, however there are some things I have to give in with.

    1) We spent more on food because he will get things like fried chicken from the grocery store hot food section sometimes because he won't eat what I am cooking.
    2) He wont' tease me with things that I really like but he is still able to bring junk in the house and eat it when he wants. For example I know he brought some candy home today. I don't even know what its in a bag and he put it away and I haven't looked. For other stuff I'm lucky that we have very different tastes in dessert. (There is cheesecake in the fridge but that is no problem, I don't like cheesecake!! ) So basically he gets the stuff he likes but he knows I don't much.
    3) He supports me going to the gym. If I try to work out here its much harder (hard to push though when someone is laying around on the couch) but if I go to the gym I can focus and he doesn't mind having the time to himself either.

    He hasn't said anything about my appearance but I don't think it has changed much, I'm only down 9 pounds which since I still have more then 100 to go is not much at all. However he does tell me I'm doing well... and he bought me a kinect for christmas, the most fun exercise EVER!
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    My fiance is supportive in general but, at times I feel like he is judgmental. Unlike your scenario our arguments are more over who has the better ideas about what is healthy or the best way to loose weight. We have a hard time seeing eye to eye on how to go about it but, we found a common ground. If she is flip flopping ( one day wants you active the next jealous of your new mistress...your health) than I would say try to get her involved. instead of going to the gym see about going indoor rock climbing or something active and together. We also got a Wii fit that we love to play together and I am not a fan of video games so it was nice to find some we both enjoyed and it was still active. If she cant handle your new healthy life than just point out to her how she acted before and ask what she wants. Not in a patronizing way but, just ask. I am sure once she sees you getting healthy and looking better she might catch on and stop with the sweets lol until then willpower will have to prevail. Maybe add shopping as one of your chores? that way she will be less likely to stop at the store just to get sweets and you can get her ones you hate and she likes?
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    In an ideal world, I would wish that a switch would go off in my family's head and they would instantly join me in keeping a larder/fridge of nutrient-dense foods, no junk, and want to exercise with me when I am inspired to change. But, I know there have been times, it's been reversed, THEY have sought change, and I wasn't feelin' it Did I feel like I wanted to sabotage them? No. I just wanted my comfort foods. I was selfish, not vengeful or hostile. So, now I'm the lead in this health-oriented journey, and they are gingerly making first steps with me. Maybe with your continued success, your wife will join you too.

    I well understand the temptations of having 'trigger' foods around, or even worse, preparing them for others in the family. But hopefully your new normal will become the norm for your household. At least, I wish that for you!
  • danagisana
    danagisana Posts: 42 Member
    I agree with the person who thought your wife was jealous. Sounds like it bothers her that you are making great strides and she is not doing anything.
    My husband is supportive but he has never struggled with weight so he doesn't really get it.
    However I have an amazing group of friends who are doing this with me and keeping me on track. So my suggestion is that you should try to find some friends who will do this with you and who will be thrilled and excited for you when you lose three pounds. This ha made all the difference for me.
    Aside from that, personally I would chuck the food she brings into the house. You've asked her not to and she isn't respecting your wishes. Your health is more important than her sweets. Just sayin'
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I don't think your weight loss is the issue here-- her comment as you were leaving for the gym says it all to me. It sounds like she's jealous of your time. Sure it sounded great to her for you to lose weight but she wasn't thinking about all the time you would spend away from her. And honestly, walking out in the middle of a fight isn't really the way to make her happier.

    If she feels neglected try to balance some things so that you are still making time for her whether she wants to work out or not. Maybe you could do your work out in the morning and then spend evenings together. Or instead of going to the gym you two could go for a walk. Try to make an effort to spend time with her and see what develops.
  • petergarcia82
    petergarcia82 Posts: 122 Member
    I did not walk out out of a fight. Just asked to finish after she calmed down and.an hour should give her enough time. I do work out at different times so we have more time.together i have asked for her to walk with me and when she does go complains about it 10 min in. I also bought her a membership to the same gym if she wants to go with me. She has tons.of.choices. I really don't think its a time.thing from her i think its her wanting to complain.about something instead of being supportive or work with e on a never life style.
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    my husband was actually the one who decided he wanted to lose weight first, and i began cooking him healthy balanced meals.
    then he started losing weight, and i was amazed at how much hotter he looked to me - i had never thought of him as fat before.

    so i decided to jump on the bandwagon.
    then he started running, and guess who started running then too???
    now we try to get in a run together atleast once a week.

    i will also admit though, that since i've gained a couple of lbs back i find myself loading HIS plate just a bit more....

    fair is fair, no?!
  • kitquinmom
    Sounds to me like she is jealous of your dedication to the plan. She may not have the same constitution that you do and while she may want to support you she is having a hard time because she wishes she were in that same place as you are mentally. Sticking with a diet is hard work and everyone knows that. She may not be ready for the sacrifices involved with weight loss and from her perspective she sees all the pluses (you losing the weight) but since she's not the one doing the work she doesn't understand the challenge of it. If she would buckle down with you and work for a small weight loss goal I'm sure she would quickly see that it's worth the challenge and why you so very much don't want to back track due to the amount of work it takes.
  • petergarcia82
    petergarcia82 Posts: 122 Member
    my husband was actually the one who decided he wanted to lose weight first, and i began cooking him healthy balanced meals.
    then he started losing weight, and i was amazed at how much hotter he looked to me - i had never thought of him as fat before.

    so i decided to jump on the bandwagon.
    then he started running, and guess who started running then too???
    now we try to get in a run together atleast once a week.

    i will also admit though, that since i've gained a couple of lbs back i find myself loading HIS plate just a bit more....

    fair is fair, no?!

    that made me laugh about loading his plate