Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    Good Morning & Happy Pre-Friday!

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Monday~Gym, arc trainer or elliptical DONE! (elliptical at home)
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Ghouls Night Out (at winery, we get to make our own bottles--EXCITED!!!)
    Saturday~Running drills at gym or outside

    kah68 you make me smile. sometimes i come to the thread just to see your posts. and gorilla cus he makes me laugh too! love core work and your right we don't do enough. i worked with a trainer about 2 years ago and he really pushed me on core. truly need to do some of that!

    gorilla - definite congrats on the squats. i keep telling my husband i'm ready to start doing, but we haven't.

    now i have to get busy, these threads can really keep me from my work. have a beautiful day everyone!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning.
    Thursday truth: I had very mixed emotions when I saw that DS had taken the last piece of coconut cream pie to work for his lunch today. On the one hand, I know that he did me a huge favor. But I was really looking forward to eating it myself, and was planning how I was going to make it fit into my food plan today. I know he will enjoy it, and I don't have to worry about it.
    JT so sorry you have been so sick.
    Robin- hope you are feeling much better.
    To all of you who are working out and lifting--I am in awe. I just keep walking.
    Have a great day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    I guess that my Thursday Truth is that I have started to let life get in the way of my new lifestyle!!! I have been super busy and SO tired... food logging has either been very late at night or the next day so accuracy is sure to suffer. Exercise has been low mostly because my knee got slightly twisted and I am trying to baby it so I can do a local 5K on Sat. I have been over on calories but not bad but just not hitting my goal because I am not logging as I go..... so, as of today, I am kicking complacency to the curb and getting back to doing what WORKS!!! I will also try to keep up on here better too as well as be more of an encouragement to the friends on my page.... I am a REALLY lousy friend!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Second Thursday truth: I had not recorded measurements since Mar. 28. Since then I have lost 4" from my waist and 4" from my hips.
    Hooray! Kaye
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    Second Thursday truth: I had not recorded measurements since Mar. 28. Since then I have lost 4" from my waist and 4" from my hips.
    Hooray! Kaye

    AWESOME TRUTH KAYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAY TO GO!! i'm paying bills then i'm off to do measurements too
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Gorilla- 300lbs on squats that is impressive, Congrats on the PB and for reaching that long awaited goal.:bigsmile: :drinker:

    Pie- I also have trouble keeping up from time to time but as someone mentioned it has been worst. Just do the best you can there are no requirements for posting personal responses. Sometimes I don't post personals because everything I wanted to say has been said very well by the people before me.

    Marsha- Good luck with your 5K

    Kaye- Congrats on the 4 in loss, that is FANTASTIC!!!

    Charlotte- So happy that the grands will be with you this weekend.

    Karen- It is so hard to let go of our classes especially when you have student teacher. Just remember you have taught them the important things about teaching and now you need to let them fly with that knowledge. You can always add your $.02 during the class co-teaching model or in notes afterwards. We also have mice in our building, they make a huge mess.

    Queen- You can always bring Nutri-grain or granola bars or other healthy food for breakfast. That is terrible that they did not provide any healthy food for breakfast.

    Kelley- What type of ice pack are you using if you go no barrier? The problem with using ice packs with no barrier is that they are colder than ice and will burn your skin if it makes direct contact.

    Today was a total rest day as I was exhausted by the time I left work. It was a late night at work just trying to get things ready for next week. Luckily, I have tomorrow off so I get to rest before I do errands. I just hope that TOM doesn't make an appearance until the tri is finished.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Bump - Running out to meet some folks for dinner and early birthday celebration. Woo Hoo!!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Thursday truth - like I said, I'm stuck on a plateau .. mostly of my own making I think. Working really hard to stay away from old habits.

    A coworker confided in me this week that she has an eating disorder. I told her that I already knew, and she was startled. I told her that I figured that people who had issues with food must be able to see it in other people, because I had problems myself. Turns out, she's a binge/emotional eater too. Plus, we're both having issues with some folk at work (like my boss), so we are working on being our own little support system. I've tried to encourage her to use MFP too.

    Doing a HUGE amount of cleaning/decluttering to make room for the daughter. 4 adults (plus the business) in one house, with one outside income. Just a bit of a challenge!
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Thursday truth - I've slipped the last 2 days. We've had patients buying the staff cookies and candies so its all over the nursing station. Usually I'm pretty good about bypassing the treats but the last 2 days I've been weak. Hopefully by talking about it and fessing up, it'll help me strengthen my will power so I can stay away from them. Its not like I dont' have stuff to eat. I made a really great salad for my supper and through in some no added sugar jello and yogurt plus a fibre 1 bar. Usually this is enough to satisfy that darn sweet tooth but I guess because I've been a little low its gotten to me. So, now, I've talked about it, enough is enough. No more cookies!
    Thanks all for being so supportive this week and helping me get through this holiday blues thing I've been struggling with. You really are the best group on MFP. For all the newbies, I hope you realize what this group can offer you and stick with us. Even the toughest of us need help sometimes and this group will be there for you as they have been for me many times before.
    Have a great week all. Charlotte
  • winterskykim
    winterskykim Posts: 30 Member
    Hi my name is Kim, I would love to join here.. I hate to say I wish I didn't fit in this category but I do, I pray for the day I will no longer have trouble getting up and down stairs, when I can feel strong enough to run again, thin enough to feel good about the person I see in those pics.. struggling really hard right now.. oh and by the way..... I get up once or twice to go to the u have to turn the fitbit off of sleep each time you get up or just let it think you are sleep walking?? lol Kim
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I know I need to just let my student teacher take over. Fortunately, he's really great. A former MP in the Air Force (he used to guard Air Force One!), so he has no problem taking command of the classroom. All I have to worry about is making sure he's meeting our curriculum objectives with the students. So far, so good. :smile:

    @kaye--congrats on the inches lost!!

    @kelley--hope the pain goes away quickly!! Core work is the best and the worst! :tongue:

    @gorilla--300 lbs!! Nice job, sugarplum! :wink:

    Thursday Truth:
    I'm too exhausted to finish personals tonight. :yawn:
  • DonnaJones7
    DonnaJones7 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm looking for some friends who have 100 lbs or more to lose. I am just returning to mfp and am committed to sticking with a healthier lifestyle which includes eating less and exercising more.

    Thanks for including me. :)

  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Happy Thursday!
    Oh, that bit I was muttering yesterday, was Dr.Seuss. I read to the kids a lot and they like "one Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish". It kinda gets stuck in your head. lol!
    Confession: We're having the roll out of our feature menu this week at work. And they have been letting us try all the food, so we know what we're serving. I have tried lots of fabulous things this week. But they weren't exactly planned. I have been doing a ton of exercise to make up for it. :) On a positive note. I relost that gain I had last week... woo hoo! I think I'll try to keep it off this time!!
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    Had dinner with my father last night and all went well. Actually wore 5" heels all night - OK so it was only for the actual dinner 4.5 hours but it did seem long at the end. Wore my sneakers to drive there and back. First time in a long time dressing up for a formal dinner. Was fun. Was over on the calories for the day but dinner with father only happens once or twice an year and seeing as he is 88 yrs old do not know how many dinners we have left. Each one is special.

    On the down side did not get my walk in yesterday but did do it on Wednesday evening instead of morning. Easier in the morning for me for sure. In place I just parked much further from work and walked the big hill to work and did the stairs and not the elevator while I was at work. Something better than nothing. It is now 5 am. Need to hitch up the trailer in the dark and take it in for winterizing. Also need to put winter tires in the van so they can get put on while the van gets its oil change. Errands errands errands. Have list made and in the smart phone. No walks this morning but it is penciled in for when I get home this afternoon.

    Wishing all a good Friday.
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Happy Friday!

    My physical therapist put me through a tough workout yesterday. I'm beginning to regret scheduling them for the morning as I was so sore yesterday.

    Today is going to be a busy one. I've got to do a resubmission on something that we lost almost a year ago but have since been told we were in the competitive range. Then tonight I'm taking my daughter and her BFF shopping for homecoming dresses.

    have a great one!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Friday!!! Okay I am kind of bummed....I know do to work meetings and having to eat what others eat my food choices haven't been all that great. Eventhough I have 32,000 steps this week not a single pound lost not even half a pound. I am a little discouraged but I will keep on truckn.

    Well it is suppose to be highs of 40 this weekend think I need to find a place to walk inside being I can't afford a gym right now. I think I may go walk the skyways being they are usually open on Saturday for sure. Malls get to busy and crowd makes it hard to walk them.
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    sorry didn't mean to scream, just making sure awake :glasses:


    well i have done jillians 30ds all week in the gym for weights and cardio in the evening. i have had to dig deep and push forth because i wanted to not get out of bed, or i wanted to quit before the time was up on the arc or the elliptical, but i pushed through. i've had good mindset all week and thats half the battle. you can't want this for your husband, your parents, your partner, the people on mfp, you have to want it and not doing it hurts no one but you. dig deep give it all you've got, even if its 20 minutes you will feel better after wards.

    that being said - i had lost 3.5 lbs this week on tuesday weigh in, thursday is measurements and i'm down 8.5 overall. it's working, it's a slow process. somedays i had to much sodium, somedays i didn't push as hard, but i did it. i tracked everything, i counted everything, i recorded everything. go me, yay me, and i will continue. :drinker:

    blessings to all of you for continued success and progress. alot of you are an inspiration to me, it's amazing what words can do. have a beautiful day and keep stepping :bigsmile:

    OHHHH AND THE WORST PART - someone brought maple donuts to work... not cool just not cool:noway:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Newbie here..... not to MFP, but to this thread.

    Been around consistently for the last 4 months (even though I joined in 2011) and have lost 51 lbs so far. Long, long way to go, but making steady progress. Nice to find a group of people whose goals are similar to mine. It's kinda hard to relate to the "I need to lose 10 lbs" crowd when you have 15 times that much to lose.

    Looking forward to keeping up with this thread!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning & TGIF!!!

    @Kaye~Awesome inches lost!

    @Laurie~When I go no barrier I don’t use ice packs, I use regular ice that I put in a Ziploc bag – I guess I should have stressed that since ice packs are so much colder.

    @Vicki~I’m glad you found a support system at work, together you can survive the struggles you are both faced with.

    @p1xyn1xy~I had all of the Dr. Seuss books when I was a kid – loved them, I passed those down to my sister when she had her boys.

    @Kooky~Glad you enjoyed dinner with your father, those special nights are important and I’m sure he really appreciates the time he spends with you.

    @Holly~I’m sorry the scale is being stubborn. I peeked at your diary, looks like your sodium was pretty high – that can have a huge effect on weight loss. Also, it looks like you are using MFP suggestions for your macros for carbs/fat/protein – MFP sets carbs really high at 55%, try cutting that back to 40% and upping your protein to around 30%. Having a diet that is really high in carbs can stall weight loss – I know it really affects me. To lose weight we just need more protein, especially if you are exercising.

    @sjacobs~Step away from the donuts! :tongue:

    AFM~I foam rolled the heck out of my shoulder/back last night. It feels better; however, today I am painfully aware that I have abs! :laugh: I had yesterday marked as a rest day, but it was still light out when I got home so went for a quick walk/jog around the neighborhood. I should have timed it a little better though because it was dark when I got home & I didn't have front porch light on. :ohwell: Tonight is Ghouls Night Out at a winery about 30-minutes from me, going with a friend from work – we get to design our own wine bottles, should be lots of fun! It’s a wine tasting with snacks, etc. so I’m sure I’ll have more than my share, a high energy workout will be on the agenda for tomorrow (hopefully I won’t be too hungover)! :wink:

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Monday~Gym, arc trainer or elliptical DONE! (elliptical at home)
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day DONE! (quick walk/jog around neighborhood instead)
    Friday~Ghouls Night Out (at winery, we get to make our own bottles--EXCITED!!!)
    Saturday~Running drills at gym or outside

    Have a super day!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kinnurse - you are absolutely correct in your resolve to swear off 100% of the cookies and snacks at work - its the only way to avoid the poundage. Unless you are a math wizard and can calculate at work what a cookie is worth and put your yoghurt and Fiber 1 bar back in your purse in exchange for JUST ONE COOKIE. But darn thats so hard, and so not worth it! So, I'm proud of you for your vow!

    Winterskykim - welcome - you've found a great group to support you toward your goals. Post often its the best way to get the support you need.

    skinny - so glad you've reached the point where your student teacher can take over - if you can let go!

    DonnaJones - welcome - this is a great place for friendship and support - post often and you'll soon have many friends!

    pixynixy - what kind of restaurant do you work at - I'm curious about all the food you tasted! And a big WOOT for losing your weight! THat's quite an accomplishment - good for you! :bigsmile:

    Kooky - well your night out with your dad sounds really special. So you didn't have trouble finding a dress or shoes? Thats super! Wish you had pictures to post!

    Beachgirl - it almost sounds like you're resubmitting a grant? What's up? Whatever it is, I hope it works out to your advantage.
    Hope your PT doesn't work you too hard today!

    MWQueen - that's right, keep on truckin'! That weight will drop off this week, that's a lot of steps, Holly, by golly! Keep it up!
    Hope you find a place to walk! And good luck with that part-time job.

    sjacobs - wow - you're blowing me away with all the exercise you're getting ! Usually when someone does the J 30d shred they do it alone and not with any other exercise going on, and they lose inches, but don't lose any weight. You're changing that dynamic !!!! Congratulations on your 3.5 lb loss. :love:

    Lives2Travel - welcome! Congrats on your great weight loss so far - you'll enjoy this group we're very supportive. The thread moves fast, so stop in daily!

    Today I am feeling much better and am going to see my step-mom and celebrate her 93-rd birthday with her. I am taking her an orchid plant. She loves flowers and has had orchid corsages but never a plant, so she should enjoy this. I found one with lots of blooms but also some buds still left un-opened so she can enjoy that part. I am also going to visit with my old boyfriend for a few hours since I'll be in his town. I expect we'll kill the time by playing PS2 games. :laugh: