I did not need to see this.

On the side of my food diary was this picture.


For those of you do do not know this is a french Canadian dish called poutine.
It consists of french fries, gravy, and cheese curds. Heart attack on a plate.
I really did not need to see it.


  • cookiejones
    cookiejones Posts: 104
    oooh so very cruel!!!!

  • HelenTheKitchen
    That sounds gross, but something tells me it's probably not.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Adblock is your friend. XD
  • magenta4c
    magenta4c Posts: 53 Member
    and sooooo yummy!!!!
  • scatmaster
    Not gross at all that is one of the things that got me into this mess. It is delicious. GRRRR.
  • SarahR1984
    SarahR1984 Posts: 212
    that does not even look appetizing! I hate the taco bell ads it's my fav!
  • mom2claudia
    Ohhh.... :( I had poutine once, but I was 140 pounds at the time (so almost 50 pounds lighter) and in high school. Poutine would stick right to my thighs if I dared try it now. I'm not thinking low-fat poutine would taste very good. Or would it....????

    ETA: Poutine is actually really, really good. It's one of those "It's only gross until you try it" things. But since we're on a weightloss board, I'll tell y'all it's gross. Don't try it. Don't even look at the pictures of it. ;)
  • scatmaster
    mom2claudia: Don't give me any ideas.
  • mom2claudia
    Well, there are far worse things you can eat than baked french fries, low-fat gravy and low-fat cheese.... ;) (I'd say fat-free cheese but that is, indeed, gross.)
  • lisapickering
    Ohhh.... Poutine is one of my favourite foods!!! That's just evil showing up next to your food diary!
  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
    Ah, poutine. I knew that my subscription to the so-called "Cooking Light" magazine wasn't for me when they ran a feature story on a restaurant in Canada whose star dish was poutine. What's light about poutine?!

    Speaking of Taco Bell and poutine, did you know that in Canada, they have Taco Fries in addition to (or maybe instead of) nachos? When I visited my friend in Nova Scotia she was amazed that we didn't have Taco Fries in Indiana. We were aghast. haha.
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    It's killer tasty. Note the use of the word killer, though.

    I recall seeing the following version of poutine while being on tour of Eastern Canada: truck stop near the Quebec/New Brunswick border. A very large trucker comes in & orders what roughly translates to "the kitchen sink" poutine. It had everything in it - pepperoni, chicken, baloney, ground beef, corn, etc. It looked terrifying but he really enjoyed it.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    cheese curds? Is that the same thing as cottage cheese? If so, I cannot imagine eating that with gravy and fries. I love to hear about regional dishes. Where are you? I wonder what you would think about some of the things we eat here in the southern USA! :laugh:
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Well, there are far worse things you can eat than baked french fries, low-fat gravy and low-fat cheese.... ;) (I'd say fat-free cheese but that is, indeed, gross.)

    I am glad I am not a potato person..............it sounds gross to me indeed. And the low fat stuff is definitely G-R-O-S-S. I do not eat anything low fat or no fat unless it is a fruit or vegetable.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    I hear ya, yesterday I saw the ad for the Milky Way caramel bar ... they are killing me!
  • Kiwijay
    Kiwijay Posts: 216
    We must have different ads in NZ coz all I have is ads for rental car companies, triathlons to enter and stuff like that. I did see an ad yesterday for 'Jacks' and I don''t know what it is so wasn't tempted by the burger I saw....phew!
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I don't want to see it.... I LOOOOOOOOOVE POUTINE!!! FRENCH CANADIAN HERE!!!!!!
  • scatmaster
    well sbwood. I am from your neighbour to the north.
    I do know a fair amount about southern cooking however and will be travelling south next week.
    Cheese curds are not cottage cheese and they are delicious. It might sound gross but it is not.

    From wiki

    Cheese curds in cuisine, or cooking, are the solid parts of soured milk either eaten alone or used in various regional dishes, mostly in Canada, the northeastern and midwestern United States.Cheese curds are little known in locations without cheese factories, because they should ideally be eaten within hours of manufacture. Their flavor is mild, with about the same firmness as cheese, but with a springy or rubbery texture. Fresh curds squeak against the teeth when bitten into, a defining characteristic, due to air trapped inside their porous bodies. They are sometimes referred to as "squeaky cheese". They are sometimes somewhat salty. The American variety is usually yellow or orange, like most American Cheddar cheese, but don't require the artificial coloring. Normal varieties, as in Quebec or New York State, will be naturally un-colored.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    I haven't seen that ad yet lol. My ads today are for L.A. Weight Loss and Kellogg's Fiber Plus.

    But I love some poutine. This restaurant up the street from me makes the best I've ever had. Duck fat french fries with duck gravy, duck confit, and gruyere cheese. I used to order it all the time when I sat in the bar and drank their awesome beers...hence why I'm 65 pounds overweight lol
  • scatmaster
    Bonjour Chantal:

    Excuse moi mais mon francais et tres pauvre.