Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Glad to be home from my work trip, but boy is my life going to change. I've spent the last 3 years on a special project where I was basically doing the whole thing alone. I had total control of when things were scheduled. Now I have not one but two bosses (working on 2 projects for 2 different groups) and my calendar is already slammed with conference calls and installs that are scheduled by others.

    I'm going to drop my membership to the church where I was taking classes at 10:15 am 3-4 mornings a week because no way will I ever get there now. I will still walk early every morning, but I will have little to no flexibility during the work day and it would just be a waste of money to continue paying. I am going to look into an evening/weekend option for Pilates. It really has helped my flexibility and back issues and I hate to give it up.

    I'm very worried how this change is going to effect my weight loss. My job has always been stressful, but in the past I've felt completely capable of handling whatever situations arose. With both of these new roles, I'm starting from square one. I'll have the stress of not feeling competant on top of the stress that when an issues arises it's already at critical level since any ATM issue is critical to a bank's customers and therefore to the bank and to me who they call screaming. My blood pressure is rising as I think about this and I'm really worried I will turn to food when things get crazy.

    I need to buy some lottery tickets. They're my only hope of avoiding this mess.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Single Working Women’s Day
    August 4, Single Working Women’s Day, became official just a few years ago And today single women all over the world have their own day to celebrate the courage and creativity it takes to live – and thrive! – in a society still mostly geared for couples.
    Even though 51% of women in the U.S. are single – and the proportion continues to grow as the percentage of marriages declines both here and in countries all over the globe - couples generally still get the most benefits: lower taxes, cheaper prices, better seats in restaurants, etc. Though, thank goodness, things have been shifting in the eight years since SWWAN (Single Working Women’s Affiliate Network) was founded.
    The online magazine Psychology Today publishes a column called “Living Single” written by professor Bella dePaulo, herself an ever-single woman. She specializes in studying societal trends and conducting research related to the phenomena surrounding the state of being single. Good stuff.
    Single Working Women’s Week and Day gives you an official day and week in which to show your single women friends how much you appreciate them. Send a card, give a gift, buy a drink, write a blog post, or do something nice for her. And don’t forget yourself!

    “If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it’s moving you away from your goals.” ~Brian Tracy

  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Good morning! Just doing a quick check-in before heading off to work. Yesterday was a CRAZY day at work and hubby took me to Jason's Deli for dinner. I overate my calories by 500!! :noway:

    My plan is to take off a 100 calories a day and make up the 500, either by doing extra exercise or eating less. I did lose a 1/2 lb on my Sunday weigh-in, so that is something to celebrate!!

    I will check in later and catch up on posts! :flowerforyou:
  • Kelly1552013
    Kelly1552013 Posts: 18 Member
    Good morning, everyone. I'm new here and rather than trying to catch up I'm going to adopt Flylady's mantra and jump in where I am.

    Robin invited me to join when we met in another thread, so here I am. I will likely lurk this week to meet everyone and get the gist of what's going on and then chime in next week.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know each of you better and supporting and encouraging all of you in this crazy ride.


  • Nagyca
    Nagyca Posts: 7 Member

    This weekend was bad! I mean really bad. My sister came to stay with ur for a few days and me and my future hubby decided to go out. We went to dinner and had coctails. When I put them in my diary I had a reality check.

    Next day I was making home made icecream And couldn't stay away. With trembling legs I weight myself this morning. I didn't put on any additional weigh, but I didn't loose any eather. I guess the honemoon period is over :P

    BUT I'm back on track today. Dieting, exercising and feeling positive...sort of.

    I'm working now, but will check in later.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Morning everyone! Happy monday :smile:

    Weekend was okay, party on saturday and very very tired on sunday since I had to work :frown: but I was not hungover or anything, so it could've been way worse.

    Celebrated my steps goal and increased it for 1000 more.

    Anxious due to Uni but I just need a bit of time to read and catch up, then we will be fine.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I’m sorry I haven’t been as active on here on the weekends -- lately my weekends seem to be jam packed, so it’s hard to stop by.

    No time for personals this morning.

    August Goals:

    Calorie Goals (+/- 100): 3/30 days
    Macro Goals (+/- 1-2%): 3/30 days

    Exercise Goals:

    Wednesday~Walk or Run
    Saturday~Rest Day

    AFM~No weight loss this week (with 3 weeks of great losses, no surprise)—clothes are loose though so suspect inches lost. Saw my trainer yesterday, he’s changed up my weight program to concentrate more on power lifting—can’t do dead lifts yet (still restricted range of motion with thumb) but was able to do power squats with 135# clean (more than I thought I could do, trainer wanted me to work up to 225# :huh: but then he’s crazy ). He’s got me doing all kinds of weird running drills and sprints now—preparing for the 5k in November and then either a 10k or half in December. So, we are back in training mode! Feels good. :happy:

    I think I missed some talk about protein. I’ve been looking for the right kind of protein powder that doesn’t contain soy (I’m not supposed to eat a lot of it) and some other ingredients. I found Vega One—it’s a plant based protein, bought the berry to try and once you get past the green color its actually very good. Its dairy, soy, gluten and sugar free (each serving contains 3 cups of greens and 15g of protein along with a bunch of other “good for you stuff.”) There is another brand out there, Isopure, which is also dairy, soy, and sugar free—protein packs a wallop at 50g for the powder and 40g for a bottle of their low-carb drinks. Both of these are kind of pricey (IMO), although you can find it cheaper on Amazon, eBay and Vitacost—good options though if you are looking for something natural.
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    Monday Check-in: I am doing alright. I got into a little tiff with a co-worker this morning because I refused to allow her to project her negativity onto me. She said I was being naïve and that I should know better then to think anything in this office will ever change. I just said that I am well aware of the crazy that goes on in this office and I just refuse to allow it to dictate my life or my mood anymore. She did not care for that very much and she stormed off. I just laughed at it and went back to work.

    I am refocusing myself this week and will just try to keep perspective and manage my time wisely. Kickboxing this evening and then school work. Story of my life!!

    I had a smoothie this morning which was a lot more unhealthy than I thought. I was appalled when I logged it. Such is life, now I know not to do that again.

    Have a great day everyone

  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Nothing exciting, new or eventful to report.

    Teresa - I am mindful of how close I park to the stores ever since getting my Fitbit too. I enjoy getting in the extra steps.
    I hope I have the same restraint and not gain that much. Hopefully what I am doing is enough.

    Laurie - I don't think it would be wise to take time off from work with the baby coming. So the weekend will be better for me. I will shoot for Sunday then!

    Shannon, Kande, Cindy - Welcome!

    Robin - I have been doing fine with protein intake, getting in the doctor recommended amount but I still worry. My latest pregnancy craving - carrot cake. We were in the market yesterday and I picked up some. It was cut into 8 skinny pieces, I ate 3 yesterday over the course of the day. :blushing: Oh boy was it good but my stomach was paying for it this morning.

    Kah - I was using a whey protein, which I really loved. Unfortunately there is a warning on it to consult with your doctor if pregnant. It was one of the first questions I asked. She advised me to stay away from all protein powders while pregnant just because we don't know if all the ingredients are actually listed on the bottles. :cry: I loved putting the protein powder in smoothies. I also made waffles with it before and it was very good.
  • dacra
    dacra Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone! I just saw this thread and thought it would be perfect to start it now that it's the beginning of August and I just bought a Fitbit :) I have 75 pounds to lose total and would love to have more energy...I teach middle school math and need as much energy to keep up with my kids as possible :) My biggest issue is eating/food portion sizes...I'm pretty good at sticking to my exercise routines.

    Here are my August goals:
    Week 1- lose 8 lbs
    Week 2- lose 6 lbs
    Week 3- lose 4 lbs
    Week 4- lose 4 lbs

    Mondays- 15,000 steps
    Tuesdays- play basketball (30 mins)
    Wednesdays- 15,000 steps
    Thursdays- play basketball (30 mins)
    Fridays- 15,000 steps
    Saturdays- 15,000 steps
    Sundays- rest day (8,000 steps)
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Monday check in- Oh Wow got behind in the thread again. I had a pretty great weekend. My highlights were that I finally cut my ex out of my life for good by breaking down and changing my phone number he just wouldn't leave me alone. I sat down with a friend that I cut ties with earlier in transition we talked things out we learned we just got to be more open and not stuff things. We also realized that we were going through the same issues and we both isolated ourselves from the world. I talked her into a walk to the park little did I know it was 1.5 miles one way but we really enjoyed the walk and renewing our friendship of 14 yrs.

    Friends I need some help....I know it is only day 4 but due to my fitness level of walking (just around at work and home and a dog walk) I burn 800-1000 calories per day to eat the right amount I can't stay under my sodium goal. I am already frustrated.....I know I don't eat the best and right now I am just working on eat home more often and making small changes when I can with the food I have at home. Any suggestions.
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Wow I can't believe it's Monday already! Had a super busy weekend shopping with my daughter as she was in town for the weekend and wouldn't you know it my fitbit battery was dead so I don't know how many steps/miles I walked on Saturday.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Catching up from the weekend:

    Saturday Success: Well, I’m back and that’s a success. 5 days of logging. No exercise yet, but starting back tonight. Baby steps.

    Sunday Share: I know many of you, but definitely seeing a lot of new faces too. I’m Susan if you didn’t guess already by my username. I’m not very creative I’m afraid. I’m 45 and single mom to an awesome 12-year old son Cyrus. We moved 2 years ago from Atlanta to Las Vegas. Yes, a HUGE move, but something I felt I wanted to do for my career. This was taking a job with Caesars Entertainment, which wasn’t the right fit. Luckily, another door opened and I love my job as Director of Supply Chain & Quality Assurance for Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop. I work in the foodservice industry, which can be a challenge since I’m surrounded by food ALL the time. I had to quit making excuses though. I started MFP in August 2012 and found this thread immediately. I don’t follow any others. This one was it for me. I’ve been through a LOT of ups and down, but keep trying to plug away. Started at 325 down to my lowest of 275. Unfortunately, over the past year I keep losing and gaining the same 25 pounds. I know when I’m logging, exercising, following the thread, etc. . . life is better and I feel better. My job has really picked up over the past year with travel, new projects, new responsibilities, etc. . . and I’ve been really feeling it over the past 6 months. Hence, the reason I was MIA for the past month or so. My logging was over 700 days and I lost that, but it’s just a number. No big deal. I’m slowly coming back and it feels good to refocus again.

    Monday Check-In: Weekend was really good. Normally, this is my time to binge a little since food is so relatively available, but I didn’t one bit. I ate my meals, snacks and logged it all. Food was fine. No exercise this weekend, but I did sign Cyrus up for the gym so we’re going to start going together. It will be good for both of us that’s for sure.

    August goals – Logging is fine. Stayed within my calories was over 2 calories yesterday, but no big deal. No water yet, but I will. No exercise yet, but starting tonight. Protein OK. The weekend was a little low, but today I’m on track for 111 grams, which is good.

    @ Hansea – Congrats on the lost inches!!! Always a great feeling. I know you’re off on your vacation so I hope you’re having a wonderful time with family and friends.

    @ LittleShadow – It sounds like you’re having a great trip. Keep having fun!!

    @ Ohio4Me – I can totally relate to the traveling woes. I’ve gotten in the habit of requesting a room close to the fitness center/room. If I don’t have to walk all over a property to find it and to save me time, it has really helped me stay focused in the past. Good luck this week!

    @ Wagglesworth, DawnStep, Lelser60, Oshanzo, Sassynkp, Corick1, TennesseeGeek, Kenasam, Kelly1552013, Dacra– Welcome!! Check in daily if you can. This group is a GREAT support system!

    @ Tanya – Day 5 of logging for me. It’s good to get focused again. I can feel you on the bathroom breaks. I know how important water is for us, but hate the up and down that’s for sure. I’m always in awe of your protein too. I need to keep finding ways to get more in.

    @ GrammyWhammy – I was a bit sidetracked too, but it does feel good being back. Baby steps again. We did it before we can do it again. I had to chuckle because I did the same thing ALL weekend telling myself I don’t need this or that. I finally just went to bed early to read so I wasn’t tempted. We can do this!!

    @ eBailey – Congrats on the promotion!! I know how good it feels to finally be recognized after working so hard. Prayers to your grandma for a quick recovery. My grandmother died when I was 12 after a very lengthy battle with breast cancer. It’s been over 30 years, but I still miss her.

    @ Brenda_1129 – It’s so important to find the right balance and take it one day at a time. Just like you’re doing. Great lunch choice and not only did you eat right, but probably saved a little money too. Keep it up! Also, I did my Master’s online too. It’s not as easy as some people think and I actually thought it was harder, but I do know if I never do another group project I would be ecstatic. I hated them by that final quarter. Good luck!!

    @ RobinsEgg/Ellen – Thanks!! I knew you guys would be here even though I was MIA. I can’t tell you how many times I thought about this group and knew I needed to get back. Missed you guys!! Thanks about the posting advice and you’re probably right. I didn’t post Saturday/Sunday, but that’s OK. Long post today and probably just a check-in tomorrow.

    @ JNettie – I’m not really sure to be honest, but I think I was so self-conscious and so worried about gaining weight that I really watched what I ate. I didn’t eat junk food. I didn’t eat many sweets, but just loaded up on veggies and lots of chicken and fish. Now I’m not saying I ate 100% perfect, but definitely better than I had been eating. It’s ironic that I probably ate my best while pregnant. Plus, going 8 weeks early, probably was part of it too since I didn’t have those final 4-6 weeks when most women seem to gain quite a bit. You’re going to do great!!! For Cyrus’ room, we did Maurice Sendak’s “Where The Wild Things Are”. Cyrus’ father is an artist so he did a mural. It was pretty cool. I hope you can make it to NYC. It would great giving you a big hug!! Also, can you remind me again how to add users on FitBit? I can never figure it out.

    @ Teresa_3266 – Well, we don’t have a no complaining, but a purple pig bank for swearing. Our office is horrible. We’re a pretty relaxed office setting, but some folks push the button too far that’s for sure. Glad you had a good weekend!!

    @ GrandmaKaye – Thank you my friend for the welcoming arms!!

    @ Morgori/Tom – Protein heaven. Oh my!!! Yes, I loved some good pulled pork. Georgia is definitely known for its BBQ that’s for sure. It would be great getting together. We should look at our calendars and definitely plan something. How’s Ms. Amy been doing? Tell her I said hello!!!

    @ Laurie – Thank you again for your support. I can’t remember how many times I thought about picking up the phone and calling. I definitely need to just do that. I know you’ve offered numerous times. Can’t wait for NYC!! It looks like they pushed back my departure on Tuesday so now I’m leaving at 5 instead of 3. I guess I’ll have more time to walk around, which is OK too. More steps right??!!! I know you may have not did as well as you wanted on the 5K, but what’s important is you did it!! So proud of you!

    @ Beckah35 – Nice swim!! I need to get back to swimming too, which I do love and so much better than the dreadmill!!

    @ FeraFilia – I’m a little late, but if this is where God wants you the door will open. Sending thoughts and prayers your way!

    @ Helenarriaza – Great goals for August! You can do it!

    @ Lives2Travel – Hugs to you!!! I can completely relate that’s for sure. My first year out in Vegas was really easy peasy. While I love my new job and I’ve been 16 months in, boy, I’m slammed! I’m squeezing in a few minutes for personals, but can’t do this every day. After those months of not logging, feeling connected, exercising, etc. . . my weight gain showed it. We have to find the right balance that’s for sure. I know you can do it!!
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    7 days under goal! Holy cow! Haven't done that FOREVER! :happy:

    August goals:
    Stay at or under my calorie goal of 1500 every day.
    Track fitbit steps daily.

    8/1: Under
    8/2: Under
    8/3: Under

    8/1: Charging (dead from lack of use)
    8/2: fitbit still dead
    8/3: 2272 steps (Sunday is slow and I didn’t put on fitbit ‘til 1:00 p.m.)
    8/4: As of 2 p.m., 6312

    Weigh In:
    8/4: 6.8 lbs. lost :bigsmile:

    Let's see if I can at least duplicate my calorie goals for this week. Hard to do as the end of week marks my 46th anniversary and we're sure to go out to a n-I-c-e restaurant. (The more expensive, the less likely to find the calories on-line :ohwell: ) Much as I enjoy Chik-fil-A, I wouldn't mind a good seafood dish or small steak, so I'll make the supreme sacrifice.

    I tried to add one of you as a fitbit friend and am not sure I know what I'm doing. Any suggestions?

    Have a Marvelous Monday, all!

    GW>Marsha (former lost lambie)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    bump :flowerforyou:
  • derrickyoung
    derrickyoung Posts: 136 Member
    Looks like this is a group of people with lots of inspirational stories to follow along with and motivate. Jumping in to follow along
  • msbizybee
    msbizybee Posts: 14 Member
    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    I am new to this thread! I did have a sucess this weekend I exercised a total of 4 hours and burnt more than 3,111 calories!!! I am so excited and I want to share with MFP friends.

    My goal is to exercise - high intensity cardio - at least 4 x 45min a week and 4 hours on the weekends. The goal seems rather ambicious, but I want to shoot for the moon.
  • shellecollins
    shellecollins Posts: 89 Member
    Hello ladies! I've scrolled through most of the recent feeds, and I truly believe this popped onto my screen for a reason! My name is Michelle, I'm 27, and a full time nanny. I have been stuck in a rut far longer than I care to admit, and slowly going under. I finally took the step and (re)joined the site, and have tried to stay fairly active to help motivate/find motivation for myself. It's been 5 days and I'm already starting to be discouraged. The difference between this time and all the millions I've started the weight loss journey is, I haven't given up, yet! The first couple days I was super pumped, and ready to conquer my mountain of lbs to lose. The past few days (weekend mainly) I found myself bummed as my calories tick closer and closer to the daily limit.
    Bleh, ok pity party over! I think I needed to just "voice" my frustration to move on.

    With that being said, I promise I'm not a negative person, just have a case of the Monday's! I look forward to becoming an active member of this thread, and meeting some friends!!

    Monday - Walk 2 miles, drink 1/2 body weight in water, some sort of "abs" workout
    Tuesday- Barre workout, drink 1/2 body weight in water, walk 2 miles
    Wednesday- Swim, drink 1/2 body weight in water,
    Thursday- Walk 2 miles, drink 1/2 body weight in water, Barre workout
    Friday- Walk 2 miles, drink 1/2 body weight in water, swim
    Saturday- lift, walk 2 miles, drink half body weight in water
    Sunday- lift, walk 2 miles, drink half body weight in water
  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    @ForeverDaniel - Thank you very much! I AM!!
    @Susan2396 - I'll gladly own that "such a loser" comment!! HA!
    @JNettie73 - Thank you kindly...
    @RobinsEgg - Danced the whole day away!! Thanks!!

    August Challenge (personal goal of 1500 calories, not what MFP says at 1910):
    8/1: Under
    8/2: Under
    8/3: Under

    Weekly goals:
    Drink 1/2 body weight in ounces of water
    Walk!! 5,000 steps per day minimum

    I haven't had the chance to read everyone's posts completely...but I'm SOOO glad I get the chance to skim over most of them and be encouraged by all your posts and enthusiasm!! KEEP IT UP Y'ALL!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome to even more newlings! Can't wait to get to know you all! :flowerforyou:

    @marsha (grammywhammy)--I would say 46 years deserves a nice dinner out. Ypu can still make good choices and maybe save a couple hundred extra the days right before or after your dinner out so you can really enjoy the meal guilt-free.

    @susan--it's so great to see your smiling face back on the thread! My flight times keep changing as well, but fortunately so far the changes have only been a few minutes here or there. Keeping my fingers crossed that nothing to drastic happens to my flight times.

    @holly--I wish I had some advice for you regarding sodium, but I don't even track it. I do know that prepared foods--even those that don't taste salty--can have a lot of sodium. Bread is one of the biggest sources of 'sneaky' sodium. Other than that tidbit, I don't really know much. Maybe some others who really what theirs can give you better advice. Glad you changed your number. :wink:

    @dacra--my number one piece of advice for you, and for all of the newlings, is to buy a digital food scale and weigh your portions.

    @nettie--It would be great to meet you in person--I hope you can make it to meet us on Sunday.

    @tanya, kelly, and nettie--I appreciate all of the advice on different types of protein powders as well as ideas of how to incorporate it into foods other than just smoothies.

    @nagyca--yes, calories in cocktails can really put my diary out of wack too. I try to stick with rum and diet coke. Really any spirit (rum, vodka, whiskey, gin, or tequila) has about 60 calories per ounce, so it's really all about what you mix it with. I love fruity martinis, but they tend to be much higher in calories so I try to limit those. :drinker:

    @teresa--good plan to make up for the trip to the deli! :flowerforyou:

    @L2T--sounds like a lot of big changes for you at work. I know it's hard "in the moment," but when you're tempted to eat to relieve stress, remember that eating too much of unhealthy food will only add to your stress as you worry about your weight. Exercise is a much better stress reliever. :flowerforyou:

    Monday check-in:
    I went for my doc appt. Had to have my BC device replaced which is unpleasant and leads to a fun day of cramps, so I've not done much since I got home. I did take gunner for a quick walk this afternoon, but that's about it for activity for me today. I'm really low on protein today--struggling with what to eat for dinner to make 100g, but stay under calories. :grumble:

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = 102
    100g of protein = 3/31 days