

  • 2 teaspoons of epsone salts in an 8oz glass of water. It's a colon/liver cleanse. Takes 20-60 minutes to kick in. You may need to do 2 glasses, drink plenty of fluids and do not go over that amount as it can cause some issues (read up online first, read the risks and make sure you don't fall into any high risk areas). I…
  • Yeah my fat intake is rather poor. I live with roommates so I do my own food and usually have limited or no kitchen use so I make food in advance and in larger portions. I figured the protein bar would have fixed the issue but I guess not (it adds my needed fiber and means I never need to get down a shake again, bleh). But…
  • I get the comments as well. I've been kind of lax lately though and need tog et back on track. your outlook is good though and your comments about your friend show that you appreciate people for who they are, a lot of people aren't like that. PS: love your username :-p
  • Hey guys, it's been a while. I kind of lost the topic and I skipped a crap load of days but I started back today and was at level 2 day 1. It was just awesome. Lots of moves I wasn't sure on by reading about them now make sense and they work where I need it. I think in the grand scheme of things I won't do any more past…
  • The site really is good for support. Feel free to add me.
  • You need to "shock" your body. Do something out of the norm, workout a lot more, do a different workout entirely and change what you eat, oddly enough if I have a bad food day and then get right back on track, I lose a solid pound. You can't over do it of course but it's the little "odd" things that kick your system into a…
  • My weight jumps around a bit, depends on what I eat ect. ect. ect. Your eating your full 1200 + half of your exercise so you're doing fine, give it a week and it should work itself out. BTW tonight's dinner sounds sooooo good ^_^
  • I'd have to pick George Clooney. He defines what Hollywood should be, he always looks great, aged well and doesn't cover the grey. He seems very down to Earth ect. ect.
  • Glad it's on the way. I noticed a few different running aps but the reviews seemed vague and then I couldnt decide which to use ect.
  • I keep getting "oh you lost weight... on purpose?" Do i look ill or something? I'm floating around 185 at 5'8". Most of it is my legs and belly (legs are thick/muscle) while I just have a flabby stomach but I always wonder why people word it in such a way :/ I think I look healthy
  • It went much better on Day 5. Not as much sweating, not as much of a struggle but somewhere in there is a leg muscle I don't work in my runs because now I get a slight crap during my runs (mainly uphill sections). I really just need to focus on what I eat and I need to really up my water.
  • Sorry for not actually posting in the topic. I'm running it all in a blog so the topic itself slipped my mind. I'm about to do day 4 (wow, time is flying) but I really feel it in my pecs, which is a problem area for me anyway. I had a bad eating / lazy day today and this topic along with another helped push me towards my…
  • I just did a crazy fast food binge feast so I feel your pain. Although I had buyers remorse as I was shoving the fries in my mouth so I'm just going to do my run, which I wasn't going to do. I figure it'll burn most of it off, but I still feel bleh after eating it also.
  • Are you losing weight or no? It's ideal to be around your limit pre-workout and if you're aiming to lose weight, you might want to work out some, it really helps out.
  • I think that all factors into how you set your work activity when setting your profile up. I know I have days where I do more work than others but I keep it set at mild work and I don't factor in the extra work, I figure it fills in with general errors in the food / workout measurements anyway.
  • Congrats! I keep wanting to do a marathon but I want one of my co-workers or friends to join me but they always fall on my days to work anyway, plus no one ever wants to do them.
  • I try to stop eating by 9. Right now I'm finishing off my iced starbucks coffee but that's not a normal item. I know when I crave something, be it food or calling someone I shouldn't. I just go watch a movie or try and go to sleep. That way I can focus on that instead of thinking of a snack or person or whatever.
  • I try to eat at least my min 1500 but I rarely make that and my workouts give me almost double the cals to eat, not even possible for me to eat. But I know that the bad days where I actually go over 1500 are okay because the other days are so low.
  • I really recommend just browsing the forums, I notice the new topics on the right of my screen whenever I load up my page and click any that catch my eye. Everyone I've talked to on here seems very friendly. Maybe toss yourself into one of the workout groups. 30 day shred or the like. I'm sure some start soon or you can…
  • My breakfast is the most amount of food usually. And most nights I aim for a salad and some sort of meat.
  • I just did the workout and I was interrupted a few times so it wasn't a steady 20 minute timeframe or however long it was. But my god, it felt like my butt got handed to me and this is from someone who jogs a lot each day and does 300 crunches (which I'm unsure if I'll do tonight as I'm beat, I blame the heat). Hoping…
  • I had 3 slices of pizza last weekend at work. Pizza Hut, thin crust w/ pinapple. The thing crust made it easier and I ddin't eat the edges. the pineapple is always yummy and while I felt bad, I just did a little extra working out right after and I actually went down in weight after that so i know it didnt really affect me…
  • I just got my hands on this last night. I attempted it today but I guess I over worked my body yesterday because the warm-up didn't go so well (I did 7 hours of labor in someones yard, I think every muscle hurts right now). But yeah, count me in.
  • I really do look amazing. Congrats!
  • What does fiber do for you exactly? my co-worker was harping I dont get enough. Glancing at my journal i get about 5-8g of fiber a day. If anyone could glance and maybe recommend something, maybe as a snack that'll up my fiber would eb awesome. I am avoiding sugar (for the most part) and my carbs are on the low side
  • salads, fish or even chicken are all good for you. Just avoid burgers and heavy carb items. You'd be surprised by healthy choices at most places.
  • I get stressed easily and the past few weeks I've been working out instead of pigging out. Throw that anger and/or frustration into a workout, it'll make you feel better and if you crave a snack, you just burnt off enough for one.
  • I must admit I went through a few weeks of your food diary and wow, I wasn't expecting that kind of eating. You really need to cut the sugar down, avoid all non-diet soda (this also bloats you, thus hiding your abs). The breads are also bad. You should also up your protein. Another big thing is you need to do more…
  • It's typical to plateau around the 6 week mark. Switch up what you do at the job, a drastic change like that will shift your body and make you lose some more weight.
  • I have days where I fall off. last week was a bad one because I was away on what I was calling a vacaton while my "friend" was calling it something else, which in all seriousness it was, but I had ice cream, onion rings, and never once worked out. I paid the price with a few pounds being added on but I'm down a pound from…