Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Immortalus
    Hello everyone. I have the biggest issue with keeping the weight I lose off. I think it's tied into emotional episodes in my life. I don't know how to get passed the emotional stuff quick enough to keep my weight loss going so I end up back where I started :frown:

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Monday....

    I need to catch up on the posts from the weekend. Monday check in.....I took my teen driving everyday for a few hours, did lots of homework, house chores didn't manage to find a place to walk but burned a few calories cleaning and walking up and down the stairs multiple times a day.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Monday check in....what a weekend..very busy, and pretty stressful. Pizza birthday party at one of my daughter's houses Sat. for a lot of family. I spent all of Friday helping prepare. Feel like a bit of an "******" lately. I embarrass myself and should just keep my mouth shut. In fact, I want to blame it on the extra weight!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone--

    @kah--my thoughts are with you and your family. :flowerforyou:

    @susan--Happy birthday!! :drinker:

    I'm at starbucks trying to grade a few papers before dinner.

    Will finish personals and check in properly later tonight.
  • mloumason
    mloumason Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone new to this board but I like the daily topic list ... Weekend ha on Friday I weigh in and the scale had not budged so after a stress day at work I told the hubby I don't even care I'm eating pizza so yep ate pizza felt so sick the next day due to not eating grease and junk for the last five weeks and then low and behold guess I should have paid more attention to my days and I'd know that I was bloated and craving chocolate was why the scale hadn't moved so heres to me not eating junk that makes me feel sick and by the way I did well for the rest of the weekend even took a salad to a birthday party where guess what they were having pizza...HAPPY MONDAY EVERYONE
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kelley- Sorry about your grandmother and I hope she passes peacefully. Sending you hugs across the miles and may you find peace.

    Susan- Happy Birthday. The Color run sounds like fun- great job on that event.

    Robin- Glad you are feeling better.

    lmmortalus -When you are dealing with the emotional stress and wanted to eat, find something active to replace eating. For example you can go for a power walk, walk or something else you like to do. This way you can relieve the stress by working it off and releasing the good hormones. This takes practice and determination but it will work.

    Welcome to all the new people. You have found a very supportive group of people.

    Thanks for all the good wishes on the Triathlon, I truly value your support. I am looking forward to the results being posted hopefully tomorrow. I am curious to see my bike compared with others. My milage was driving me crazy and getting me down so I ended up talking to my trainer today during school hours to settle my mind. It did help put it into perspective since the resistance could be set differently on the bikes. Needless to say, I started my workout with 16 minutes of hard spin bike action, where I completed 8 miles. I had to prove to myself that I can go farther than 8.5 miles in 30 minutes. Lesson learned, all spin bikes and gym equipment are different even if they are the same brand. I can't let my personal feelings about a distance get me down since the equipment could have affected the outcome. Major strength building workout tonight that focused on upper body and arms. OH, they feel it already.
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome to the newlings!! :flowerforyou: You've found a great thread here!!

    @barbara--ha--I see you peeking in here!! :wink:

    @laurie--yes the equipment can make a big difference. I've also noticed that the bike is the one piece of cardio equipment where I tend to have a wide variance of distances depending on the day. Some days I can do almost 10 miles in 30 minutes, but others I won't even get to 8. It depends on whether I'm doing hills, intervals, or steady pace; I can also get a lot more distracted while on the bike and not push myself quite as much as the elliptical or treadmill, so I have to pay more attention to be sure I'm pushing myself the whole time.

    @mel--I think we all have those moments when we wish we had just kept quiet. :ohwell:

    @holly--sounds like a busy weekend. :smile:

    @p1xy--don't worry about that pesky pound--it's probably just water or sodium. :flowerforyou:

    @tammy--what a wonderful b-day present!

    @robin--hope you get your zip back soon, :flowerforyou:

    @alupinsk--I know what you mean about feeling the weight just piles on overnight. I'd never been thin, but spent most of my adult life bouncing between 180 and 200. Then it seemed I was suddenly pushing 250 and nothing fit. In reality, it probably took about 6 years at 10 lbs/year to gain all of the weight, but I guess I was just in denial. Now that I'm back around 190, I feel stuck--almost as if my body "remembers" this is its comfortable weight. However, I'm definitely smaller than I've ever been as an adult b/c I don't think I've ever comfortably worn a size 12 pants before. I guess the exercise has really changed my body composition. Now I'm trying to find a way past this plateau with heavy lifting and HIIT--I know I'll get there, it's just a matter of perseverance. :wink:

    @lives2travel--I haven't seen Gravity yet, but they mention the town where I teach as the hometown of Sandra Bullock's character. The students all think it's pretty cool. :smile:

    @gorilla--yes, I'm doing a variation of Stronglifts 5x5 (in addition to being a control freak, I'm also a rule breaker which means I have a hard time following any program to a T :tongue:). I do squats every lifting session and rotate the other compounds. I do ab work and isolation lifts (on different muscles) between sets of my compounds b/c I HATE just standing around waiting to do my next set. I'm sure it compromises my ability to lift at maximum, but I'm not looking to set any records. And, yes I was using my back too much for the bench--I could tell that I wasn't getting any soreness in the right muscles for that lift. Reducing the weight seems to have fixed that problem b/c I was already feeling it last night. Sorry about your Giants not doing so well. We just lost Cutler and Briggs for at least a month, so it looks like our season is shot as well. :cry:

    Monday Check-in:
    I had my pre-observation conference for my formal review today and it went well. My boss will observe one of my AP classes tomorrow. It should be fine, but it just takes up a lot of time with the pre and post meetings. Got through just a few more papers, but every little bit helps, right?

    This week will be tough to get in enough exercise. Wed. I have a meeting and then dinner plans after work, and then Thurs. I have a hair and pedi appt. right after school. Top that off with a Friday happy hour outing with colleagues, and I'll be lucky to even get a walk in every day.

    Grading goals:
    1. 6/73 AP essays
    2. annotate poem for Tuesday's lesson DONE
    3. 50/73 AP test corrections
    4. x/55 Junior in-class essays (student teacher will do these)

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Wed--walk gunner (going to dinner at a friend's)
    Thurs--rest day (hair and pedi appt)
    Fri--walk gunner (maybe--have after work drinks planned, so may not get home in time)
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 65
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 60
    Overhead press = 45

    Upright row = 40 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 80
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: I just read through the post rather quickly and will try to respond to some personals later. I'm just pooped out. Weekend was good. Thanks for all the birthday wishes!! On Sunday, I basically was packing for my trip, finishing up the house stuff, errands, etc. . . I did have a very nice dinner out with friends at Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill at Caesars Palace. Very yummy!!! Unfortunately, I didn't get home until 11:30 p.m. and had to be up at 3:45 a.m. for a 6:00 flight. Today was Vegas to Atlanta to Orlando and I'm here until Thursday. I did squeeze in the gym though and sweated like a pig PLUS I completed my 180 squats today. I'm done for the night. Hopefully, I'll have a chance to get on tomorrow at some point, but it may be later in the evening.

    Have a great week! Make good food choices and keep moving!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--I was thinking about you and Cyrus today when I heard the news about a school shooting in Nevada. I hope it wasn't too close to home--not that distance really makes it any *better*, but I think for the kids, at least, it's a bit scarier when it happens in their backyards. Safe travels to you. :flowerforyou:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I saw my ortho surgeon today. He says I am healing well. The only way to get rid of the pain I have when standing up or sitting down and doing stairs is to strengthen the quads. He recommends what he called mini squats and cycling. I have only been using the pedaler a couple of days a week. He wants me to use it daily. DD has a good bike that she isn't using very much. We are about the same height so I think that I will see if I can use it sometimes. I haven't ridden a bike for years, but maybe I can remember how its done.
    Otherwise, it was a good day. I have some prep work to do for a mini trip at the end of the week. We are going to UT see my Dad while DD is having PT Conferences. She is getting a couple of teenage girls to watch the kids on the day they don't have school. It is about 8 hours down to see him at my sister's place so its nice to have a long weekend.
    Hope you all have a good day tomorrow. Good night. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • meisterkidd
    Hey guys. I've been so busy lately at work. It's been hectic lol.

    Tuesday goals: I want to get in the habit of logging everything again (it's still been difficult- especially yesterday). I've been trying to utilize the mobile app but I can only use my phone on break at work so I can't log everything the way I'd like to (aka immediately). On the upside at work all I drink is water so that's a major plus. I also want to make grievous use of my days off to exercise as much as possible too so hopefully I can run and/or walk today.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Tuesday's goal-
    1- finish reading through the weekend posts
    2- Drink 10 glasses of water
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Monday – heavy lifting / Water Aerobics HALF DONE
    Tuesday – rest
    Wednesday – heavy lifting
    Thursday – walk while my daughter has skating lessons (1 hour)
    Friday – heavy lifting
    Saturday – rest
    Sunday – Halloween night at church (I’m serving so I’ll be on my feet for 3 hours)

    Squats – 80
    Overhead – yup, I got stuck at 65
    Deadlift – 105

    @Susan – sorry I missed it…Happy Belated Birthday!! :flowerforyou:

    @kah – I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother. I too hope that her passing will go as peaceful as possible for her and your entire family. It’s never easy to lose a loved one. :brokenheart:

    @p1xy – I believe Zumba is best for a cardio workout. I’m tired during it, but afterwards I don’t have any fatigue or burn, but I’ve worn my heart monitor and gotten some great calorie burns from Zumba. But I agree with you, mixing your exercises up will let you get in strength and cardio.

    @Queen – teen driver? My 12 year old cannot wait for the day. Me? Not so much!

    @Laurie – I’m glad you talked to your trainer instead of letting it continue to bum you out.

    @Gorilla – hope you enjoyed your Giant’s win last night. Pathetic game by the Vikings :noway: (everyone here is so quick to blame the QB, but I think the blame can be a wide web – offensive line, QB, etc). Although I did enjoy the one arm sack that Jared Allen got. :love:

    @Kaye – enjoy your mini vacation! And they say that once you learn to ride a bike, you never forget…I’m banking on that because I’m hoping to get my bike out and go for some rides with Jacob once his cast is off (and it has been MANY years for me).

    AFM: Yesterday all my eating plans went to he11 in a handbasket. I planned out the meals and then when I went to prepare the meals, an ingredient or two was missing. Went shopping after the gym so I could pick up those ingredients and I decided to treat the kids to some chips and dip and apparently lost all self control. So my salt intake yesterday was way out of control…but I have 2 glasses of water down already this morning to help with that. :drinker: :drinker:

    I did get stuck at the overhead press like I thought I would. :grumble: My sister was doing better than I was but at the end, she just couldn’t muster all the reps either so we’re stuck at the same place. We kind of felt bad – we thought our “farm girl” muscles from our youth would remember better, but then our youngest sister made us feel better by telling us that she got stuck at the same weight when she started too.

    My plan was to do the water aerobics after lifting. Two things prohibited that from happening – 1. Now that the weights are higher, we have to take more time between sets – missed the start time. 2. Now that the weights are higher, I’m more exhausted so I can’t imagine doing that on top of it at this point. :laugh: Because they only offer night classes on Monday and Wednesday, I’m going to ask that maybe every other week, we do our lifting T, TH, Sat so I can do the Monday night Aqua Power class. I get a pretty good cardio out of that class, plus she does some great resistance training with bands and stuff.

    Hope you all have a great Tuesday. I'm taking Emma to the orthodontist this morning. I can't believe at 7, I'm going to have spend this type of money on her mouth. She can't seem to break the thumb sucking habit on her own and it's affecting her teeth terribly -- she gets fitted for some spacers and a "habit" breaker today. Then we just have Saxophone lessons tonight -- that means I can get caught up on laundry (again).
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    really hard to stay up with all the threads, please don't feel slighted if i don't post to you seems others have that down pat and i just can't figure it out.

    nsv - tailgated our daughters college football game saturday and stay within points. then went to a party saturday night and it amazed me at how many carbs and fattening food people put out at parties. again i was within numbers all day and managed to lose 2 lbs.

    worked my butt off in the gym saturday took sunday off because had a family emergency late saturday that had me tossing and turning and about 2 hours of sleep. could not do 30ds monday morning but did 25 min elliptical 20 min arc and 20 min treadmill in the gym last night, this morning up and doing 30 ds and feel really good .

    this is a life change. i am learning foods like i never knew.. like what a protein is what a carb is, how they affect my body, what i need more of what i need less of and what my body responds to. at 48 i'm excited because i am finally figuring it out and i'm on the way and won't look back. i know it will be a slow process but when i reach goal and can maintain i will be so much better for it. the hard work is paying off and i'm excited.

    to those that watch football - i'm glad eli won, feel bad for him when peyton does so well. wouldn't want to be in their house at the holidays. i however am a ravens fan... ugggh the steelers. smh!!!

    my condolences to the loss of grandmother i believe it was kah, i'm so sorry. i work in a funeral home if i can help, please let me know.

    goals today, to stay on track,. and work the weights hard tonight. i have my goals set and i'm siked!!

    another nsv - my rings are really loose!!! i will have to have them resized, but will wait, but it feels good.

    have a beautiful day everyone! remember tomorrow is not promised to any of us, make today count.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    So remember like three weeks ago when I reappeared after like three weeks or so and said I was finally feeling better. By that I meant feeling like I wasn't on the verge of cough induced coma. But it still hasn't gone away! I am still coughing every day and frequently have no voice! A friend gave me a mustard plaster yesterday. Has anyone else ever tried that? It actually seems to be working. I woke up this morning and haven't had a coughing fit once. Maybe the old ways really are the best in some cases!
    Hello everyone. I have the biggest issue with keeping the weight I lose off. I think it's tied into emotional episodes in my life. I don't know how to get passed the emotional stuff quick enough to keep my weight loss going so I end up back where I started :frown:

    Emotional and stress eating have always been my problem too. It's very difficult to separate food and emotions once you've gotten in the habit.
    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!! Feeling good for the weekend!!! Went for a walk at lunchtime; and took my first side-by-side photo and actually NOTICED a difference in more than just my face!!!

    You are all inspirational to me - know that reading this thread helps me stay the course!!!!


    wow, you can really see it in the face! You look great.

    Prodigal returns with head hanging in SHAME!


    grammy! Hey, welcome back!
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Hey all!

    Goals: I have a lot of fitness goals. I recently started on the treadmill, and it's a lot tougher to run on that than the arc trainer or elliptical. I'm surprised that even though I've been working out for a few months, I can still only run/jog for about a minute before I feel like I'm dying. I make it look like I'm doing intervals when I'm at the gym because it's really embarrassing. Working toward being able to run a mile on the treadmill, but eventually I'll get there. It'll just take time.

    I'm so confused when it comes to my clothing sizes. I have jeans in size 20 that fit. The 24s I used to wear are saggy and won't stay up, but the 22s feel like they fit the same as the 20s. I hate women's sizes. They're never all the same! :( *grumbles*

    Happy Tuesday all!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Hey all!

    Goals: I have a lot of fitness goals. I recently started on the treadmill, and it's a lot tougher to run on that than the arc trainer or elliptical. I'm surprised that even though I've been working out for a few months, I can still only run/jog for about a minute before I feel like I'm dying. I make it look like I'm doing intervals when I'm at the gym because it's really embarrassing. Working toward being able to run a mile on the treadmill, but eventually I'll get there. It'll just take time.

    I'm so confused when it comes to my clothing sizes. I have jeans in size 20 that fit. The 24s I used to wear are saggy and won't stay up, but the 22s feel like they fit the same as the 20s. I hate women's sizes. They're never all the same! :( *grumbles*

    Happy Tuesday all!

    Yeah, how come men's sizes are standardized, but women's are a downright mess? I too am struggling with what sizes to buy. For example, I ordered jeans from Land's End and from Talbot's. Both were a 20. The Land's End ones went back for an 18 and the Talbot's ones required another 10 pound loss before they fit at all. It'd be better if there was some sort of standardization in women's sizing instead of the guess and return situation we have going now.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    So remember like three weeks ago when I reappeared after like three weeks or so and said I was finally feeling better. By that I meant feeling like I wasn't on the verge of cough induced coma. But it still hasn't gone away! I am still coughing every day and frequently have no voice! A friend gave me a mustard plaster yesterday. Has anyone else ever tried that? It actually seems to be working. I woke up this morning and haven't had a coughing fit once. Maybe the old ways really are the best in some cases!

    I know this might sound dumb (and I'm not a medical person in any way shape or form), but do you take Generic pills at all? I ask because this happened to two different women at church at different times. Turned out that they might have been allergic to something in the generic (which worked to solve the problem they were prescribed for) but they had this hacking cough that just wouldn't go away and the doctors couldn't figure it out. They switched to name brand and the coughs disappeared.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Okay finally read through all the posts and I will try and do some personals.

    Kah68- think you told me about macros so I lowered the carbs a little bit baby steps for me.

    Frau- What an amazing difference

    Alupinsk- I understand I am built like a ruler with a huge beer belly. I can feel my ribs but look like I having a baby

    Tlh0407- Thanks for the mall idea....teen driver is not bad we own a stick shift so there have been a few challenges but he is a good driver so far. He will be this summer which is when in our state apply for DL (you must have 6 months of driving and 6 weeks of behind the wheel). He is not happy that he waited so long.

    Jtconst- Happy b-lated and 81lbs that is awesome

    LaurieK- congrats on the Tri