I feel like I'm addicted to food...help!

I just joined MFP and am really liking the concept...I'm actually accountable for what I eat but I feel like I'm addicted to food! Does anyone else feel that way...and how do you get past it?


  • jmariano825
    I feel like this too. I will eat when I am bored, eat when I am sad or stressed. I just want to eat, eat, eat. I am trying to now make better selections when I want to eat. Not stop eating but eating healthier choices is the key.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    It's very common to have a chemical addiction to food in general, or to particular compounds in food (like sugar, etc). You're not alone, and cold turkey seems to be the only way to break it. Most ppl on here find that if they cave more than once a week they have a hell of a hard time getting back on track.
  • findingabetterme
    I dont know if I feel addicted to food but I do all day long everyday is think about food. I feel that I am constantly thinking about when I can eat next, what I will eat next - how to manage my calories, how to figure out how I can eat this or that.
    I understand that by not paying attention to what I was eating is how I got into this position, but it is so hard. I dont now anyone else that thinks about food as much/often as I do!
    LBATL Posts: 76 Member
    MFP is seriously not good for people with food addiction (or compulsion). I myself am compulsive when it comes to food and was able to overcome it by myself in my own time. However, I highly recommend not logging food/exercise if you really think you addicted. It's just going to make it worse. I logged for about 2 weeks and found myself feeling the urge to eat more than ever. I stopped logging a viola! that desire to eat just to eat was gone. You really have to over come the mental part if you want to lose weight and keep it off. I suggest talking to someone (a professional) or going to over eaters anonymous. I started my journey by reading "Women, Food and God" - it truly was an awakening as to why I was almost 300 lbs. 94 pounds later I'm the happiest I have ever been, and it's not because I lost the weight, it's because I understand myself better than ever and I'm emotionally healthy. Good luck!
  • Slavic_Spice
    Slavic_Spice Posts: 78 Member
    I am addicted to sugar. I weaned myself off of refined sugar. It took a while, but I stopped craving it. Then I decided that I could have some of my daughter's birthday cake.. and I lost control and am now back to craving it. For me, I think it's like a smoker who thinks s/he can just have one cigarette. This makes me sad, but I am glad I went through the cycle so I know to have better control next time.
  • jeromy75
    jeromy75 Posts: 112
    Get a journal and start writing down the times you are wanting to snack. Write down your feelings and thoughts. Watch for patterns...and replace them with better patterns. Start a new hobby. Crochet, drawing, music, poetry, etc. You cannot get rid of habits. You have to replace bad habits with good habits.

    Keep it up! I look forward to seeing your success on here.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    We are not addicted, just committed to ourselves...MFP makes that easy u know to be committed:)
  • magenta4c
    magenta4c Posts: 53 Member
    i agree with LBATL. if you really have an addiction you need to see a specialist or at least learn to understand it:

    i was fixated on calories, weight watchers points systems, their colour system, bread units and alike and wasn't able to enjoy food as it is... i was almost phobic, but still very overweight, without eating a pizza in 6 years or having a single frie over that period of time, just eating everything low fat, sugar free and light. starving myself of the real flavours.

    then i read a book of a therapist that changed all.
    now i can eat healthy without fear of calories, can enjoy and lost my food fixation altogether.
    this book was in german, so i can't give you a recommendation, but there are tons of books on amazon that have been rated. i'm sure you'll find something that will match your issue.

  • krise31
    krise31 Posts: 53 Member
    I think when you begin restricting your calories and changing your food habits your actually going through physical and mental detox. I wrote about it in my blog how I would stand in the kitchen and literally have to talk myself out of eating and continuously fight off negative thinking. I dont think its nec an addiction as it is habit. Just keep working at it and changing your thought process and it will get easier.
  • pmoore1225
    I feel the same way.. excuse I "felt" the same way! It is hard, I have never had an addiction in my life, Now I understand what it is like to have one. I enjoyed fast food. I would look forward to lunch break, and often think about whats on all the different menu's and what I wanted, before I even got there. Some people didnt take me seriously when I told them I have a food addiction. Yes, just like any unhealthy thing, you can be addicted to food. I think my favorite saying that I keep telling myself is "eat to live, dont live to eat. I only need food to nourish my body!"
    Alittle about my story:
    Jan 9, 2011 - new years resolution was too loose weight, I signed up to a gym and started eating healthy, I quite eating candy bars, fast food, cokes etc cold turkey.. I found the best thing to do was to find lots of healthy food that you like, and your going to need a wide variety. Ps - slimfast peanut butter bars taste just like butterfingers, and they are only 100 calorie. ;)
    I did really good on my diet until week 6.. (up until that point I had slipped a few times but nothing major, maybe a hot dog here or and extra serving of dinner)
    WEEKK 6 - I had stopped tracking my food on MFP.. THis where I went wrong I could no longer see how much I was eating. week 6 came and I felt like I was doing good, I also thought that my metabolism would counter act what I put in my mouth, I was eating more breads, corn dogs, drinking lots of gatorade, and my week 7 results hsowed it, I had only los 1.08 inches and gained 4 lbs.
    New plan: back to my diet and tracking food on MFP, All last week I had stuck to my diet, logged my food and worked out.. Im happy to say that it is: the beginning of week 9, I have lost 11.4 lbs total, 8 lbs alone this week, Ive lost 33.25 inches total and almost 9 inches in this week alone.... ANNDDD.. I havent had a candy bar, soda, or fast food in 8 weeks.. Now I look back and see how hard it was but its all worth it. Dont let food win.. The good thing is with alot of perserverence, and mental arguments with yourself, you can get through this. I actually cooked my husband bacon, eggs, grits, pancakes, toast this morning for breakfast, and made myself fruit and oatmeal.. its possible!! Sorry if my post is so long I am very emotional over my achievements today! good luck! Trish
    LBATL Posts: 76 Member
    Get a journal and start writing down the times you are wanting to snack. Write down your feelings and thoughts. Watch for patterns...and replace them with better patterns. Start a new hobby. Crochet, drawing, music, poetry, etc. You cannot get rid of habits. You have to replace bad habits with good habits.

    Keep it up! I look forward to seeing your success on here.

    Great suggestion to journal! I haven't done it (yet) although I have been encouraged to do so by my doctor. I do however take inventory of my body to determine if I am really hungry or if it is an emotion (usually anxiety) that is driving me to want to eat. If you listen to your body and give it what is needs then you'll be fine. The problem is overcoming what your MIND thinks it wants. Your body's natural needs will lead you in the right direction. I do not restrict foods whatsoever. If I'm craving it I eat it and I eat it until I am satisfied (moderation). The trick is to really listen to what your body is telling you - satisfied does not mean so full that I am sick.
  • TinkerBellSand
    Whenever I feel like I want to eat but know I dont need to, I replace that feeling with excercise and lots of water .Hard at first but it works. After a while it becomes habit.YOU CAN DO IT!
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    I am the same way. I agree with the taking days off doesn't help, for me it is SO difficult to take days off. One day is okay, but its SO difficult for me to get back on the wagon, a day turns into a few then into a week. You can do it, it just takes time...you have to think about it and decide on what you really want to do and why? Think of those things again when something is taunting you.
  • kimd1974
    kimd1974 Posts: 113
    I have the same issue. I will gain/lose 15 pounds continuously. I’m only 5’3” so 15 pounds on my frame is very noticeable. I go from a 6/8 to a 10/12. I starting on MFP 3 weeks ago and was doing well until this weekend and I binged Sat. & Sunday. I have been thinking about eating all day today. I have to meet my running partner after work and all I can think about is getting my run over so I can go eat a big fattening dinner. I’m so sick and tired of wasting so much energy thinking about food. I wish I could just be normal.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    Yep, i feel like a food addict (on the wagon at the moment) but all the same, it is an addiction, and worse than drugs and alcohol because you can't give up cold turkey, you can't just remove yourself from food, you have to eat something everyday or you will die. so it's always there, and you have to control yourself and make the right choices. it's so easy to fall of the wagon.

    i have a fair bit of weight to lose, and i am doing it slowly this time in hope that i can set some good habits into position for the future so i can maintain instead of piling it all back on and more when i come off the wagon. i eat well and exercise all week, and allow myself a treat at the weekends using some of my exercise calories so that i don't feel like i'm always having to go without treats, if i feel like having a few glasses of wine, or some chocolate, i am allowed to on the weekend, but not during the week, that way i hope it feels like i'm not on a "diet" for the next year that it will probably take for me to lose this weight.

    i'm trying to go for the 80% theory, eat well and exercise 80% of the time and the rest will look after itself as long as i'm not binging and going too crazy with treats at the weekend. i find that i buy small treats, so i buy a small bar of chocolate, and eat it, instead of buying a block of chocolate and having it there tempting me in the pantry all week.