magenta4c Member


  • Hi Ladies! i'm happy i can finally join the pregnancy section after trying for over 2 years and needing fertility treatment. :( our second IUI was finally successful and i feel confident enough now - after my second beta to join you. :) i would appreciate feedback on my diary, as i would like to to clean up my diet even…
  • "Im older too just turned 34 so maybe thats why?" RU kidding me? when i read older i was thinking 60+, then i read 34.. pffft... we are peaches! :-D
  • well,... its not easy to reach a 6 pack,... you must work hard for it... so i wouldn't worry :-)
  • and sooooo yummy!!!!
  • get one with body fat %, muscle % and water %. especially for women useful... we always hold water one week or another. also you can see when your muscles grow but your weight is the same.
    in Scale??? Comment by magenta4c March 2011
  • studies have shown that women after ovulation have a higher calorie intake and higher weight. so if you are in the second half of your cycle your hormones might be guilty! :-)
  • is 1200 what MFP told you to go for with the recommended settings? usually 1200 is the minimum the body needs not the maximum of what you are allowed to eat.
  • hi brian! i remember seeing on TV years ago (and i don't know if it was US, canadian or german TV) a report about plans to introduce a system like this on product packaging for an easier shopping experience. is your website related or just inspired by this discussion? since it's beta i understand that many products are…
  • in the morning after washroom visit :-)
  • i use the Pita Alwatan - 100% Whole Wheat. one pita is 190 cal. not sure if i would get your type of pita at walmart canada. ill have a look next time. tuna pizza is an italian/european thing. unfortunately they don't offer that in northamerican pizza shops. tuna pizza tastes best with onions and corn!!! my favorite pizza…
  • HA... Thats funny... Just finished eating my version with pesto instead of tomato sauce, feta, olives and tuna... More calories than that, but still same concept :)
  • well, i watched yesterday the youtube video of charlene where she describes the difference between her workouts. ( i'd say it depends on your fitness level. i like turbo jam. choreography wise it's complex enough for me, but i don't need anything more challenging... it would take…
  • OH nooo :( maybe it's muscles!! Do you work out?
  • my friend is a personal trainer and i asked him about my plateau. i had a stand still for 6 weeks now. he said i eat too little. he told me not to go below 1200 cal (thats what everyone here preaches) and that the body otherwise eats the muscles to nourish the vital body functions. so either eat before workout or burn…
  • i always have the same problem. especially working out at night.
  • just get a body fat analysis scale ;-) *SCNR*
  • i agree with LBATL. if you really have an addiction you need to see a specialist or at least learn to understand it: i was fixated on calories, weight watchers points systems, their colour system, bread units and alike and wasn't able to enjoy food as it is... i was almost phobic, but still very overweight, without eating…
  • just spoke to a friend who is a personal trainer. he told me never to go under 1200 cals as it will eat your muscle mass because it is energy your body needs for vital functions. i am on a plateau at the moment for 6 weeks because i didn't eat enough on workout days.
  • i wouldn't get a regular scale. i always had a body fat analysis scale and it tells you if you are holding water (depending on your menstrual cycle, you weigh more in the second half of the cycle) when you know how much water, fat and muscle you have, the weight is not as important, as you build muscles and burn fat, but…
    in Scales Comment by magenta4c March 2011
  • I wonder... Does it come from natural sources, such as muesli, whole grain breads and alike or rather supplemented in shakes? I think as long as it comes from your regular food its all great, but I also believe you can have too much of a good thing... Now I don't know about the biochemistry happening nor do I know what a…
  • i read a book about eating disorders and diets,... the psychologist/therapist gave little tasks for the reader... like: "eat a bite, feel the texture, is it sweet, sour, salty... ?" then "swallow it... how does it feel on its way down?" do the same with a second one... and so on... the next task was to add some food on a…
  • info: it's this here: photo: i got it at walmart canada. not sure if the US has them as well. i preferred this one because it was the only one with muscle %. all weight watchers conair models had bone destiny measurements…
  • glad you like it! add me there :-) "Berni Ahlers" i'm not really networking there but doens't harm to connect :-)
  • got it now :-) i will do that. thanks for all the great advice! :-) 2 years plateau is a shocking message... i'm just wondering why this never happened with almased/markert dieting... (protein drink with veggie stew and fasting and workout.) the energy deficit is soooo high with that method i shed 20 kg in no time...…
  • buffets are usually a bad idea anyways, as they make you overeat. i recently went to an indian buffet and since there is no way of telling how much they oil they use, make sure to listen very closely to your hunger. i just added 1000 quick calories for 1 plate and some desert... just to be sure. don't be rushed, wait until…
  • ahhhh. now i get the NET calorie idea... took a while to understand what you meant with that as i was thinking more complicated than the "total calorie amount on MFP after workout". hm... i see.. problem is though, that i don't know what to do with all the calories. after workout i'm usually not hungry. and i find the…
  • @kaleighlegler...yeah, i didn't mention that i just raised it from just swimming laps for an hour - which was roughly 70 laps (1.7km) - to 90 laps, sometimes 96... can't imagine that the workout is the reason. EDIT: but maybe mixing it up is a good idea. @rherrin5: a question about the concept of the NET amount: is it the…
  • Do you work out at all? My weight stagnates as well at the moment. 3 weeks no change. I just know I am building muscles who will continue burning calories for me.
  • I'd calculate my calories at for this kind of stuff... They are much more sophisticated in the work out area.
  • I have lost many kilos with swimming. It's about the calorie control afterwards and not to be tempted to dig in after a good workout. Swimming makes hungry. Interestingly I read that the hunger is related to water temperature. Even thoug I like colder pools better for workout, I have to say that the warmer water at my…