beachgirl613 Member


  • Add me too! I stumbled upon Paleo/primal after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease last year. I haven't been perfect but I'm getting better and still learning. I'm pretty stubborn and will fall back on my old ways even though I know I'll feel like crap the next few days.
  • I'm NoVA. Feel free to add me!
  • I'm in awe of you just being able to put all that on paper. It is so brave. Every little step is a step closer to your goal. Friend request sent.
  • I spent my weekend shopping with my daughter who will be a senior this year (yikes!) only to find that when I got home on Saturday night my fitbit battery had died on Friday. Oh well. I estimated how much I walked that day. I wish I had unlimited vacation time to take her on college tours, but my parents are doing that for…
  • Wow I can't believe it's Monday already! Had a super busy weekend shopping with my daughter as she was in town for the weekend and wouldn't you know it my fitbit battery was dead so I don't know how many steps/miles I walked on Saturday.
  • I'd also probably burn the fat clothes my mom gave me. My mom and I also have had a rocky relationship and are getting along better now. With that being said, I know that if she had lost a ton of weight and gave me her fat clothes, I would have felt it was like her taunting me like "ha ha, I'm skinnier than you. There's no…
  • My husband doesn't even try to pick out clothes for me especially since I think I have about 3 different sizes in the closet.
  • Doing a quick check in. Yesterday was an insane day at work, got here at 7 and left at 6. Had a working lunch - I have made it a point to pack my food for the day so I'm not tempted to go downstairs to the deli. Today has been another busy day. Hopefully it'll slow down.
  • I've finally gained the courage to join this group. I never considered myself morbidly obese until I went to the doctor a year ago and when a got a copy of the diagnosis, one of the things listed was morbidly obese. I was horrified and depressed. Growing up I was fairly active, but I always thought I was overweight mainly…
  • Happy Monday! (not really). Just checking in. Got no sleep on Friday night so spend most of Saturday doing absolutely nothing. Yesterday got out did the shopping for the week and general household work. Got a workout yesterday scrubbing the shower so I guess that's better than nothing.
  • Afternoon everyone! I'm back for good this time! Its been a tough few months and I'm happy I just maintained but I'm totally motivated now.
  • I'm in the DC area too! I'm in Gainesville but work in Annandale. Feel free to add me.
  • Hi. Feel free to add me. My goal is to lose 120-130 pounds. I'm getting back in and I'm determined this time.
  • I have 120 or so to lose so feel free to add me!
  • I'm 45. Feel free to add me!
  • Thursday Truth Between work and physical therapy I haven't eating as well as I should have. I had a late session yesterday and wound up eating McDonalds which I haven't eaten in quite a while. After eating, I felt really disgusted with myself. I'm back on track today. My knee is so much better that I actually ran up the…
  • My Wednesday wish is that I had more willpower when it comes to food. I know what I should eat and I love vegetables, but my cravings for carbs overcomes that. I'm slowly learning to stop eating when I'm not hungry anymore. I used to eat until I was full, but now it's gotten to not being hungry. I need to start packing my…
  • Happy Monday everyone! Was off the radar over the weekend trying to catch up on other stuff. I meant to workout over the weekend, but I'm feeling a cold coming on and I was just too tired.
  • Morning all! I fell off the radar for a few days there. Had a super busy weekend and then got busy at work now that the government is open again. Physical therapy is good though they upped the weight/resistance and today I'm really sore.
  • Happy Friday! My physical therapist put me through a tough workout yesterday. I'm beginning to regret scheduling them for the morning as I was so sore yesterday. Today is going to be a busy one. I've got to do a resubmission on something that we lost almost a year ago but have since been told we were in the competitive…
  • Happy Tuesday everyone! Sometimes I really hate having a weekday off since I get really lazy. With that being said, I had my first full physical therapy session where they really worked my leg muscles and I can definitely feel it. I felt energized the entire day and got to the grocery to stock up on veggies and fruit for…
  • Yesterday was a bust for me in the exercise department. I had absolutely no motivation since it was pouring out. I did manage to scrub the bathroom so at least my arms got a good workout. Today it's still raining and I'll be in front of my computer all day doing some consulting work that came in and probably do a grocery…
  • Good morning. Yesterday was not a good day. It was a super long day at work and I didn't leave the office until almost 8 and being super tired, stopped for a burger on the way home and ate half since I couldn't eat and watch Glee at the same time. Today is a better day, though I wish the rain would stop. It's making me…
  • I had a great session this morning with the physical therapist. I'm cleared to exercise and she even had me on the bike this morning. She also taped my knee for even more support. It feels so much better now.
  • @skinnyjeanzbo - I have nothing holding my right patella in place so I'm going to physical therapy to build the muscle around it. I can walk fine though it hurts going up the stairs and it doesn't help that my house is 4 floors. I've got a great knee brace that I don't have any problems walking on it normally, I just want…
  • Good morning everyone! Great start to the week. I just scheduled my first physical therapy appointment for my knee and I've packed lunches for the entire week ahead of time so I haven't been tempted to eat out. I'm hoping that they tell me that I can at least walk on the treadmill with my knee brace and don't have to wait.
  • I'm back after a long hiatus. Work has been super busy and then I got sick - retina hemorrhage which led to blood work for lupus and other auto-immune stuff. Everything came back negative but I'm not on mega vitamin D and an anti-inflammatory. Since then I've been doing much better with my eating and not eating everything…
  • Amy - thanks for asking. I did pretty well with my goals this week. Ate lots of fruit since I needed to use up the strawberries I bought. I did eat out quite a bit this past weekend as I wound up having to work but I did pretty well considering. This week I'm packing my lunch/snacks the night before so all I'll have to do…
  • I'm going to stay within my calorie goals, drink more water, eat more fruit and veggies and to pack my lunch and breakfast every day so I don't get tempted to go out.
  • Hi everyone! I just turned 45 and it seems that once I hit that 40 mark, it was so much harder to lose weight and it seems like every time I ate a slice of bread I gained a pound. Who are you? I'm Katharine and I got married a year ago after being a single mom for 10 years. I have a daughter who is 16 and very athletic and…