Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MrsBrown104
    MrsBrown104 Posts: 88 Member
    my struggles this weekend were snacking. ugh...
  • BettyJoCan
    BettyJoCan Posts: 47 Member
    Hey..hey...just finished walking...not too long, but it's a new beginning...feeling GREAT! Hope everyone is having an awesome night!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kelley- Great article and thanks for sharing. In some ways I feel like this thread is like a journal for me along with the notes on the exercise and food entries. Battle ropes will make arms and legs sore, I have not worked out with battle ropes in a while kind of miss it.:bigsmile:

    BJ- getting to move is key so great job on taking that walk tonight.

    Susan- Hope the travel goes well this week and you keep up your record of exercising while traveling that is always impressive.
    sjacobs- Figuring out the amount of calories you should eat a day is a challenge because if you eat too much you gain and if you eat to little you will also gain. Yes, it's true! Your body will store the food because it thinks it will not get enough to eat. The trick is to eat foods that are whole grains for carbs, lean proteins and healthy fats( unsaturated). I also tried 1200 calories a day but did not feel well at that level. I tend to eat between 1500-1700 calories a day plus I workout hard several times a week. Also remember that process is learning how to manage our eating and that also means maintaining it when we are finished losing.

    Gorilla- Hope the cold goes away soon and you can get back to your monster workouts.:drinker:

    Alliern-Sounds like you have a good plans for exercising during the week.

    Check in-The weekend was great even through it rained on Saturday. I had a great workout with my trainer today with a variety of exercises but mostly bike and run in intervals of 5 min or 3 min. I realized tonight that I will have no problem kicking butt on Sunday since I had plenty of energy left after my workout. Luckily, I went home before I expended all the extra energy I had. The school stress is still hanging around. This week will be an exercise in patience since I need to keep my muscles warm but conserve energy at the same time. The key will be keeping my brain in the game with positive self talk and avoiding the doubts that will want to creep in. After all this is just another workout for me at a different gym.:bigsmile: :laugh:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm back from my weekend away in Lake Geneva.

    Welcome to all of the newlings!! :flowerforyou:

    @bj--great job getting out there to go walking! :drinker:

    @gorilla--hope you feel better soon. I know what you mean about the bad food choices impacting exercise. I had a terrible lifting session the other day and I'm convinced it was due to a lack of protein and too much sugar early in the week.

    @kooky--I have the same issues with fresh produce. Unless I have specific plans for it, it tends to go to waste. :frown: Great job getting out there with the pups! My gunner was ecstatic to see me today--we went for a nice long walk before I left for the gym.

    @susan--nice that you had a chance to catch up on some errands this weekend--you are one busy lady!

    @frau--that produce looks yummy!!

    @allie--great to see you back!! :flowerforyou:

    @kelley--that's funny about the asics! :laugh: I actually do need a new pair, but didn't find any while shopping in LG. Will probably go look for some next weekend. Thanks for sharing the article.

    @holly--that's good that you don't struggle with food on the weekend. I have trouble at work as well b/c I'm not always good about planning ahead. That leaves me vulnerable to all of the treats that always seem to be lying around the office. :grumble:

    I'm going to give up on more personals b/c I'm finishing laundry and still need to make my lunch for the week. I'll catch up with the rest of you another day. :smile:

    Sunday Share:
    For the newlings, I'm karen--a HS English teacher from Chicago. I'll fill you in on more as we go along. Have a great night everyone!

    Grading goals:
    1. 50/73 AP Frost journals
    2. 50/73 AP Grendel reflections

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Thurs--rest day (going to dinner and a play straight from work)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift and run 5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 90
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 55
    Overhead press = 45

    Upright row = 35 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 80
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    The weight is so slow to come off, but I know I'm getting stronger. The session with the trainer has been so worth it. I did various reps tonight, but I'm really proud of my planks. I did 3 reps of 90 seconds each. Towards the end I was shaking pretty bad, but I stayed up. Woo Hoo!!!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    No personals tonight - I have a really, really sore throat AND tongue. Even water hurts. Gotta get in to see the doc tomorrow. Keeping fingers crossed I can get in! .
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Monday Share - Had a good w/e. Worked most of it but was able to stick to my diet plan and was under calories every day. Today was a rough one emotionally as its our Thanksgiving and I couldn't be with my family. I spoke to both my kids and video conferenced with my grandkids out west but it was pretty sad sitting down to have dinner by myself. Not like when my kids were little and we'd have upwards to 20 people around the dinner table for Thanksgiving dinner.. Oh how times have changed. But, I did not resort to old habits and stuck to a reasonable meal. No binge eating like I would normally do if I were upset so I guess its a win.
    Hope everyone has a plan for the week and sticks to it. Charlotte
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    Charlotte. Happy Belated Thanksgiving. I sort of know how you feel. Both of my parents are gone and so is my father in law. My mother in law is in her 80s and lives in a retirement community. Holdiays when my kids were toddlers were 20-30 people and now no one really does much unless I plan it so it is sort of blah. I am a holiday GRINCH! LOL. I try really hard not to let it show, but I know my kids see it. We do American Thanksgiving on the Saturday after at my sisters and Christmas Eve my Italian friend has us (her family and friends ) for a huge 7 fishes dinner. So I do look forward to those. Just don't look forward to planning anything myself this year.
    Off to work. I am 730-5 (my short day) today. I have beef stew in the slow cooker and will eat a healthy salad for lunch.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    This morning I got in a good workout with a new PR for bench press. I was very glad there was someone there to spot me which is not always the case at 5am during the week so it really let me push until failure. Definitely helped! Im feeling a bit better today after being in bed before 9 last night.

    Football is coming to an end now... and as much as I will enjoy getting some of my time back I will miss it. I enjoy working with the kids and seeing them do well... it is frustrating when they are scatterbrained but I have to remind myself they are 7 and 8! We are hoping to have one last game this weekend we call it our pumpkin bowl... right now we are having a hard time finding a team to play against.

    BUT having my season end now works out well for my workouts. I have one more session of really heavy lfting scheduled this Thursday morning and then it is supposed to be my deload week where I do the same things just with much less weight to let myself recover. I think I will start the first week back to my New Rules of Lifting for Life on Saturday, it starts off with a break in phase so I would not be actually killing the weights just getting back into the routine of a full body workout as opposed to one that focuses on just one major part at a time.

    I am also thinking of coming off the no carbs... it worked great for a while got me down around 40lbs but I am struggling now to keep it up come weekends and I am not seeing losses because of that. I am thinking of back to just straight calorie counting with an emphasis on protein....

    Robin- Feel better! Cold-eze that stuff works miracles! But it makes your food taste horrible for a couple days

    Susan- keep working! Stronger is best!!!

    Skinny- want to make my lunch for the week too?

    Lauriek70 -- You are 100% bad @$$ and you will do amazing this week!! Keep that focus and anytime you need an encouraging word we here in this group are here for you and you can always shoot me a PM!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tues- Goal today is to drink 9 cups of water.

    Susan - the church was way bigger than I am use to. They offer a lot more services to help people out which seemed cool just not sure of the size. I am going to go back a few more times.

    Kelly- I liked the article.

    Skinny- luckily for me I got big because I love fries and burgers not sweets because my office is fully of candy buckets for halloween. I have only had a like one maybe 2 fun size bars a day and then I am sick of candy.

    Robin- Get well soon

    Charolette- Happy B-lated Thanksgiving.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @BJ – a 3.5 pound loss is great!!! Congrats! :flowerforyou:

    @sjacobs – I am on the tail end of figuring out my calories as well. I initially did what MFP told me (too low) and have slowly inched it up. Then I added heavy lifting to my regime so, I’m still working on it. Someone else said it…each person is different…it just takes patience (which I’m in short supply of) to find out what that is for you.

    @kelley – thanks for the articles…good reads.

    @FrauHaas – good for you with your shopping. If I were to buy that much produce, most of it would end up in the garbage. I’m slowly working up on my consuming of fresh vegetables, but at least I love my fruit :blushing:

    @Susan – as someone who is pretty much stuck in their house every work day, I am a little jealous of your travel for work. I know it takes you away from Cyrus (which I wouldn’t like) and travelling while “dieting” is hard, but you do it with such grace. I’m proud and in awe! :love:

    @Laurie – I have no doubt you will kick butt on Sunday either. :happy:

    @Robin – feel better soon.

    @Charlotte – holidays without family would be tough. Good for you to stay focused.

    @Gorilla – I love my kids sports activities, but the time they take up can be a bit taxing towards the end of the season. Hopefully you can find another team to play against – I remember when we had the same struggles. Now that Jacob is older, the end of the season is built in a bit better so more people stick around for the “final.” And great job on the PR!

    @MNWalking – My guess is my “big” is not like your “big” as far as churches go, but it’s interesting. My church in Sioux Falls was the same size as my church in Bismarck. However, here I feel like I’m part of the church instead of just a visitor. People welcomed me with open arms and we got to know each other. The minister knew my name by week two (as well as many others). In my old church, I’m pretty sure the minister never knew me and nobody took the time to sit down and visit and build relationships. Good luck in finding your church home.

    AFM…I had a great day yesterday. I was under on my calories (not as much as my diary shows because I’m pretty sure what I ate was higher than what MFP listed), I went to my Water Fitness class (we focused on legs a lot) and got my heavy lifting in. Yesterday did fill up so I never got my grocery shopping in (by 10:00 at night, I wasn’t in the mood). Today, the only activity we have is Jacob’s saxophone lesson, so I’ll be able to get it done pretty easily.

    Squats – 65
    Bench – 55
    Bent over Rows - 55

    Exercise Goals:
    Monday – heavy lifting / Water Aerobics DONE
    Tuesday- rest
    Wednesday – heavy lifting
    Thursday – cardio “something”
    Friday – heavy lifting
    Saturday – family activity out and about
    Sunday - rest

    Today's To Do List:
    Saxophone Lesson
    Grocery Shopping
    Wash winter Jackets so we are good to go
    Clean my Living Room (dust and vacuum)
    Finish my Bathroom (shower and floor)
  • ShaeB32
    ShaeB32 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello Every one.

    I'm new to the thread but I am also looking to lose 100+ pounds. I'm married with 2 children who are 17yrs old and 7 yrs old.
    I currently reside in Killeen, Texas. Recently moving from Indianapolis, IN.

    I currently weigh 260lbs but depending on the day it varys from 264 to 258. I'm guessing water weight and snacking.
    I'm really trying to lose the weight and have a hard time sticking to healthy eating and working out.

    I hope to find some inspiration through others and find friendships that will help me with my journey.
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone! Sometimes I really hate having a weekday off since I get really lazy. With that being said, I had my first full physical therapy session where they really worked my leg muscles and I can definitely feel it. I felt energized the entire day and got to the grocery to stock up on veggies and fruit for the week. I even made a pot of soup which will last us for a few days.
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    thanks to everyone who responded! i had an incredible night in the gym 1 hour of cardio, i was drenched when done and could probably have done more but did not. i had 25 min elliptical, 20 min arc trainer and 15 min of treadmill. question for all and any that can anwswer. when i work out at planet fitness the machine tells me how much i burn like treadmill i did 107 cal in 15 minutes at 3.2-4.0 but when i log that into MFP it says i burned 280 calories. anyone know why that is?

    also, i got on the scale this morning and i'm down 3.5 lbs. i was sooooo excited. i also pulled on a skirt and it is lose in areas it has not been before, i don't measure until tomorrow night though so i'm not sure how many inches i've lost.

    this morning was my morning off from jillian 30ds and i'm feeling it, i wish i wouldn't have taken it off, but i'll be in the gym tonight. i'm really enjoying that 20 min sweat in the morning and i'm not near as hungry when i work out early.

    goals today, to stay wihtin my calories, record everything, and go hard in the gym tonight. starting to see changes and want to push harder. it's hard work but i know it's a lifestyle change now and i MUST work out every day.

    blessed day to everyone here, trying to stay up with post but its difficult, so good luck to all, feel better to those under the weather and keep pushing, we will all get there with will power, determination and support. {{{hugs}}}
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    thanks to everyone who responded! i had an incredible night in the gym 1 hour of cardio, i was drenched when done and could probably have done more but did not. i had 25 min elliptical, 20 min arc trainer and 15 min of treadmill. question for all and any that can anwswer. when i work out at planet fitness the machine tells me how much i burn like treadmill i did 107 cal in 15 minutes at 3.2-4.0 but when i log that into MFP it says i burned 280 calories. anyone know why that is?

    Both use an equation that takes your age/weight and activity. Personally I always go with the MFP estimates even if they do not take into account the level of effort, just easier for me to remember. Getting a Heart Rate Monitor would give you a better number if you really want accuracy...
  • xenofon
    xenofon Posts: 8 Member
    HELP. I lost like 35lbs, but for the last month nothing. I log in everyday. Eating right but nothing is coming off. Need advise.......
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    thanks gorilla! that's what i've been doing just wondered why it's so much higher than the machine says.

    have a beautiful day
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Let me just start by saying, I hurt everywhere! :laugh:

    @sjacobs~The machines at the gym are not all that accurate, the amount of calories you burn is driven by your effort and heart rate – I have found the machines are low in their estimation, MFPs estimate is a little closer. But as Gorilla suggested, if you want an accurate calorie count its best to use a HRM – I use one during my workouts. I do have one piece of advice regarding your workouts, they can’t all be high intensity – working out at a high intensity all the time puts a lot of stress on your body which causes cortisol levels to elevate, this can often result in stagnation on the scale or even weight gain. So, make sure that for every high intensity workout session you have a couple of lower intensity sessions – I do 2 HIIT sessions a week, the other days I do longer lower intensity sessions. I had adrenal fatigue a couple of years ago, partly due to a prolonged period of stress and partly due to overdoing it in the gym – my trainer constantly reminds me to find a balance (he has this sense for knowing when I've overdone it). You’re doing great, just remember to give your body the rest it needs. :happy:

    @Gorilla~Glad you are feeling better, congrats on a PR lifting this morning.

    @Robin~Hope the doc can work you in, feel better soon.

    @Allie~Great workout schedule this week, you got this!

    AFM~Almost blew off my workout last night since I had a last minute dinner invite – but did the fatburn program on my elliptical when I got home, it was a shorter workout since it was so late (after 7pm) but it was better than blowing it off completely. Dinner out was Italian, made a decent choice but as usual I had too much wine. :huh: Still came in under and within macros, so not terrible.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Monday~Gym, arc trainer or elliptical DONE! (Elliptical at home)
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Gym, Stairmill/Weights/Row
    Saturday~Running Drills either outside or the gym
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hi Kinnurse! Your doing great! I like Wii fit too, but I find if I don't make it a habit it is easy to "forget". lol!

    tlh047- It sounds like a really great visit. It is great to catch up with people you can connect with. Great job in keeping you eating pretty much in check!! And what a fun sounding work party! :happy:

    Alupinsk- Congrats on the 4 lb drop! Sometimes people won't say anything, so they don't offend or hurt your feelings. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but people know it can be a sensitive issue. You know you are doing great! Woo hoo!

    BJCamp! Congrats on losing 3.5 lbs! Must be so nice after the stalls to see that scale move! YAY!

    sjacobs- Hi! I'm sure you'll get it figured out. You just have to play with the numbers, till you figure what works for you! I also just finished the 30DS. It's tough but the results I appreciated! Just keep going!

    Kelley- Interesting article. :)

    FrauHaas- what a great selection! It all loks fantastic!

    Susan- What a crazy sounding weekend! Sounds like you'll have your hands full. :)

    Kooky- Your walk sounds lovely. It must be nice out and watching the sunrise. :) I hate mornings... I just can't be up that early.
    But it sounds like it gave you a nice morning exercise buzz!

    Gorilla- I hope you're feeling better and kicking that cold!

    Laurie- Sounds like your workout was a great stress release for you. I hope everything calms down for you at school. I've been thinking about it this week. It's sad to me that the parents are not getting involved to work this out! :(

    Robin- I'm sorry you're feeling rough. But I wanted to say congrats about you NSV! No way I would wear a belt yet! I bet you looked fab!

    I've had a crazy busy weekend. My daughter's birthday party went great... and I kept my eating in check. Even with a small piece of birthday cake. I also did a nice 2 and a half hour walk, to get some exercise in. Monday was Thanksgiving. Blew most of my calories in one meal, but ate light for the rest of the day! Ended up maybe 100 calories over my goal. I love stuffing... my favorite part of turkey dinner. That was quite a calorie hit. OUCH!!! I went to the grocery store and replaced some of my staples with lower fat versions. It has made an incredible difference to my journal. I really like Zumba... it is a lot of fun. I think I'm going to throw a little of Jillian Michaels back in the mix, for strength. Since my pool doesn't reopen till end of November, I won't be going to the gym for weights till then. :(
    Just wanted to say thank you for all the support everyone has been giving me!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I'm working on trying to get enough water in my diet. Thanks for all the reminders you guys are always posting!