
What if I have 300 calories left over... do I eat something to use up a few more or leave it at that????? I don't mind keeping up to 100 spare but 300 seems a lot... Given it has been suggested we need to use the allowance to keep metabolic rates up.... I am in the habit of eating less skipping meals etc; eating for the sake of it is counter intuitive... but... I want my metabolic rate to increase....and burn this fat!!!
:ohwell: ??????


  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    Net AT LEAST 1200, if leaving 300 puts you under that, go eat some bread or peanut butter ect :)
  • LemonDiva
    Dexy!!! what would i do without you.... 1200 righto... must make a note of that somewhere... thank you x
  • rsmithy89
    rsmithy89 Posts: 174 Member
    Dunno where people get this 1200 calorie thing from. I have never heard of it on any other nutrition or fitness forum.

    Eat at your calories. You need energy in order to fuel your workouts and metabolism. Furthermore, if you do not eat, you may overcompensate tomorrow.

    Enjoy the fact that you have some left over and have a guilt free snack.

    The main requirement is that you hit your protein and fat macronutrient requirements. Thats 1g of fat per kg of body weight and 1.5-2g of protein per kg of body weight.
  • krakenmama
    krakenmama Posts: 10 Member
    I get confused about the carb/protein/fat ratios. I eat well but I always seem to go over my protein allowance. I still eat within my calories, but can't seem to get my protein down, in fact, I don't think I want to. Just not sure how it is supposed to work with the fairly low protein allowance I have.
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    eat them if you are hungry, otherwise leave them be. though some people don't agree with this technique, i sometimes carry over calories to another day.
  • athearenee
    Hello Miss Diva~

    Every day will be different...some days you might have 8 calories left...some days 300...
    Your Body is changing and trying to adjust to your new diet/exercise plan...but it will adjust...

    Yesterday I was so busy, I forgot to eat ...(say WHA?) - so I had quite a few calories left over
    A few days ago I couldn't stop eating and I had to exercise and extra 75 minutes to make up for all the calories I consumed.

    Every day is a new day...how do you feel?
    Don't stuff yourself by any means...your stomach is shrinking and forcing yourself to eat will stretch it out and then you will be hungry for sure!!

    Make sure you eat 5-6 times a day...balance it out.

    a Protein + Carb for Breakfast
    a Protein and Fruit for snack
    a Protein and vegetable for lunch
    a Fruit and Veggie for Snack
    a Lean protein and Veggie for Dinner
    a Fruit for Dessert

    Snacks should be about 150 calories.
    Meals should be about 300
    *This will depend on what your total calorie goal for the day is, but Balance is critical and you don't want to be hungry or stuffed.

    This will keep you at fat burning range and your blood sugar won't spike and fall as well

    Hope this Helps!

    ~ AtheaRenee
  • abschool
    I'd say to just eat half.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Eat a bowl of cereal before you go to bed!
    Its about 300 calories and youll sleep really well!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Dunno where people get this 1200 calorie thing from. I have never heard of it on any other nutrition or fitness forum.

    Eat at your calories. You need energy in order to fuel your workouts and metabolism. Furthermore, if you do not eat, you may overcompensate tomorrow.

    Enjoy the fact that you have some left over and have a guilt free snack.

    The main requirement is that you hit your protein and fat macronutrient requirements. Thats 1g of fat per kg of body weight and 1.5-2g of protein per kg of body weight.

    1200 is the figure that some people are given to stick to.

    Why would somebody overcompensate?

    To the OP: don't just eat crap, it was eating rubbish foods that got many of us here in the first place, ensure you stick to good foods that keep you feeling full :)
  • LemonDiva
    Wow what a fabulous bunch you are... so much encouragement and help... and~ AtheaRenee wonderful. Hope you don't mind but I've pasted that to keep it... makes so much sense and I'm sure day by day each piece of wisdom will help... even the cereal before bedtime lol it's about balance isn't it?

    Like today I've almost used all my calls - equalled my carbs and I feel totally stuffed... won't do that again....

    Thanks all
  • danagisana
    danagisana Posts: 42 Member
    If you are not hungry then don't eat them. Or grab a small handful of nuts that will quickly add some calories.
    However, on the other hand don't beat yourself up if one day you go a little over. This is a long journey and you have to take the whole picture into account.