Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    WEll yesterday was less then successful. A person decided to jump infront of a train.. which caused over an hour and a half delay for me getting home... and I actually got lucky, could have been over 2 hours if I did not think quick enough!

    So that had me skip the gym... went right home, got the kids from the neighbor (who had to get them from afterschool before it closed) I cooked dinner and just sat down with some beers for my Giants game. LOL At least they won what I would have to say was the ugliest display of football I have sat through in a while... including Pop Warner Mighty Mights!

    Since Sunday my diet and exercise have been off... tonight I am going to the gym. Even if it is going to actually be really tight to squeeze into my schedule I am not missing it. I am in a down mood and not exercising will lead to more bad eating followed by feeling more down.... So *kitten* that siht and Deadlifts are mine tonight.

    tlh0407 - OHP are awesome! So much of it has to do with balance and core strength. Keep working at it! There are ways to increase that strength.. 5/3/1!!! LOL

    sjacobs425 - excellent job maintaining control on the weekend... and Eli is giving me fits this season!

    Alupinsk - I cant stand the treadmill! Have you tried to run outside instead? Lets you control your pace much more naturally and I bet you will see success with your mile there much faster then you will on the dreadmill

    Lives2Travel - Because men are rational creatures and use things like inches to measure our clothes not a size :bigsmile: :smokin: :laugh:
  • ericao72
    Hi! I am brand new and struggling most with the setting started stage. I know what I need/want I swell on it daily. I NEED to lose 150 pounds, I want to know I can do it! I have been through the usual gambit and just want to get down to business. I need nice bit of accountability so I hope this is an active thread, it looks wonderful!. My biggest goal for the week is to remind myself, I have to WANT to lose this weight MORE than I want to east convenient Junk food. I will drink more water than diet soda and I will exercise at least one time without it being a production.
  • sewcraftylori
    Hi all!
    I have spent the last year and a half having a divorce pitty party. Last week I finally left the party!! At work we have wellness coaches available to us at no cost so I finally decided to use them.

    My only goals for the first week were:
    1. Download the MFP app and start tracking my food
    2. Exercise 4 days for 30 minutes
    3. Eat at least 1 vegetable per day
    4. Schedule an appointment with the Nutritionist (also a free service - why I haven't done it before I don't know)

    So far so good. I only have 1 day to go for exercise before Thursday. My first weight goal is to get down to 250 lbs. I have 122 lbs to lose total to get to my ultimate goal. I started last week at 277 and just by eating right (and actually eating) I am already down to 271.

    I have struggled with my weight all of my life. Lowest I got on WW was 201. Reached a plateau and couldn't get past it. I think if they would have tested me they would have said I was malnourished even though I am overweight. Just eating healthy and adding Vitamin D has made a HUGE difference in how I feel.

    I'm so glad I took the first step to go to the coach and that she recommended using MFP. Looks like there is great support here!

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome to the new ones. This is a great thread for friendship and support!
    Tuesday goals: My goal for this week is just to keep my head above water on our mini vacation. My sisters are not known for having diet-friendly kitchens. There tend to be lots of the things on the counters to snack on, and I can quickly slip into old habits when I am there. I am determined to have a good time, not cause them to stress over that I can and cannot eat, and come back without having done any permanent damage to my weight.
    Today I was in DD middle school library. Across the wall above the bookshelves it says, "Make the most the of yourself, because that's all there is of you." Thought it was worth repeating.
    Have a great evening. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Gorilla- That is terrible about the train and how long it took you to get home. Tonight like you said you will get your butt to the gym and give it a good swift kick. Sometimes, we all need to push ourselves to work harder. Bring on the dead lifts and don't forget the cardio.

    Keep your fingers crossed one of my wishes may come true tomorrow. The guidance counselor told me to today that the student I have been having problems with is leaving my class effective tomorrow. Needless to say I was dumbstruck and wanted to jump up and down. :bigsmile: :laugh: I just want to make sure that it will happen before I leap with joy. I don't want the rug pulled out from under me again. This was a totally unexpected surprise that left me speechless.

    Treadmill vs Arc trainer- treadmills and running are more difficult than the ARC trainer due to the level of impact. Running whether on the treadmill or track or outside you are participating in a high impact exercise. Your body needs to use more energy to keep it moving and you also need to get use to the pounding the knees take. The ARC and other running machines are lower impact because you are not picking up your feet with every step. Yes, you are moving your legs and arms but the joints don't have the same level of pounding to deal with because your feet are staying "planted' on the pedals or foot holders. When you start running use a brisk walking pace to move into a jog then a run. A jog should be relatively equal to your brisk walk meaning that you really can't walk without running. This rule of thumb has served me well as that was how I learned to run. Your endurance will improve over time. Start gradually with running and mix it with walking. You can run for 1 min and walk for 2 and repeat or do some other variation that you are comfortable with while running.

    Goals- I must grade papers tonight but I don't feel like it. I will grade papers tonight. But I want to go out. I will grade papers tonight- can I keep making excuses? :bigsmile Yes, I can but I really need to grade papers tonight.

    Exercise goal- I will run this week and bike again so I can kick my butt.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Gorilla--Good suggestion, but I like the warm. Maybe I'll try and get a jog in at the park this week and see how it goes.

    Also, does anyone use a fitbit? I'm contemplating getting one.
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    Gorilla--Good suggestion, but I like the warm. Maybe I'll try and get a jog in at the park this week and see how it goes.

    Also, does anyone use a fitbit? I'm contemplating getting one.

    I am very vain - yes I know that that is an oxymoron but I am vain and fat at the same time. The vanity comes into play in that I ordered a pink flex fitbit last week and it was 2-3 weeks backorder. Pink needs to be ordered online. So I am waiting for it to arrive. If you can live with a black or slate one the flex is available at Sportcheck, Future Shop or Best Buy. No difference in price. If you search fitbit on this site you can read comparisons etc to help you decide. There is no discussion of the effect of vanity on your choice. The color choices of the other models is also more limited in the stores. Were several fitbit models available on Kijiji but I am not comfortable with used electronics. Just me. It does seem that a lot of people like the fitbit.
    So I wait.

    No much else to report here. Food is going good - pounds are coming off but ever so slowly. I think I need to up the exercise but I am a weather weenie and the weather has been yucky and falling from the sky since Monday.

    I did pick up my trailer from its winterizing today after work and got into a discussion with the shop over the bill which was 3 times what I expected. In the end I was told that they did not want my money and that I should just take my trailer and leave and never come back. I was shocked. Anyways that is what I did. Far be it for me to force someone to take my money. Usually anything emotionally upsetting like that would have me eating ice cream or other some such comfort food. Please to report that I drove past the ice cream place - straight home and got it backed up the driveway before the sky opened up. And dinner was fish and veggies. Good too.

    i did buy Insanity and Zumba Exhilerate from Kijiji for less than 1/2 price. Insanity had never been opened and the Zumba looked the same. My friend gave me her old DVD player so now I need a monitor or TV and will be all set for an alternative to the treadmill. I seem to make everything a production. Will be soon running out of excuses why I cannot go down to the basement and exercise.

    From a milk commercial: It is better to have a body in shape that to obsess about the shape of your body."
  • StephanieStC
    StephanieStC Posts: 59 Member
    Hello All, New to this group. Just looking for some motivation and support and community. Looks like a nice, supportive group here.

    Today is Tuesday so I'll post my Goal:

    To follow my eating plan as closely as possible for the next three months, with NO binges. I don't have to be perfect (trying to eliminate All or Nothing thinking), but really trying to stop binge eating - whether from boredom, habit, or anxiety. For each month I stay on track, I have a planned incentive/reward for myself (massage, pedicure, etc).

    I have picked three months as my timeline, because my birthday is early February, and what I want most for my birthday is be on a downward trend. I'm at 176. Hoping to be 150 by Feb 8!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    So remember like three weeks ago when I reappeared after like three weeks or so and said I was finally feeling better. By that I meant feeling like I wasn't on the verge of cough induced coma. But it still hasn't gone away! I am still coughing every day and frequently have no voice! A friend gave me a mustard plaster yesterday. Has anyone else ever tried that? It actually seems to be working. I woke up this morning and haven't had a coughing fit once. Maybe the old ways really are the best in some cases!

    I know this might sound dumb (and I'm not a medical person in any way shape or form), but do you take Generic pills at all? I ask because this happened to two different women at church at different times. Turned out that they might have been allergic to something in the generic (which worked to solve the problem they were prescribed for) but they had this hacking cough that just wouldn't go away and the doctors couldn't figure it out. They switched to name brand and the coughs disappeared.

    Well, that's interesting. I have never heard of that. I will check it out.
  • mloumason
    mloumason Posts: 28 Member
    Tuesday...well big goals for this week, I am going to purchase the 30 DS and add that to my healthy eating on Friday. I am hoping to loose 4 pounds by friday morning that would take me from 224 to 220, and I would like to find a new easy large filling low calorie recipe that my husband would like as well as my toddler for football sunday...
  • mloumason
    mloumason Posts: 28 Member
    That was a wonderful quote and well worth sharing
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Newbies - welcome to a whole lot of you - glad to see you have found this helpful column and you have decided to make it your home on MFP. Ask a lot of questions and you'll get a lot of answers. I see many of you have plans in the works for how you're going to approach these next several weeks. GOOD for you! Start with small, workable objectives. If you don't know where to start, I'd suggest logging all your food you eat every day, yep, all of it, not just the food that fits within your calorie guidelines. Its very helpful to look back in six months and see what you were eating before you started eating well!.

    I went back to work today and it was quite fatiguing - glad it was only for 3 hours. Took my laptop and that made the time go faster. Still and working through this throat infection - when will it end????? Hitting the hay early tonight too!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Hi y'all! I just wanted to drop in to let you know I am here, cheering you all on! I have been swamped with the new job and school, but drop in every couple of days to get inspiration from you. Honestly, I am not doing great with logging - and keep leaving my Fitbit laying around. I am somehow still shrinking a little, here and there.

    Miss chatting with you all and will jump back on track soon! Keep fighting the good fight! :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome to the newlings!

    @laurie--great advice on the running--I also only saw success with endurance by slowing down at first. For awhile, I was running slower than my fastest walking pace. I've gradually built up "speed" over time--I use quotes b/c I'm not at all speedy. :laugh:

    @gorilla--sorry about your tough day yesterday. Today was pretty crappy for me as I will recount below. :grumble:

    @robin & toots--I'm wishing you both a speedy and FULL recovery very soon. I hate those illnesses that linger.

    Tuesday Goals:
    Well, I got through my formal observation without any issues, but I won't get the official feedback until tomorrow. Then one of my Juniors decided to argue with me about an assignment that got a late deduction. It turned out he was completely wrong about when he was absent and did deserve the deduction, but he was being pretty ballsy about the whole thing, I tend to not get riled easily, and kept my cool while he made an *kitten* out of himself. He apologized when he realized he was wrong, and I received a follow-up email apology from him as well.

    Got home from school and took gunner for a long walk. Afterwards, I was getting my things together to go the gym when my DH walked in. He had gone to the grocery store, and when he got in his car to drive home it wouldn't start. He tried to call the house but I was out with gunner, and he didn't think to try my cell. Fortunately, it's only a couple of blocks away; however, I then had to drive him back to try to jump start his car. It didn't work and we ended up waiting for a tow truck. Once it arrived the driver was able to jump his battery, so we didn't have to tow it to a service station. As we sat for an hour in the grocery parking lot waiting for the tow, we decided to just get Wendy's for dinner (it's right in the same shopping center), and I gave up on any hope of getting to the gym tonight.

    More bad news is that DH doesn't think it's just the battery b/c it was "acting funny" while he drove it home--idiot lights flashing and such. He's scheduled to work for the next 3 days, so no time for him to tinker with it either. :grumble: Once in the driveway it refused to restart which means I will have to drive him back and forth to work. He's going to see if he can switch with someone to get Friday off, so he can replace the battery and see how it's running after that. I hope he's wrong and that's all it is, but the computer was making some really funny clicking and whirring noises--like a noisy hard drive on a laptop. Crossing my fingers that it's not too expensive.

    Long day and now I need to get up even earlier than usual, so I'm off to bed. :yawn:
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Good morning all... I did get my deadlifts in last night. So that was a good thing, kinda had to rush through the workout but not too bad. Going to hit up some Stairmaster tonight and I think Thursday starts the new workout routine. I found the book last night and kinda want to read up on it a bit again first so maybe ONE more day of 5/3/1 tomorrow and start the new routine Saturday morning.

    Lauriek70 - YES you will ride and run this week! And kick much butt!

    Kookyk9s - Great job not turning to food during stress! That is a huge win!!!

    StephanieStC - Sounds like you have the right attitude! Just dont let the scale become an obsession!

    mloumason - Football Sunday is tough... has always presented a challenge for me too. Sorry to say but the best answer is two sets of snacks and willpower! LOL although that has a tendency to be unsuccessful too.

    Robbin - WOW still not feeling better?

    Skinny - sorry about the car! Playing taxi driver is super tough especially with as busy as you are.
  • EricaD30
    what does bump mean?
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wed Wish- I think it already came was that my teenager would see it is not smart to buy car without finishing behind the wheel first. He had taken all he money out the bank and was ready to buy which I told him no. Lastnight he asked to call the driving instructor to set up behind the wheel.

    Robin- Hope you feel better soon and that work goes well

    Karen- Man car problems suck best of luck

    Erica- To me bump is like saying Pass
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly--glad your son came to his senses and listened to you--could this mean he's maturing? :wink:

    @erica--BUMP mean Bring Up My Post and people use it when they have no time to respond or nothing to add to a thread, but they want it to show up in their "my topics" list. As Hooly said, I think a lot of us in this thread use it as a sort of "place holder" so we will know where we left off reading posts, but want to "pass" on actually responding right now.

    @gorilla--glad you got those deadlifts in--I'm super-ticked I missed my only opporunity to lift until Saturday. :mad: I am going to at least do some push ups, planks, and dumbbell work at home tonight. The stairmaster is sooo hard--I was into it for awhile, but haven't done it in a few months. I've been eyeing it the past few times I was on the stationary bike--a sure sign I'm getting bored of the bike. :laugh:

    Wednesday Wish:
    That the car just needs a new battery, or at worst an alternator b/c both are jobs my husband can complete at home. If it's the computer, it's beyond his scope.

    I ended up getting up this morning to drive him to work, but he called his boss and was able to finagle the day off so he can attend to the car. If he can get it fixed today, then no taxi duty for me. :smile:
  • bugtaylor
    bugtaylor Posts: 77 Member
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    My day has gotten a bit better. Several people canceled for my friend's dinner tonight, so she and I decided to skip it. This means I can probably get to the gym to lift! Yay!! :love: