Need to loose 170 pounds!



  • ADJ84
    ADJ84 Posts: 4
    Hello and welcome - I'm sure you'll do great - its so simple, burn more calories than you eat and you'll lose weight! MFP definitely works - I lost about 100lbs four years ago though MFP. Unfortauntely 30lbs of that has crept back on in the last year which is why I'm back. But the system definitely works as long as you are totally honest! I definitely agree with the poster who said about breaking it into mini goals - its much less daunting. I'd personally say just focus on losing your first 10lbs, just to prove to yourself that you can, and then keep moving the goal post! Its nice to have little goals which can be achieved within weeks rather than some dauntingly huge goal which might be two years away! At least that's how my mind works ;-)

    Anyone on here who wants to friend me I'm always happy to give lots of support to anyone who needs it!

  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me. My goal is 139 down. Keep it simple and don't focus on the larger number!
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi. Feel free to add me. My goal is to lose 120-130 pounds. I'm getting back in and I'm determined this time.
  • PoseysMama
    Hello fellow Michi-ghoul! I am new as well as loving it and you will too! Feel free to add me! I have found that my "pals" have been awesome and motivating! I'm sure you will have a great experience!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Welcome! I am another who has to lose more than 100 lb. (140-150 or so, final # TBD). I have currently lost 1/3 of that since the first of the year. Some things I have learned: slow and steady. I am aiming for 1 lb a week even though 2 lb is perfectly healthy for my situation. Also, weightloss is not linear. My graph looks like a series of wide steps: I lose nothing for a couple of weeks then have a drop, then another flat step. Everybody is different and you will lose the weight the way YOU do.

    I agree with the small goals. A great goal to start with is that magic number of 10% of your body weight. I can't tell you how excited I was when I reached that! It motivated me to keep going.

    Start with small changes. Log your food even if you are not trying to cut out much right now. It will bring more awareness as to what you are eating as well as your personal eating and hunger patterns. Some do well on a couple of meals a day and some (like me ) do better eating more like 5 times a day. You will eventually find out your sweet spot.

    Same thing with exercise. Start out doing anything to move, even if it is just walking to the end of the block and back. Eventually you will get a sense of your fitness level and find something you love to do, whether it is walking working out at a gym, working out to exercise DVD's at home, etc. Try out different things. Gyms will usually give a guest pass for people to try it out. Look to local rec centers too. I found a water aerobics class that I absolutely adore and is easy on my joints.

    Good luck and we will get there together!
  • anndawe
    anndawe Posts: 13 Member
    Congratulations on making the right changes in your life. I am also hoping to lose more than 100 lbs by the time I reach my goal. It certainly is a hard journey but worth the end result i'm sure. If you would like to add me as a friend, please feel free. A little motivation doesn't hurt anyone. :)
  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    I am on my journey of losing 163 pounds.

    All I can say is:

    1. Don't think of the entire 170 pounds, but rather break it up in 10 or even 5 pound increments.
    2. Reward yourself ever so often, once you've reach small milestones, with NON food related things.
    3. Do not restrict calories to below 1800 to start with. You will be able to reduce the calories as you loose more weight.
    4. Do not restrict any food groups or any treats. By this I mean work in treats into your daily calories. Go for 80% good calories (from healthy foods) and 20% naughty foods.
    5. Drink a ton of water.
    6. If you don't want to start exercising now, then don't. I was on here for a good 7 months before I did a single bit of exercise.
    7. Take it EASY! Be easy on yourself. One bad meal or one bad day will not ruin you forever.
    8. It is going to take a long time for you to loose the 170 pounds. At least 2 years. Don't sabotage yourself with a plan to loose the weight too fast and then when you don't make it, you give up. Don't do it to yourself. You are NOT in a race.
    9. Take your measurements now and take pictures. And keep on doing this monthly or every 2 months (as you like). This will keep you motivated when the scale does not move the way you want it to.
    10. Make Myfitnesspal your new best friend. If you feel like eating *&%#@ then read up on all the success stories or go through the recipes section. Awesome people here and many are eager to help you. Just ask.

    All the best to you! I look forward to reading your success story. :flowerforyou:
  • relocatedcowboy12
    I am looking to lose 100+ pounds too, if anyone feels so inclined please add me.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I have 90+ lbs to go...main thing is to keep focused, keep logging your food even if you go over your allotment for the day. Don't be discouraged if you have an "off" day - pick yourself up and keep on. :) Exercise as you are able - if you are unable to do a "real workout" don't be discouraged - just take baby steps. Walk for a small period of time per day - even if it's as short a time as 5 minutes. Take an additional walk for 5 minutes every day - then work up to 8 minutes, then 10, etc.
  • lythy77
    lythy77 Posts: 33 Member
    I fell of the wagon many times. but am back on it now. I have 117 pounds to lose. calories in vs calories out for me. im doing it slowly this time, and the correct way... 1660 calories a day.
    i would be happy to make some friends on there..
  • Lara124911
    Lara124911 Posts: 23
    I was over weight and tried so many things. Different things work for different people and I was lucky enough to find one that worked for me. I lost 18 pounds in one month without much exercise and it's been a life changer. I'm a little embarrased to post my before and after photos here but if anyone actually cares to hear what I've been doing then I'd be happy to help in any way. Just shoot me an email at and I'll show you my before and after photos, and tell you about how things are going for me with the stuff I've tried. I wish someone would have helped me out when I was struggling to find a solution so if I can help you then it would make my day
  • Determinedtowin64
    I just started on MFP about 10 mins ago and came across this thread as i was checkin out the site lol... i have to lose over 100 lbs and am looking for friends to support/motivate/encourage as well.... any and all welcome to add me....
  • ShayNichols
    ShayNichols Posts: 15 Member
    Hey everyone !!! Looking for active friends to chat with offer support and get support !!! Add me :)
  • Aynetal3
    Aynetal3 Posts: 23 Member
    There is a lot of good advice here. I've just joined too with 160 pounds to go. The encouragement found through the community just in three days has been incredible ... I've joined a couple of groups like the one for 300+. Feel we've done something solid! My encouragement to you and others on this journey and if you'd like please add me as a friend too!

  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    You can totally do this! My #1 tip is to commit to the process and log in/log your food everyday. Plan your meals/day to make sure you can have a good balance of healthy foods and foods you enjoy. Eat enough so you don't feel deprived.

    Remember that it is a marathon, not a sprint. Don't be disheartened if your weight fluctuates. Just keep at it.

    You need to make changes you can live with forever, because I believe keeping the weight off is just as much work as losing it.

    It is possible and you can do it. Good Luck!
  • untilnow
    untilnow Posts: 1
    I'm new here too! Looking for advice and support from any and all! I've been an emotional eater and yo-yo weight loser all my life! Good luck to all of you and my only advice would be to to break the one large goal into smaller ones if that works better for you..i see the big number and I panic--so little ones help for me!
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Hi nice to meet you :) This is a great site for encouragement and wisdom. So many people here have great things to share i have learned a lot :) The biggest things I can tell you are weigh everything, log everything you eat and never give up :) Remember just because you may have a bad meal do not make the next one a bad one too. Stand back up and keep moving forward :) You got this :)

    ^this person knows what she's talking about.

    Awesome stats!!!
  • Annie831
    Annie831 Posts: 56 Member
    Support is something everyone needs and from the past i know this site rocks. It’s been a long time since i was on here so I’m coming back to get myself back on track. Feel free to add me as a friend i am always looking to have more friends. My goal is to lose about 50-60 pounds but that’s because i have already lost 43 pounds. I have been unable to work out due to a back injury for the past 3 months but have only gained back 5 pounds so that’s a positive thing and now i am able to slowly introduce exercising again and i am looking forward to continuing my journey. good luck to you and everyone else here. Add me as a friend :happy: