I want abs!!

And i have them but they're covered under a thin layer of fat. How do i get rid of it? What are some belly fat blasting foods and exercises? Any advice is welcome. Thanks in advance.


  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    stay away from the bad carbs!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Cardio workouts. Get Crackin'!
  • p8ntballa00
    Bad carbs like what? And i do tons of cardio? Any suggestions for cardio exercises? And foods to avoid?
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    You do tons of cardio. Do you also lift heavy weights? Several times/week?
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member
    stay away from white pasta, white bread, white flour, sugar.

    replace with brown rice, whole wheat/grain pasta, wheat/whole grain breads, sugar sub like stevia.

    eat lean proteins: fish, lean cuts of red meat, chicken and seafood

    30-45 mins of cardio 5 days a week your heartrate must peak and stay up there

    need to strength train to build muscle, more muscle burns more fat.

  • saligator
    saligator Posts: 96 Member
    i've heard that doing the plank everyday, cutting out bread, pasta and alcohol work.....dunno how sustainable that would be for u tho!
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Cardio= running, elliptical, swimming(fast). BTW Kaitlinj you should do before afters for all to see you're looking great!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Cardio= running, elliptical, swimming(fast). BTW Kaitlinj you should do before afters for all to see you're looking great!

    Aww. Thanks!

    To the OP, I think a bit more details might be helpful to give more specific tips. Seeing abs is a matter of the same principles used in general to lose body fat while retaining muscle. You also want to keep the bloating/water retention down. But info like how many calories you are eating, how much protein, what types? How much cardio are you doing? Maybe making your diary public would help.

    The reason I mention weights (and not just ab exercises) is that it is important to lift weights so you gain retain the muscle you have while you are losing the last bits of fat. Otherwise, some of the weight you lose could end up being your lean tissue, which might mean that your body fat percentage still remains close to the same. The result is that you are lighter, but your abs are no more apparent.

    I am, of course, not at all an expert in this matter. I'm still working on finding mine.
  • justkeeprunning
    i agree with staying away from carbs, you might even want to consider atkins, it works really well for helping burn stomach fat fast!
    the most effect ab excersizes for me have been plank and cross country running. plank is alot easier if you listen to music, i usually hold the position for three minutes when i work out.
    good luck :wink:
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    You do tons of cardio. Do you also lift heavy weights? Several times/week?

    "kaitlinj" - Here is someone who has done the work required. You can not target a specific area for fat reduction you must do your cardio work. Don't ask what cardio, just do it and keep doing it, you will see results when you are far enough along to know that you need to do more.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    You might want to check out the Belly Fat Cure. its really about limiting bad carbs and focusing on cutting out sugars. I have heard it works great for showing off those hard earned ab muscles but I don't know first hand. all the info is available on the website. you don't have to buy anything.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    You do tons of cardio. Do you also lift heavy weights? Several times/week?

    "kaitlinj" - Here is someone who has done the work required. You can not target a specific area for fat reduction you must do your cardio work. Don't ask what cardio, just do it and keep doing it, you will see results when you are far enough along to know that you need to do more.

    Thanks. I didn't quite phrase my comment right. I wasn't so much advocating endless hours of cardio as much as saying to the OP "You say you do tons of cardio but how about strength training too?"

    I actually think I probably do a lot less cardio than many other people I see. Mostly because I just don't usually like to do a whole ton of it (it just isn't my favorite form of exercise). I have had good luck with doing about 30-45 minutes of pretty intense cardio 5x/week and doing heavy weight training for about 30 minutes 3x/week. I try to eat clean at least (80% of the time) with very little processed food, good quality protein, low sugar, lots of vegetables, beans and whole grains. My macronutrient ratios are about 40/30/30. This is what has been working pretty well for me.

    I also recommend the e-book Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto. He has a great blog too full of good info: http://www.burnthefatblog.com
  • p8ntballa00
    As for strength training, almost none. I do 50 crunches every night. But i do cardio every day. As for the abs ive noticed im definitely more toned than usual but i still cant find my abs just yet.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    As for strength training, almost none. I do 50 crunches every night. But i do cardio every day. As for the abs ive noticed im definitely more toned than usual but i still cant find my abs just yet.

    In my opinion (just based off of personal experience and what I've heard from others whose six packs I envy), I think you could benefit from adding a good dose of strength training to your routine. Not just abdominal exercise, but moves to target your large muscle groups. You want to make sure that the weight you are losing is fat and not muscle. Challenging all of your muscles will help in that regard.

    I don't know what sorts of equipment or facilities you have access too. I use a set of dumbbells with adjustable weight at home and I have been following the Body for Life weight workouts (http://bodyforlife.com/library/exercise/weight-training). I have also done a significant amount of bodyweight exercise as well (pushups, pullups, single-leg squats, etc.). Bodyweight exercises can be made really challenging, if you don't have access to heavy weights at the moment.

    The other thing is diet. You don't say how much you are eating or what types of food. Staying within your calories recommendations is one thing, but (except for the rare, genetically-gifted exception), I don't think a lot of people with six pack abs are eating pizza, burgers, and Coke on a regular basis (I'm not saying this is what you're doing, but your diary is hidden, so I don't know). You should try to get your calories from high quality, nutrient-dense foods like lean meat (chicken breast, salmon, tuna, lean steak, egg whites, etc.), whole grains (oats, brown rice, etc.), beans and vegetables and some good fats (nuts, avocados, olive oil, flax....).

    Like I said, I'm no expert, I'm just repeating the information that I have garnered from researching how fitness models and bodybuilders get their muscle definition. I figure, if you want a body like a fitness model, you need to do what a fitness model does and that is basically: intense cardio, weight training and clean eating.
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    I run and do pilates and I'm starting to see abs. Pilates is great for your core. My husband has been amazed and now he's doing my pilates DVD too. Although I'm thinking the mommy pooch might never be completely gone unless we win the lotto and I can do surgery; but I guess you won't ever have to worry abou that!
  • p8ntballa00
    I made my diary public so we can nit pick all the bad things. Also, i see part of the top two of my abs but i want the six pack. Not just a pair. Thanks to all those who are helping me with this.
  • wolverinefactor
    I must admit I went through a few weeks of your food diary and wow, I wasn't expecting that kind of eating. You really need to cut the sugar down, avoid all non-diet soda (this also bloats you, thus hiding your abs). The breads are also bad. You should also up your protein.

    Another big thing is you need to do more crunches, maybe some regular sit-ups. I use to have a pre-set line up of what I would do workout wise and now I just do what I want, when I want ect. ect. You should really feel a burn after doing your workout, that way you know you're actually making progress and you shouldn't do it day to day, take breaks ect.

    Also, try and eat 3 full meals, cramming that many calories into 2 meals isn't good but I understand with the job that it's hard (I work in a hospital, you guys can run your *kitten* off with little down time for food).

    Despite all of that I'm in the same boat as you. I can see definition in my upper abs but not my lower and I believe my problem lies in me using a balance ball for my crunches, so only my upper abs are getting the workout. So I once I start doing regular situps it'll all even out.

    I also recommend the crystal light packets (the green tea w/ raspberry is good) and toss them into a bottle of water. It's sugar free, low cal and taste good. Only prob is it's 2 servings in one packet.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Yes you need to loose the fat covering you'r abs, but it sounds like you also need to build them up a bit. The bigger the muscle is the easier it is to get that defined look you want.

    Crunches tone the top of your ab muscles, which is probably why you can see some definition on your top 2. You'll benefit form a more rounded ab routine along with some additional weight training. Leg lifts, scissors, bicycles, and a lot more. There's 11-12 exercises that are a part of P90X, and you do 340 total reps. 50 crunches seems a bit low. Also you probably don't want to do them every day. Just like building any other muscle you need to rest it. Every other day or so is fine.
  • andipandi
    andipandi Posts: 91 Member
    running dude. tons and tons of running...lol!!! i run 7km every freaking day. i hate it but i love love love my body. it's the most complete exercise you can do. it works your core, lower body and upper (sprints) just make sure you HIIT train!!! i run sprints and 4mins fast and 3 mins slow on an incline. working at a 60% average burns fat most efficiently. an empty tummy also burns stores so run on empty. also caffeine gets the heart beating so coffee 1/2hr before........RUN !!!!!!!
  • andipandi
    andipandi Posts: 91 Member
    BTW...belly fat is just fat. you can't target it. it's where YOUR body likes to store.