Spouse support

So does anyone actually get support from their spouse? My wife is not a small women but she is not really overweight either. She is always bringing in some type of desert and sweets. I have nicely asked her to not stop brining sweets in the house just don't bring so many at one time. She always says to me I am not going to stop and if you don't want to eat then don't. I have done well the past three months not eating it but it's pretty hard. She also would make comments about my weight before and now that I am doing everything I can to lose this weight she does not seem supportive. She get's annoyed with me that I won't go out to eat anytime she want's because I don't want to splurge on calories and go over. She get's annoyed with me that I look at every item in the grocery store to look at the label and calories. I go to the gym a lot and even added her but she will hardly go with me and when she does she want's me to only be there for a few minutes and then come home. She does not even get excited when I say hey I lost 3 pounds this week. About the only thing I have gotten from her is that I am looking better after losing 40+ pounds. Says she can notice the weight.


  • auctoritas
    I do all the cooking in my house, so my SO didn't have a choice but to join me on my lifestyle change. There has been some griping and grousing and whining but he's lost a lot of weight. Our food plan is pretty simple, but it took him a while to get the hang of. Fortunately he was never big on sweets, and the only thing he really misses is pizza.

    He still whines, of course, but he's kept me on track the few times I've wanted to stray.

    I'm really sorry about your wife, and you might want to sit down and talk with her about respecting your personal goals. Marriage is a give and take situation, and she needs to remember that she's not the only person in the world. =/
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    My husband has been great! He will ask me before he sits and eats 'junk' food in front of me - thankfully I am usually feeling strong and he gets to eat it anyway but I appreciate that he cares enough to think it may bother me! He will change his schedule to let me go to the gym if it helps to make sure I get there on busy days. He complements me on how well I am doing or how I look and we will sometimes work out, go hiking etc together! He's over a foot taller so he doesn't have to be as careful about what he eats, but he's been very supportive and I really appreciate it. Just wish sometimes he would have told me that I was putting on a bit too much weight - but he's probably not that stupid!! lol

    Do you think your wife may be a bit jealous of your progress? Have you been supportive of her feelings/fears?? Or do you think you have been a food and diet bore!! Maybe you can talk about it and meet in the middle and both get on the same track!
  • petergarcia82
    petergarcia82 Posts: 122 Member
    I do most of the cooking as well but nights I get busy at work or just tired her thing is let's go out even though she knows I would rather stay in and something better.
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    This is super tough. My spouse is generally supportive, but he's also sort of "naturally thin" so he can eat pretty much anything and maintain. When I really ask him to, he will agree not to bring food in the house, but then he hides it in the car - and I feel pretty bad about that.

    What we have started doing is portion controlling any junk food he brings in the house. For some reason, when it's in the little ziplock with a sad 12 chips in it - I tend not to eat it. He knows he can go and grab 5 of those things and still be fine, but it discourages me a bit.

    We also go out to eat a lot, but I've found I can actually do it with MFP by planning my meal. We try to stick to healthier options (fish places, or places where I can get a reasonable salad or meat and veggies), and I do A LOT of researching restaurants which have nutritional guides online, If you check my diary, some days you'll see the whole day filled out by 11. That's because I know we're going to dinner, and I've already researched the restaurant to see what I'm going to eat, and plugged it in so I know my calorie limits the rest of the day.

    It's a lot of work, and sometimes it makes me feel obsessed with food, but it's the only way I feel like I can eat out and be responsible.
  • petergarcia82
    petergarcia82 Posts: 122 Member
    Wife wanted to go to Olive garden a week ago. I spent a good 12 minutes online looking at calories before we even went so I could figure out a good meal that would not throw me over. Most of the times she is fine with the places I pick because she can get anything but I can't mention to her about my meal with calories or anything she gets annoyed so I have just learned to do it and not say anything.

    Awesome that you have a supportive spouse.
  • cherridawnn
    Yeah, I know how you feel. He's not quite my spouse, but we live together. He thinks that losing weight is easy. His advice to me was stop eating a cracker and getting a drink during morning break and the weight will fall off. That may be how he does it, but I do not get a cracker for a morning snack (nor have I ever) as a habit and I quit drinking soft drinks with sugar at least 15 years ago.
    Thanks, honey. :ohwell:
  • Legalchica
    HAHAHA sounds like my husband. No support and actually does the opposite.... then gets mad when I dont want to eat the junk he brings home.... but he eats cookies every day for breakfast.....
  • cryspetstalerson
    My husband is VERY supportive however, one thing that really bugs me is that he would rather run to get fast food than run to the store. I have a lot of medical issues, so it is hard for me to go by myself to the store. So I am stuck with whatever he is in the mood for. Then he complains about eating out all the time lol. It makes me mad and drives me crazy. I need to put my foot down more.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I wouldn't know what to do if my Honey weren't supportive. He has pulled me through the worst plateau tear-filled sessions ever! It took me months to lose any weight at some points. But he makes sure I know I have done well. Sometimes, its when I don't ask for the compliment that he surprises me :D The only part that sucks, is my Honey is MUCH larger and has no intentions on eating better because of his powerlifting goals. He has seriously pulled over in fast food parking lots so I can log my food and find something to fit my macros before we go into the drive thru, he has dealt with me not coming to bed and making protein drinks first and working extra so I could sneak off to the gym randomly. He is really supportive, even though I know sometimes my frequency talking about it has annoyed him in the past, he is still there for me no matter what. Honestly, if he weren't supportive I probably would have left him. :/
  • kacbldmm07
    Mine is much like yours, but I do not let it bother me. This is my life style change not theirs so I just keep everything to myself. Sometimes I will say hey, you know I have lost a total of 85 lbs this week. He will be like good job.... but that is all I get. He never says OMG you look amazing or anything, but he never has and why should I expect it now. How I feed my ego I guess is, guys look at me. Not saying I like it, but they do. If they do that means I am doing a great job and should keep it up. EGO IS FED... If my husband wants to go out I log the items I am eating before we leave. I go online and look at their meals. He is used to it, he used to give me crap but now a year later he is used to the fact that I count calories. I wish I got more feed back from him, but I don't and its ok. I will just share my joys with my MFP friends =) A part of me thinks he is jealous that I have gone from a size 16 to a 6. He is not super over weight, but could stand to lose a few. I am dedicated and he isn't.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Thank you God for my supportive husband. However it is really a give and take situation. I try and get him to eat healthier (he is terrible at it) and he doesn't complain much. But - I still have the temptations in the house, which is my control issue, not his. Actually I have to bag up treats separately for him and hide them in various parts of the cupboards, because he will eat an entire batch of cookies from bed time to breakfast if I don't. We tend to order a meal to split if we eat out and want something decadent (like the awesome Monte Cristos or Steak Tips at a couple eateries). It works well for us. edit: Plus he is extremely free with the complements about how great I look - what a guy!
  • Firebird_Rising
    Firebird_Rising Posts: 15 Member
    My wife has been quite happy with my progress and efforts to drop the weight. But, like it seems a lot of us are going through, she isn't overweight like I am. Therefore, she continues to enjoy junk food and orders what she likes at restaurants and likes to bake treats every so often. My willpower is quite strong though, so resisting at this point is not hard. She also does get quite annoyed at my tendency to grab my phone, or jump online right after a meal to make sure I enter everything I ate (before I forget something).

    I have to admit, though, despite having her (and others in the real world) being supportive of my goals, it often does feel though like I am "one against the world".
  • beckysiz
    beckysiz Posts: 54 Member
    It sounds to me like she may be jealous. Maybe she wants you to lose the weight, but now you are spending all this time on something that she isn't a part of. If a big part of your relationship was eating out/food and now that it gone she might be feeling sad. Could you suggest going on a date that doesn't involve food? Try paying more attention to her or asking her to join you at the gym?
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Yes, in general my wife is very supportive. Very encouraging when I loose. She does all the cooking and frequently makes me salads to go with the meal. She is very supportive of me working out.

    The only real issue is bringing in sweets. It is not to many, but stuff like a dozen doughnuts every so often. Temptation I don't need. Would you bring in a 1/5 of wiskey and leave it on the counter when there is a alcholic in the house?

    At least I can put it in the cabinet and not seeing it helps
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    My husband is really good. We eat mostly the same things but he'll have a bigger portion and less veggies..he hates veggies. We go for long hikes on the weekends together and I go the gym at lunch times. Weekly weigh ins, he'll be interested and congratulate me, or console me whichever it is that week. He;s a grown man, I'm not going to dictate what he eats. If he still wants to bring little bags of chips in the house for his lunch, I'll live. He's not perfect though, I did ask him last night what he wanted for dinner tonight and he said pizza :devil:
  • EuphonyChloeH
    EuphonyChloeH Posts: 107 Member
    I do the cooking for my partner, but he will want to go out at least a few nights a week. I think he does it to give me a break, but honestly I don't mind cooking most of the time. I have learned to say no when he goes to certain places or when I feel I should really just make myself dinner.
  • brock1978
    My wife is small. Says she is 5-6, but I'd but her more in the 5-4 1/2 to 5-5 category. She weighs about 140-ish (now 155-160, still trying to lose some pregnancy weight). She supports me to the end of the earth. She is my biggest fan and cheerleader. I'm blessed.
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    The reality is that you may be alone for awhile. Part of the whole journey is figuring out whether you are strong enough to do it, and strong enough to love your spouse anyway for who they are. It may take quite some time for your lifestyle change to begin to rub off on her.

    My wife and I have nearly always had competing goals. She wanted to lose, I wanted to gain. She does the shopping, so there would be almost nothing in the house to add meat/protein calories with...it was frustrating at times. But guess what? I'm a big boy, I can go to the store, too.

    There will be times that you will want different things than she does. But try to stop yourself short when it comes to the things you can actually control, instead of piling the blame for that on her.

    edit: beckysiz has some good advice as well. Applies not just to weight loss, but to many other things. A friend of mine once became much less religious over the period of a year or so, and it introduced some real issues into his marriage. Funny thing was that he was actually a better person, but the foundational lifestyle changes made a mess of his marriage.
  • USCEE77
    A healthy lifestyle is a value you both must share or else you'll both become frustrated with each other. My wife and I are on the same page, however, we don't necessarily diet or exercise together. Fortunately we're not into deserts, but she will cook a balanced meal when she knows I'm trying to lose weight. Be patient with her, but stay true to your diet and exercise regimen, eventually you'll become a positive influence on her.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    oh man your wife and my husband need to get together! exactly the same! hates that i spend two hrs a day at the gym, pissed that i dont wanna eat out, hates me on the computer all the time with this hobby, brings crap in the house all the time, hates that i get hit on right in front of him now! the other day on of his co-workers said, "how in god's name did you get her to marry you?" lol he has no interest what so ever in getting healthy although heart issues run in his family and he carries around 40 lbs of extra weight in his gut! I got a gym membership last yr and then he said ok i will sign up, then proceeded to complain the entire time that he went with me for a whole two wks! 500 bucks down the drain as we pre paid the damn thing! ugh! and is constantly asking me to go get him ice cream or whatever so he doesnt have to get his *kitten* off the couch! Then as I have been losing steadily hasnt said jack about how good I look! I finally just kept up with making healthy meals, he usually goes back for 2nds although his plate is full and it should be way more than enough food for the night! I am just going about this for me, not for him and try not to worry about it any more.I never say anything about his weight because I would never want him to do that to me and it doesnt help anyone anyway.If he is ok being unhappy and miserable with back issues, low energy, very little sex drive, and a sucky attitude about life there really isnt much I can do about it! I just take care of me and make sure my kids eat healthy also.