Skipping Breakfast?

Thunderfan66 Posts: 105 Member
edited December 23 in Food and Nutrition
What are people's thoughts on skipping breakfast? I was always of the the thought that breakfast is important for getting your metabolism going, it's the most important meal of the day, etc. I always assumed that I would be starving if I didn't have breakfast. However I read about another diet that recommends (amongst other things) skipping breakfast as a way to weight loss and eating your calories later in the day. After a heavy eating and drinking weekend I decided to try it, just to see how it went and also to try and eat less for a few days to "make up" for the weekend. To my great surprise, I'm actually not hungry or starving like I thought I would be, and I'm actually finding it easier to eat less throughout the whole day. I haven't been eating until about 11am, although I have been drinking quite a few cups of tea before then. However I don't know if it's a good thing to do or not???


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    What are people's thoughts on skipping breakfast? I was always of the the thought that breakfast is important for getting your metabolism going, it's the most important meal of the day, etc. I always assumed that I would be starving if I didn't have breakfast. However I read about another diet that recommends (amongst other things) skipping breakfast as a way to weight loss and eating your calories later in the day. After a heavy eating and drinking weekend I decided to try it, just to see how it went and also to try and eat less for a few days to "make up" for the weekend. To my great surprise, I'm actually not hungry or starving like I thought I would be, and I'm actually finding it easier to eat less throughout the whole day. I haven't been eating until about 11am, although I have been drinking quite a few cups of tea before then. However I don't know if it's a good thing to do or not???

    It's perfectly fine to skip breakfast and it's perfectly fine to eat breakfast. As long as you are able to consume the appropriate amount of food for the day, go with personal preference.

    Breakfast does not kickstart your metabolism.
  • wildflow30
    wildflow30 Posts: 27
    Totally disagree. I am 50 lbs over weight. Watching Biggest Loser has taught me so much!. I am now eating in the morning, 3 meals a day. More calories and more food than I was 2 weeks ago. I have lost over 12 lbs with little to no exercise.

    I am not an expert by any means.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I say trial and error see what works best for you. I personally cannot skip breakfast or else I'm a complete shrew.
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    I don't really eat breakfast, in the sense that I don't eat RIGHT after I wake up. I wake up around 11am and eat "breakfast" between 1-2pm. I'm really not that hungry in the morning, and I hate to force myself because I just can't enjoy it that way. I find that when I wait to eat until around 1 or 2, I'm not TOO hungry the rest of the day, and it sets me up for success because that just means I get to eat later in the night... I don't go to bed until around 1 or 2 in the morning, and I HATE going to bed on an empty stomach... so the extra calories at night are a critical component to my good nights sleep, which is ALSO very important. :)

    I say do what you feel is best for you, and what works the best for you. What works for some may not always work for others. And don't believe the BS about metabolism kickstarts - your metabolism will still work just fine as long as you're eating.

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai
  • Thunderfan66
    Thunderfan66 Posts: 105 Member
    After not eating breakfast for a couple of weeks I am finding that it's getting harder and harder to keep it up and keep making good chocies thoroughout the day. I didn't eat breakfast this morning, but was starving by 9am, ate OK during the day but blew it tonight by sitting here eating handfuls of lollies. Maybe I should try skipping breakfast every 2nd day or something like that. I will keep playing around with it.
  • Bree1294
    Bree1294 Posts: 32 Member
    After a life time of not eating breakfast... when I decided to lose weight, I continually read through books and other research that breakfast was vital to weight loss. So, I started eating breakfast - always within 30 minutes of waking up. I feel tons better now that I ever have, I no longer have the "sugar shakes" that would plague me on a daily basis. That alone is worth my eating breakfast every day. If you do skip once in a great while, don't think it will hurt you, but I really don't recommend it based on personal history! Good luck!
  • Thunderfan66
    Thunderfan66 Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks Bree....I'm undecided yet on what to do....there have been days where I've eaten breakfast when I'm not hungry, just because "you should" and then I always think, ah I could have saved those calories for later when I am hungry! Then on other days, if I don't eat breakfast - sometimes it works and sometimes I make bad chocies like today! Ah, so complicated!
  • During the week I eat breakfast only occasionally, if I am hungry. Otherwise I'll have an apple or yogurt and fruit or something midmorning. I enjoy cooking and would rather save my calories for Dinner, when I have time to prepare a meal. I figure as long as I am making good choices overall and eating a reasonable amount I'm not going to worry too much about when I eat.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    Hmm, if you skip breakfast, when do you eat your delicious overnight oats?
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    Eat whenever your body wants to eat. Personally I was never a breakfast person, but now if I don't get my egg whites and veggies with cheese I'm starving within an hour of waking up. I think me being able to go without breakfast before had something to do with all my late night snacking. Now I don't go to bed full, so I definitely wake up hungry.
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