I'm ditching breakfast...



  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    part of my problem is that I am one of those people who donate money to the gym each month. yes, donate...meaning I don't ever go! I haven't made the commitment to get off my butt and exercise. I have a million excuses...from the ever so popular "i'm too busy" to the more sympathetic "i am too self-conscious." so...

    my goals for may:
    gym twice a week--minimum of 30 minutes (baby steps here);
    cut breakfast (at least see how it goes);
    cut out the soy in my tea when I order;
    log everything.

    next month...perhaps I tackle weighing of food.

    thank you to all for your input. it has been helpful.

    Do you have a weight scale? That will definitely help you in knowing your exact calorie intake.
    But you are doing a great job by taking baby steps and cutting out in certain areas, every little bit counts!

    As for the gym, if you don't like it, you don't have to go! The roads are free, and you can run/walk all day with no closing time! Find a certain exercise you actually enjoy doing, and that may motivate you a little more!
  • steve2kay
    steve2kay Posts: 194 Member
    I skip breakfast most of the time - I only used to eat it because I thought I should but I find I'm starving by lunchtime if I do, then I eat loads at lunchtime. I also find if I have a high protein breakfast I don't enjoy cycling to work so much and so sometimes I don't cycle.
    So eating breakfast costs me probably 300 calories, + 400 I don't burn by cycling, + 100 more at lunch than I'd normally eat.

    I don't miss it.

    Having said that I haven't noticed 800 calories a day worth of weight loss because:
    1) I've only been doing it a few weeks
    2) I look at all my calories left at about 6pm and decide to eat rubbish.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    You gained weight because you were eating more than you were burning.

    If you like eating breakfast, then start logging your food and make it fit into your day.

    I am on an IS plan... It's called Intermittent Snacking... yes, I just made it up (well, it's new to me).

    I snack on little stuff almost hourly, and try to make it so that I have about 1000 left by supper time. (I eat 2000 in a day).
    This is because I love late night IS. LOVE IT. LOOOOOOOOVE IT. And if I don't have enough calories to allow me to ISAN (IS at night), then I will go over.

    I often exercise so I can eat more. Yep. That's me.

    TLDR: Find what works for you. And log your food. The End

    eta... 2000/day PLUS exercise cals... I can easily put back over 3000 a day when my exercise supports it. :smile:

    ^^^^^^^^^ I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I might start doing little snacks throughout the day, I am going to try it, and save more for later, I also do some good exercise burns too (Excuse the past week)

    OP - I don't know how you can sleep for say 7/8 hours a night, then wake up, have NO breakfast then only eat at lunch time and so on! I personally love breakfast, and its fuel me for me day - If I haven't had my porridge & peanut butter fix... MY OH MY.... I am one B##CH all morning ....

  • danagisana
    danagisana Posts: 42 Member
    Breakfast makes me hungrier. Especially if I eat something like oatmeal.
    So I am in my mid-40s and I have experimented with every type of eating plan, and now I am at the point where I will eat it if I am hungry and not eat it if I am not. Food as fuel
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    If I'm hungry in the morning, I eat breakfast. If I'm not hungry, I don't. I like to keep it simple.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    It's preferential. Personally I skip it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    As someone who has studied nutrition, is it really ok to skip? I often feel icky first thing in the am and I'm not super keen on breaky...

    It's fine. That's why he said it's preferential. "They" used to say "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" and not to eat before bed. It doesn't matter what time you consume your calories for weightloss or maintaining, as long as it works for you. Personally I do not eat breakfast, I eat a small lunch, have a small snack, then eat a bunch of calories between the time of 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    I don't typically eat breakfast because I do feel hungrier faster and feel easily nauseated in the morning (not pregnant--always been like this!). Sometimes I will eat it on weekends. I prefer to eat two big meals--lunch and dinner--with a small afternoon and nightly snack. If you don't want to eat breakfast, don't eat breakfast, but if you were still eating at a deficit, eating breakfast shouldn't have caused a gain.
  • scolloby
    scolloby Posts: 22 Member
    Like a couple of the other respondents, breakfast is my favourite meal of the day - the fruit, yoghurt, nuts and seeds - I always feel like i'm staying in a hotel when I just sit and enjoy it. Without breakfast I am lethargic,I get headaches, I'm not intellectually functioning on all cylinders. I haven't been conditioned by modern society (whenever that began), I just need and want food following the fasting period of the night before and the food I have lasts me through to lunhctime admirably. When I eat the more commercial cereals, I'm hungry by 10.30, but my cornacopia of fruits, etc, or alternatively porridge, fills me up just fine. So it comes down to what ever works for you, listen to your body.