crimznrose Member


  • This is layman as I can make it while still giving details: Carbs are quick processing sugars and if you're not burning them any time soon, they tend to store as fat. That being said, when you eat lots of carbs, your insulin spikes. A diet regularly high in carbs leads to higher insulin production. That then numbs your…
  • I don't count their calories, but I do try to give them a better shot at healthy diet than the country cooking I grew up with. I only cook and buy fat free milk and sour cream, low calorie/carb bread, low fat everything and encourage and talk to them frequently about eating better. They have grandparents who've ruined…
  • I almost always eat after 7pm. I get home from work at 5:30 at the earliest, but usually around 6pm. Then if I run, I don't start making dinner till 7pm...which puts dinner anywhere from 7:30-8:30pm. Definitely better to watch your nutrition and not the clock. Something light and healthy shouldn't make you feel like crap.…
  • I've had it since March and started and re-started and re-re-started it. It's hard for me to commit to an hour long video each day (although an hour is easy when I go for a run - go figure). I love the workouts and you do sweat - a LOT and burn tons of calories. While I've become a pretty devoted runner I keep telling…
  • I've wondered this a lot as I learned the ropes as a new runner. At first I just put them in my pocket or duffel (if I was at an event). My running jacket that I've now had about a month has a zippered pocket on the sleeve and my run pants have a small slip pocket in the waistband big enough for a single key. I also got an…
  • lean salsbury steak with fat free sour cream mashed potatoes and green beans. If I get snacky - planning on making my pecan-grape yogurt dessert. :bigsmile:
  • Quitting smoking is no small NSV. Congrats and keep up the great work!!! I quit about 4 years ago and it was one of the best things I've ever done (next to taking up running). :flowerforyou:
  • The whole Mayan prophecy is interesting, but to be honest on 12/21....I'd love to be doing the "End of the World" Trail 5k that happening in Indiana. It sounds like a blast and great way to ring in the supposed end of the world. :drinker:
  • Well I work at a desk, so after a long hard day of that I like to run first. Leave all the frustration and stress on the road. THEN take a hot shower (baths are gross, nothing like sitting in your own sweat stew:sick: ).
  • "I'm going to succeed because I'm crazy enough to think I can" "unless you puke, faint, or die KEEP GOING!" "gonna run til I don't jiggle" "your legs are not giving out. Your head is giving up. KEEP GOING" "life begins at the end of your comfort zone" one of my favorites and my mantra when I want to slow my run to a…
  • Definitely DON'T overdo it. You're training and strengthening your leg muscles by easing into it with short intervals and if you do too much too soon you can tear something. When I first got into weeks 4-6 I thought I could start doing back to back days, but got that painful tight sensation in my legs. Luckily my stepdad…
  • I just finished it last month. When I started, I could barely run to my mailbox without getting winded and I got a stitch in my side for the first few weeks of the program, but I stuck with it. Now I run every other day (yep - even in darkness and 30 degree weather now that it's turning into winter). I have three events…
  • I got the New Balance NF HRM at the beginning of 2012 and love it. It helped me get a more accurate read on my calorie burn and is easy to set up.
    in HRM Comment by crimznrose November 2012
  • I love my endurance (ability to run for over an hour without stopping).
  • I've done four 5k's since September and someone in my running group got sick before the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon. With two days notice and no training outside of Couch 2 5k, I took her place for the half. I surprised myself that I was able to complete it in 2:48 and even ran the first 10 miles. They say to increase…
  • Holy cow!!!! I would avoid the water altogether - that's downright dangerous if it's below freezing. I did a 5k obstacle race last night and it was in low 40s. Wear warm socks. My running shoes are mesh uppers and my feet were still freezing. I work knee high socks too for add warmth. Then long running bottoms. I wear…
  • Not doing the challenge, but my blog has my miles. Have already run over 20 miles and it's only November 4. Hoping to top 100 before December 1
  • Just finished c25k last week. Good luck and don't give up!!! I'll be starting 5to10k soon, but getting a long run in today for in preparatin for Saturday's 5k obstacle course race.
    in c25k Comment by crimznrose November 2012
  • I personally count my coffee & tea as water intake, but not anything sugary (i.e. juiice or creamer). Coffee & tea are basically "flavored" water, despite the caffeine presence.
  • I usually prefer to leave the organs inside the animal - yuck. My husband loves liver and I'm clueless when it comes to how to prepare it. Dr. Hannibal Lecter, however, suggests serving it with fava beans and a nice chianti.
  • People mock what they cannot understand and what they cannot have. Many people mock runners because they are jealous. They look down on themselves for not being healthier, not exercising regularly and are jealous that you are out there doing it when they are not. They try to undermine those that remind them of their…
  • ROFL:laugh: ..... I needed that SOOOO much this morning. TOM decided to show up early this month (probably due to weighloss and workout, stress.....whatever medical explanation any doc wants to throw out there). I have a theory that TOM just likes to mess with people's heads. TOM arrived early, in my opinion at least,…
  • I've been battling the last 20 lbs to Onederland for months now. They are VERY stubborn!!! :grumble: I have put my focus on running instead and hope to make it to out of the 2's without even knowing it. :ohwell:
  • I was a skinny child until 3rd grade (who knows what set it off - i got glasses, my grandpa got cancer, we got atari, etc). Everything went to crap then and I finally got fit after graduating high school - just in time to get pregnant. :sad: I've been trying to fight genetics and years of bad choices but defintely hard…
  • Holy moly - as you get smaller you're smile is getting bigger!!! :bigsmile: Great progress!
  • I just did my final c25k session last night and have to say I love it. I've become addicted to the 5k runs (got my 3rd this Friday) and am looking forward to starting a 5k 2 10k program now. Not sure when it changed but somewhere along the way, those runs gave me the freedom to empty my mind of the day's stress, feel…
  • I've read over and over again not to stretch before running, but walk to warm up the muscles. As for training....since you can already run a mile or two without problem you'll have no trouble. The key is to find your pace - many new runners go gung ho too soon and end up walking the last 1/3 of the race. Just use enough…
  • While I'm thinking about it.....a couple other tips: Don't eat anything heavy on a run day. I learned that the hard way. If I eat pasta or a burger - anything not full of leafy stuff I feel weighed down and sick during my run - even if I eat it HOURS before my run. My favorite run day lunch is a Culver's salad - it's got…
  • One bit mistake many beginners make is running to hard to fast. Try a slow jog - even if you're barely moving and your pace is 18minutes during your run intervals - at least it's a pace. Speed and endurance build over time. It was very hard for me when I started out and I still can't believe I made it through all the weeks…
  • I'm so SICK of my boss asking how much I've lost about every other week. 1. It's not his business. 2. If that scale hasn't budged I don't need to be reminded of that fact at work where he and his wife gorge themselves almost daily on fatty greasy fast food and almost always have some kind of cake or chocolate thing in the…