Working = Exercising?

asyluma Posts: 65 Member
I work in a gas station and there's a good part of my day that consists of stocking the cooler/cigarettes which involves a lot of sqatting and arm movements, and walking around the store doing various things. I know that some consider being on your feet as a form of very mild exercise. Would it be worth trying to put that in somehow under my daily exercise? I know there have been several times after say stocking drinks, I can feel the cramp of working out my arm muscles because I was just pulling from the box and lifting up to the shelf. The same motion over and over, granted it's very small reps, does get my heart pumping. Does it count? How do I accout for it?


  • MsPatricia
    MsPatricia Posts: 26 Member
    I see how it may seem like it could be considered 'exercise', but i wouldn't depend on it as your classification for working out that day - its just part of your occupation. Now, if you're constantly doing that in an 8 hr period - then the story changes; you're constantly burning. to my understanding (from my readings) that you're feeling that muscle pain because its a muscle that isn't used frequent enough...essentially it is NOT strong enough to avoid the 'pain'

    If you walk for 30 minutes everyday, you'll get more of a work out ...

    hope this helps...
  • wolverinefactor
    I think that all factors into how you set your work activity when setting your profile up. I know I have days where I do more work than others but I keep it set at mild work and I don't factor in the extra work, I figure it fills in with general errors in the food / workout measurements anyway.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Maybe this type of work would burn the same number of cals as housekeeping....I would definitely count it as something...your heart rate is up and you are burning cals! Keep up the good work!:flowerforyou:
  • kmulhollen
    kmulhollen Posts: 54
    I def think the kind of work you have will affect the calories you burn during a day. A busy waitress has got to burn more than a customer service phone rep sitting in a cubicle all day. You might want to invest in a heart rate monitor so that you can find out exactly how many calories you are burning on the job. It's probably not possible to come up with a guess except there is an exercise option from the menu for "cleaning" which surprisingly burns a lot more calories than I thought!

    Good luck