What are your little NSV's that take you by suprise?



  • dointhis4me
    dointhis4me Posts: 52 Member
    i can almost fit back into my jeans! and my goal weight is the the same as your weight even though i am 5 8. when i took my pics after six wks even though i havent lost that much weight i can totally see a difference in my body!

    I had thought the same thing. I can't SEE my improvements but recently my bf found our starting measurements for the failed P90x experiment and I had lost a ton of inches! It was real proof staring me in the face that I couldn't explain away like I would usually try. Weight is only a number... results are what are tangible.
  • glassgallm
    glassgallm Posts: 276 Member
    Since Oct., I have lost a total of 7.5 inches (bust/waist/hips)!
  • drizzella
    Having a golf shirt that used to be snug in an XL now being long enough to cover my bum. And someone asking if I was wearing my husband's shirt by mistake.
  • fae713
    fae713 Posts: 30 Member
    Easily fitting into my size 10 Levis again. I was forcing my way into them previously, but that was what started this whole weight loss thing - I didn't want to go shopping and dangit, they fit a year and a half ago! At the rate I'm going, I will have to give them away and start buying 8s or maybe I may be able to manage a 6.

    Finding that fitted shirts are actually fitting like they were intended rather than being stretched just a wee bit too much.

    Also, being able to see myself in the mirror when getting ready for a shower or whatnot and not cringe and pull in my belly because I felt so self-conscious in front of only myself.

    Being able to do 400+ situps in a row and know that I can keep going and make my goal of 1000 on New Years day.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Surprisingly, my resting heart rate is sometimes in the 70s now. It was always in the 90s when I got this HRM, and that was only a couple of weeks ago, so things are changing fast.

    Also, I catch a glimpse of my face in the mirror and it's looking thinner already. Sad to say can't see much difference with the rest of me, but then again, I've avoided mirrors for so long now I don't really know what I look like.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    When I wrap the bath towel around after my shower it now goes all the way around - no skin peeping out where the towel comes together.

    YES!!!! A regular size towel that can now completely cover me!!!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    RHR in the 40s; as in 44-45.
    Whenever I'm sitting and I see my lap or my legs, I just don't recognize them as mine. It's nothing I EVER would have thought about... I haven't even cared about my legs, but they are so shocking to me that I think they will remain my favorite NSV.
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Had to present at an event recently and they were taking photos of all the presenters. Was dreading getting the copies...and believe me I'm no model...but I didn't have a double chin in ANY of them!
  • dointhis4me
    dointhis4me Posts: 52 Member
    Being able to do 400+ situps in a row and know that I can keep going and make my goal of 1000 on New Years day.

    Dang! You're a beast!
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Every time someone says "Girl you are killing it!" and "Sorry, I couldn't help but stare at your butt". Feels great!
  • canegrovern
    canegrovern Posts: 21 Member
    Being told that I can stop now by family and co-workers and being able to see my pelvic and collar bones and I still have 10 lbs to my goal Wt. oh I got a size 8 jeans and I have to return it for a size 6:smile:
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    I have a couple! LOL
    1. A towel fitting around me without gaping
    2. My wedding ring falling off and my watch needing to have a link taken out of it.
    3. My family on Christmas coulnd't not stop talking about how good I look!
    4. My favorite pair of Jeans no longer fitting AT ALL
    5. Doing 1 hour of exercise and barely breaking a sweat!
    6. I started wearing a 2XL shirt, and tight 18 jeans, now size 14 jeans, and my hubby bought me 2 sweatshirts I am going to have to take back that were XL that I need to exchange for a L. Yeah!
  • ashleyk_xox
    ashleyk_xox Posts: 158 Member
    Here are some things I have experienced differently since I have lost weight...
    When I hold up a pair of jeans or shirt and think "noway are these gonna fit" and then they do.
    Collar bones? never knew what they were til I lost weight.
    The stalls in the public restrooms seem much bigger...I can actually move in them haha! Horrible i know-but its true
    Not being totally out of breath after the first flight of stairs
    Being able to wear a belt in womens size rather than mans
    I actually have a boyfriend who is bigger than me now and can pick me up!
    My legs arent broken out in rashes all the time from where they rub together constantly-I can actually wear a skirt now!
    I freaked out the first time I could sit on the ground and wrap my arms around my legs!
  • nikicrin
    nikicrin Posts: 40 Member
    gone down a shoe size... very strange!