fae713 Member


  • Pop Secret Kettle Corn popcorn. 20 calories for one bag. I was trying to find a sweet snack the other night and just out of curiosity looked at the popcorn that's been sitting around for a while. The back of the box said 20 calories and I figured they meant for a serving size of a handful of popped corn. Nope, 1 bag was…
  • 1 - My fiance is one of the goofiest men I have ever known, but not in a way that makes me roll my eyes. 2 - He is incredibly loyal and giving, nearly to a fault, if it could be considered one. 3 - Sometimes, when I'm not expecting it, I catch him looking at me with the most breathtaking eyes and smile that I can't help…
  • Counting calories and being aware of whether what I eat is something that I want in my body, not just on my taste buds. How much do I really want to eat that hamburger just because it is what I used to eat or are there better (and healthier!) alternatives that will help me in my goals for a lifestyle change versus a…
    in Diets Comment by fae713 December 2011
  • If it all feels overwhelming, choose one thing to change every few days until you are back to the lifestyle that you like. Maybe start with portion control again. Even if it is a few steps between what you have been eating to what will be keeping you within your goal range. One meal at a time, snacks first, skipping…
  • I plan for extra calories via snacks, but I limit myself to one "dessert" type thing per day. Most of my coworkers are aware that I am counting calories and working toward a weight loss goal and so aren't offended when I turn something down. In the planning part, this means I am eating slightly smaller meals and exercising…
  • Easily fitting into my size 10 Levis again. I was forcing my way into them previously, but that was what started this whole weight loss thing - I didn't want to go shopping and dangit, they fit a year and a half ago! At the rate I'm going, I will have to give them away and start buying 8s or maybe I may be able to manage a…
  • As one of the other posters mentioned, go with what is healthy for YOU and your height. Most often this means looking at BMI and making sure that you are in the healthy range. If someone thinks you look too skinny, that is their problem and their jealousy if you have paid attention and are within the range for healthy for…
  • I've had the Mirena for just shy of five years and have had no weight gain or loss due to it. No abnormal hormonal changes and the only time I get any actual bleeding is if I am very stressed and then it is very light for only a few days at most. I still get the normal hormonal fluctuations between estrogen and…
  • Vitamin D is a great idea, however I would suggest avoiding the tanning booth if you can get a sunlamp and use that instead. I purchased one on Amazon for something like $35 and have seen a dramatic change in my mood and energy. I have it on at my office every morning, probably for longer than is suggested several hours…
  • I have been divorced for a little over a year, though I had been separated for nearly 2 years (emotionally it was 2 1/2 years) prior to that. I have to admit that to me, it was the absolute best day of the entire year, and the previous 5 years. Despite the fact that it was something that I was looking forward to and…
  • My fiance is supportive in his own way, primarily in a not quite obvious way. He doesn't push me to go against my diet, always making sure that he asks how many calories I have left for dinner and will help me figure out something reasonable. He teases me about logging my calories and everything, but doesn't take offense…
  • The last few weeks have been hard for me too. Between the holiday parties (how in the world do you measure things you don't even know what to call and have all these weird ingredients!?) and just plain being busy, I haven't really wanted to log things as well or bother with finding time to exercise. On the other hand,…
  • Some people on other topics have suggested planning your meals and snacks for the day ahead of time and logging everything in the morning. That way you already know what you are going to be eating and can plan accordingly - when to have snacks so you don't get too hungry and over-indulge or overfill your stomach, etc. If…
  • What do you train in: Muy Thai When did you start: about 3 months ago Who inspires you: The other women who can so obviously kick butt and keep up with the guys. It's great motivation to know that they advanced from struggling where I'm at to being able to hold their own and teaching others. I also am not-so-secretly…
  • I know this suggestion is going to sound awfully silly but the people I have known with the best forearm muscle and tone are drummers. Between playing for hours a day, tapping on everything and doing exercises like "playing" on a pillow for more than 30 minutes on both hands every day, they develop some incredible…
  • Hand make everything you can - invitations, decorations, etc. I want an outdoor wedding, so I'm looking at public spaces - a little off the beaten path for tourists, but still easily accessible. Small wedding (no more than 20) with a larger reception for several weeks/months later. We're looking at a March wedding and a…
  • If you're far behind I don't even want to think about where I am! For where to start, my fiance and I started with a date, but that had more to do with the fact that he is very aware that I am a person who has a strong recognition of symbology and the spiritual aspect of said symbols. So we set a date for December 22nd,…
  • I haven't smoked myself, but have helped a lot of people to quit smoking or known people who have quit. Here's what helped them: Join a support group. I don't know if every state has them, but I know Colorado has a quit line that will send you patches and help you to sign up for a support group and send you daily emails or…
  • The best ways to tone, especially when you're first starting out, is to use lighter weights, something that doesn't make you start straining too much after 10 reps and make sure that you do more than the typical 2-3x repeat. Toning is all about the smooth, controlled and repetitive motions. It initially doesn't feel like…
  • We don't really have a theme. I'm refusing to do much planning beyond the absolute necessities because, well, I don't do so well with such things. We're not even going to have a reception the same day as the wedding. It's going to be a few months later and that may have some sort of theme, but most likely not. As it is…
  • Prenatal vitamins are fine for any woman of childbearing age. Unless you are already at risk for high iron or excess hemoglobin (red blood cells) then the extra iron in the tablets won't hurt. As it is, you're body has a difficult time processing the iron from multivitamin tablets because the other nutrients, especially…
  • March 20th, 2012. It's going to be an outdoor wedding, assuming the weather decides to co-operate. It's always a toss up for Colorado whether it'll be the largest blizzard of the year or if it'll be a nice 65-80*f and sunny and gorgeous. I didn't join MFP specifically for losing weight prior to the wedding, but it is a…
  • I'm 25 and live in the lovely state of Colorado. I actually joined MFP because one of the people in my MMA school suggested it since she was using it to lose weight after not doing any MMA for about 3 years. I only started going to classes and whatnot about 2 months ago, but my fiance has been going for years and…