Sick & Tired of being Sick & Tired

I've got a long way to go to get to my goal weight but I'm going to give it a huge push and try to get some traction.


  • wolfehound22
    wolfehound22 Posts: 887
    The hardest part is getting started, and your taking the first start. Feel free to add me if your looking for motivation.
  • Bree1294
    Bree1294 Posts: 32 Member
    Your topic caught my eye immediately! That is exactly why I started losing weight and working out. I have to say - it's the best decision I've made. I am feeling much better, and it only took a couple of weeks to start feeling a difference. Take it day by day and remember when that little voice inside your head says "I don't need to work out tonight" to tell it to shut up and just do it anyway!
    Best of luck - you CAN DO IT!!!