Bree1294 Member


  • Hey Buddy - I'm gunna pull a good ol' fashion one on ya! Let's just say I'm your "BY PROXY MOM".... Ready???? Now listen here young man, I'm tired of you moping around doing nothing, turn off that TV and go outside to play basketball, call a friend and go swimming, play tennis, golf, I don't care what you do, but JUST GO…
  • Welcome back. It is unfortunate that you were treated unkind on your last journey. Been married for 15 years this November - so you can add me for weight support and marriage support if needed! LOL - Best of Luck this time around and congrats on your nuptials!
  • If you wash your face more often than you used to, you could be causing some irritation as well as drying out your skin. My miracle cream that I swear by.... Nutrogena - Anti Wrinkle, Anti Blemish moisturiser - there is a cleanser as well. The ONLY product that worked for me and my adult acne. Best of luck!
  • YES - it totally works if you use it!
  • Holy COW Allenrulz - your weight loss is fricken AWESOME.... way to go! You're name says it all - Allen RULES!!!
  • First of all - you have ZERO pounds to go - your profile pic is absolutely fabulous - I think you're perfect just the way you are.... and apparently so does he. Enjoy your success! My guess, your BF just loves you.... so don't worry!
  • Was beginning to think I was the only Wyomingite.... Glad to see someone else representing the Cowboy State!
  • After a life time of not eating breakfast... when I decided to lose weight, I continually read through books and other research that breakfast was vital to weight loss. So, I started eating breakfast - always within 30 minutes of waking up. I feel tons better now that I ever have, I no longer have the "sugar shakes" that…
  • Your topic caught my eye immediately! That is exactly why I started losing weight and working out. I have to say - it's the best decision I've made. I am feeling much better, and it only took a couple of weeks to start feeling a difference. Take it day by day and remember when that little voice inside your head says "I…
  • Welcome to MFP Tharkey.... :) First let me say - THANK YOU for your service - huge hugs to you and your pals! You've lost 7 lbs, and within 2 weeks - fabulous! Obviously if you are losing weight then you are taking in fewer calories than your body is burning. I will share with you what I am doing because it has completely…
  • I'm game! Add me! :glasses:
    in Motivation! Comment by Bree1294 May 2012
  • Welcome to MFP Ryan.... feel free to add me as a friend if you like.....
  • This is what I say as well! I use salsa on my salads - best thing in the world..... :)
  • Metamucil???? Also, I would encourage you to drink plenty of fluids, preferably water or natural juices instead of sodas. Good Luck!
  • You fricken crack me up! I'm so glad I added you as a friend! LMAO.....
  • Totally love this - I'm so glad that you are willing to put yourself out there for someone in need.... this is one of those things that "just happens!" You either go with the flow and laugh about it... or not. Good choice to laugh.... You're amazing!
    in CRANKY Comment by Bree1294 May 2012
  • LottieLou13 - LOVE the leopard skin! :heart:
  • Thanks everyone - I was thinking of upping the calories and will definitely make them protein since I lift weights every other day. Want to keep my lean mass going and keep burning the fat.... After calculating my BMR and TDEE, I bumped to 1550 calories a day instead of the 1200. Will give it a couple of weeks and see what…
  • Actually a couple of different folks posted these up above - I knew what these were, but didn't know where to go to get them, so use their links to find out your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate).
  • My guilt food.... pumpkin seeds.... the sodium alone is enough to make anyone cringe.... but oh so yummy! :embarassed:
  • Most likely you did not do anything wrong at all, buddy! Since you have been working your muscles so intensely, water is most likely the 1lb you're seeing. Muscle needs water to work correctly and when you are working them out as hard as you are, they also need water to repair themselves. Don't lose hope my friend, the…
  • I'm looking for friends as well.... Add me and we'll try to motivate each other.... one step at a time, one day at a time. I have a total of 60lbs that I wanted to lose and every time I thought about it - I would get discouraged. So, I've been breaking it up into smaller easier goals. So, I shoot for 10 lbs at a time....…
  • Add me as a friend - we'll help each other! As for the gym, maybe you should look at going to another facility? When I was scouting gyms, I was looking for where would I fit the best? I ended up going to a gym that was a bit more expensive, but definitely my second home!
  • Eat protein through-out the day as much as you possibly can, especially if you are working out. I am also not eating break, pasta's, or potatoes, but it's my choice, not a doctor recommended restriction. I do eat a lot of protein, in fact I make sure every meal has protein as I work out 6 days out of 7. So far so good and…
  • If it were me, I would definitely hit the scale my friend! I would want to know what happened during my break to help motivate me again. I was off from exercising for two weeks due to back issues and I could immediately tell the difference. I think a good portion was water weight, once I started exercising again, it came…
  • PS - it did help me to boost my calories... Sorry I forgot to add that part! LOL Good Luck...
  • I've had the same problem actually... and believe it or not, it was due to NOT eating enough. My body was holding on to the calories I was feeding it since it didn't think I was feeding it enough. Try introducing more protein since you're working out and protect those muscles. You need the calories to convert to energy so…
  • Sherri, It's been 19 years since I too, was in a relationship where I had a similar situation. For me, I realized that I had to really concentrate on finding out WHO I WAS again as my personality and spirit were so broken. My advice to you is to concentrate on things that make you happy outside of food. Do you like to…
  • Hello all, this is my first post but one in which I thought was important. The whole Hypo/Hyper roller-coaster is one that I am sure everyone struggles with. Dry skin is one of the dreaded side effects. My skin would get so dry at times that it would litterally crack and become so very sore. An additional side effect I had…