Starting Over and seeking friends for support.

MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
So I had an account on here before-and lots of very supportive friends. HOWEVER, because there were some people that were extremely rude and cruel to me on the forums, I deleted my account and started a new one.

If you may have friended me under my old account, here's some info about me.

I'm getting married a week from this Saturday. I'm a type I/Juvenile diabetic. My weight loss goal is small (5-10 lbs) But so far it has been a huge challenge to lose the weight (my birth control and age seem to have slowed down my metabolism).

I'm looking for supportive fun people to be friends with on the site. I feel bad for having to delete my old account but...people on the forums can be jerks.


  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    I'm sorry you were made to feel that way, but when you're on a forum, you put yourself out there. Everyone is a target when they post on a forum. You just have to accept it. There may be many people who will disagree with me right now. And if they do- I'm gonna hear about it. I just have to realize that going in.

    Same with you. If you can't accept people disagreeing with you, then you're going to end up feeling picked on again. I'm saying this with compassion and respect. I sincerely wish you better luck this time around. :flowerforyou:
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I'm sorry you were made to feel that way, but when you're on a forum, you put yourself out there. Everyone is a target when they post on a forum. You just have to accept it. There may be many people who will disagree with me right now. And if they do- I'm gonna hear about it. I just have to realize that going in.

    Same with you. If you can't accept people disagreeing with you, then you're going to end up feeling picked on again. I'm saying this with compassion and respect. I sincerely wish you better luck this time around. :flowerforyou:

    It wasn't a matter of disagreement. They were personally attacking me as a person...nothing to do with the question I had was a matter of cruelty-not a difference of oppinion. I can debate as well as the next person...the things they were saying had nothing to do with the quesiton I asked.
  • lozla86
    lozla86 Posts: 77
    Hi I'm Laura feel free to add me so we can do this journey together. I'm 26 years old and have been married for three and a half years, waning to lose weight to have a heathly preganancy xx
  • BrainOnAStick
    BrainOnAStick Posts: 126 Member
    Hey there. Feel free to add me. My aim in doing this myfitness pal stuff is to contribute to and reap the benefits of a positive and supportive community. I tend to get bored by doing the same workouts day in and day out. In turn, I am always looking for fun, new ways to stay motivated and get moving. Good luck, Laura and others! Ah, and congratulations on the wedding. I was just married in the past year. Good stuff!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Thank you for your support and help. It really is so important to have accountability on this site. I appreciate your kind words. :)
  • Sweetsys
    Sweetsys Posts: 78 Member
    I'm new also, been on her for about a month, but just got serious last week. Feel free to add me also. We need to support each other. I've found in the past that it helps to have friends on the journey.
  • Bree1294
    Bree1294 Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome back. It is unfortunate that you were treated unkind on your last journey. Been married for 15 years this November - so you can add me for weight support and marriage support if needed! LOL - Best of Luck this time around and congrats on your nuptials!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Thanks so much for your support. What are all of your goals and why do you have them-what is your motivation that keeps you going?

    I'll start. My A1c/Health (I'm diabetic). My last A1c was above 7.0 which it has not been since I was diagnosed. I wanna get back down to the 6.0-6.5 range. (A1c is a lab test the doctors do to check average blood sugar level over the past few months)