c25k Question - Anyone a Genuine Convert?



  • KarCrib
    KarCrib Posts: 39 Member

    I hated it. Like negative talked the whole time... why did I hate it? Because I was doing it wrong.

    While doing C25K, I bought a book called Run Your Butt Off and what I learnt is that I was running too fast. I slowed it down.

    ONce I did that, i could control my breathing, scan my body, and just enjoy it. Now I am doing 10K and tris.

    SO yes, I hated it.. now I can't wait to go home and get a little 5K in before my tv shows of the night!

    Keep it up!
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    The only 5K I do is swimming :) arthritis in my feet makes running a 5K not an option. So I do what anyone determined to find sustainable fitness. Adapt. :bigsmile:
  • mslisatm
    mslisatm Posts: 154 Member
    wow these are all great replies! I am on Week 2 of C25k and am starting to look forward to my runs. I love being outside and I just feel strong and peaceful when I am running. I am a rower and was turtured by coaches in m youth so running has never appealed to me. But once I got good shoes, a good job bra and good clothing I find it is more enjoyable because it is for ME. Im hoeing there is weight loss that comes with it but it is more for the ability to run and challenge myself than anything.
  • Debby0904
    Debby0904 Posts: 151 Member
    I started loving it after week 5. 2months now and just ran a 9k this past weekend. Another 5k coming up in a month.
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    Hi, I'm currently on week 8 on c25k and I'm definitely a convert! At first I couldn't run for a minute without feeling awful and I hated it, but I stuck at it.

    What changed it for me was that first 20 minute run at the end of week 5. I was dreading it, I thought "how on earth can I go from running 8 minutes in a row to 20?!" but when I heard that beep I literally jumped up and down! I couldn't believe I had done it, and felt like I could have gone on much longer! It was a great feeling.

    I love running outside, I've never run on a treadmill and I'm dreading it now the weather and nights are closing in. Even if it's a bit wet and windy, it's not awful and I find it's a great time to just have to yourself and it really clears my head.

    Get some good tunes going, wave to as many people you pass as possible (they will start waving back eventually lol) and relax in to your stride and pace.

    Just my 2 cents :)

    I literally could have written this!! I think that 20min run at the end of week 5 does a lot for your confidence - I jumped up and down in the street when I done it....until I realised I was getting some queer looks...

    Now I'm even starting to love running in the rain!! Its madness but I cant wait to go for my run tonight now :-D Keep it up and you will get there - I think running is very addictive!! xx
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    I just did my final c25k session last night and have to say I love it. I've become addicted to the 5k runs (got my 3rd this Friday) and am looking forward to starting a 5k 2 10k program now. Not sure when it changed but somewhere along the way, those runs gave me the freedom to empty my mind of the day's stress, feel empowered, and reconnect with a part of me that loved the outdoors.
  • BarbellBlondieRuns
    BarbellBlondieRuns Posts: 511 Member
    I am a genuine convert! I used to walk every day and was pretty happy with that. I decided I wanted to torch more calories so I started C25K. I found the entire program very challenging but was able to complete it as it was laid out. I didn't become a convert until about a month after I finished the program. So, once I had been running 3 miles/3 days week for about a month is when I really started feeling like a runner. Now I look forward to my runs. :) I struggle with plantar fasciitis at times but I always get right back to running as soon as I can. There will be bumps along the way. When you get past those bumps you feel a pride that shows through in everything you do!
  • sweetlouison
    sweetlouison Posts: 6 Member
    I have done the C25K..and honestly, I do not like to run. BUT...I love that I can. Not something I ever thought I would be able to do...or desire to do. The feeling of accomplishment after I complete my run is enough to keep me going. Maybe eventually I will really love it...but right now. I just like the amazing feeling I get after it is finished.. :smile:
  • gwild0r
    gwild0r Posts: 135 Member
    Running Friggen Rules!!! I hated everyday of c25k.. and even after graduating.. I hated running.. The beginning always sucks.. But after a Run I'm on such a high, that's what I focus on and am now addicted..
  • sh3lby03
    sh3lby03 Posts: 193 Member
    I did! It took about 8 weeks. I am out of it now and desperately want to get back into it. You just have to keep pushing and forcing it, eventually you will get the "runner's high" and you will be addicted. I looked forward to it because if I went a day without running I felt so sluggish.
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    I'm a convert. Started in 2005. Now running is a key part of my life and racing is my hobby. I love racing more than running (helps that I'm capable of winning my age group in 5k/10k), but even if I stopped racing I'd probable stil run 3-4 days a week at reduced miles and intenstity. I like how it makes me feel the rest of the day.

    And it took me about 3-4 months to start feeling like running was part of my routine and not something I had to go out and do.
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    Like KarCrib said, people don't really hate running. They hate the way they feel when they run too fast. They just don't realize they're running too fast.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Running is awesome. Non runners will try to tell you otherwise. I hated it, never ever would I have thought I was a runner.

    It takes as long as it take you to break out in a grin and be proud that you just did it! Everyone has that point, maybe 1st race or the first time you run for 15 minutes straight but it happens and once you start, it's the best thing to ever happen to you. I think about running all of the time.

    The first time I ran 9 minutes straight, I got so excited...I really ran! I started in late December of 2011 and finished my first half in September 2012. I LOVE TO RUN!
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Like KarCrib said, people don't really hate running. They hate the way they feel when they run too fast. They just don't realize they're running too fast.

    This is why you are my fave running friend. You just know it all :) This is so true! Slow down a little and enjoy it.
  • NatashaRuz

    Tomorrow's Week8Day1 and I cannot wait!!

    I could not run 60 seconds straight without hating it 2 months ago. Now? I look forward to running and genuinely enjoy it (even when I struggle).

    I started to enjoy it after I completed the first 3 weeks or so and began to feel the strength in my body building up.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I'm on Week 5, doing the dreaded Week 5, day 3 tomorrow. I'm somewhere between "tolerating" and "loving" it at the moment. It got a lot better around Week 4, when I started noticing a big improvement in my cardiovascular fitness.
  • brentb71
    brentb71 Posts: 41 Member
    I have started c25k and complete Week 3. From hating running, I have been converted to "tolerating running" (I do it, but do not really look forward to it). I plan to do running as part of my lifestyle. Here is a question to you -

    Has anyone started c25k hating running and ended up LOVING running? How long did it take to reach there? What did you do?


    Right here.

    I started my health/fitness journey in February 2012 at 41 years old and 260 lbs. Initially with diet, strength training, and elliptical. In April my kids school had a 5K fund raiser. They signed up, I didn't because I knew I couldn't do it. After sitting there and watching the event instead of participating I decided I wanted to be able to run just enough to sign up for and run the occasional local 5K fund raiser.

    I tried on my own just getting out there and running. Didn't like it... Couldn't do it. Googling for some ideas I found the cool runnings C25K app. Well it worked and I'm officially addicted. To answer your question "How long did it take to reach there?" I would say Week 5. That's when you start logging some significant running mileage with very little walking. It's also when you realize, "Hey I can do this! I'm a runner!"

    With an initial goal of just being in decent enough shape to run the occasional local 5K fund raisers, I'm currently 173 lbs running a 6.2 mile run every other day and a long run of at least 10 miles every other weekend. I run on a mixture of trails and road. I'm not running or training for anything in particular. I just like doing it. I like trying to go a littler faster & farther each time out. It's exhausting yet completely relaxing. Unlike others who are in it for the running groups and racing, I love the simplicity and solitude of running. All you really "need" is a path and a pair of shoes... some even forego the shoes!

    I will try my hand at racing in 2013 having already signed up for two 5Ks, two 10ks, and two half marathons. Hopefully I will enjoy that aspect as much as I do the rest.

    Good luck in your journey!
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member
    I hate running but I love the feeling after I am done, so I keep running!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,248 Member
    I started to enjoy running by the time I ran my 1st race and ran much faster than I expected I would. That was about 3 months after starting C25K.

    I've since come to realize that it's great stress relief and I miss it if I don't run for more than 3 days. I feel better after I run. I'm still, almost two years after starting, amazed that I can even do it... that I'm one of "THOSE" people. Especially if I'm out running in the rain... I used to see people doing that and think they were nuts, but it feels wonderful.

    Sometimes I still have days that I'm not into it. Yesterday was one of those days.... I had to force myself out the door, and made a pact with myself to do at least two miles. The first mile was hell, and slow. The second mile was better. The third and fourth miles were even better. Each mile was faster than the one before. By the time I got home, I was as relaxed as if I'd just had a massage. Only sweatier and smellier.
  • KerrieJane86
    KerrieJane86 Posts: 75 Member
    I hate hate hate running!
    but I am now going on week 4 of Couch to 5 k :)

    It gets better every day becuase I realize I can do it.
    I have to stretch before and after though or I really hate running.

    People see me walking on my tiptoes stretching and probably think I'm crazy!

    The thought of someday being able to run 5k without stopping makes me super excited :)