josery1630 Member


  • Unusual amounts of stress and/or emotional exhaustion kill my drive every time. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now! Be kind to yourself, and if you have to take a week to simply maintain while you get through all this stress, it won't hurt anything. As you mentioned earlier maybe mornings would be better,…
  • I have both asthma and seasonal allergies, but my son has them worse. When he went to the doctor in March, we were told that he needed to take a citirizine (Zyrtec) in the evening and in the morning. Since that makes him tired, the doctor told him he could take two loratadine (Claritin) in the morning instead, so Zyrtec is…
  • Just my $.02 but you may want to do a second opinion with a chiropractor. I threw my back out a couple of years ago, went and saw my doctor, got the same spiel you got, then went to a chiropractor at the advice of a friend. The chiropractor fixed my back with no surgery and no steroids. Best thing I ever did. If that's not…
  • I didn't use any of the nutrition guide. I upped my protein intake, usually drank a recovery drink afterwards if I wasn't eating within 30 minutes, and had a snack about an hour before I worked out. Same thing I do for all my intense workouts. I still have my cookies, ice cream, cake and other goodies, just in moderation…
  • I make breakfast burritos. Make the eggs, bacon/sausage, potatoes and green chili ahead of time, mix it all up and store it in a ziploc bag, then heat up the innards over a camp stove, heat up the tortilla briefly, pile it all on the tortilla, add cheese and serve. Makes for a good, hearty breakfast. I also put zucchini…
  • Just finished the Tough Mudder in Colorado (yesterday), and now I'm training for a sprint distance triathlon, then possibly the Tough Mudder in Missouri after that. If not, then Tough Mudder Colorado in 2013 and an olympic distance triathlon in 2013 as well.
  • I have two boys, ages 9 & 11 now. When you find yourself saying things like: You have to wipe your bottom when you're done pooping. You can't just pull your pants up. Stop peeing off the back porch. You're only allowed to do that when we're camping. Stop riding the dog like a horse. The dog is not a football...stop trying…
  • Not a coach, did Insanity and really liked it. I found it super easy to stick with the program because I scheduled it in and planned for it. There were days I didn't want to do it, as with any exercise program, but I stuck it out. It was actually easier for me to do Insanity in my basement than to haul my butt to the gym…
  • The activity levels have to do with what you do all day long, not how often you work out. If you're on your feet all day, then you need to eat more calories than someone sitting at a desk. Make sure you have the right setting for what you do and eat your exercise calories.
  • I think it's funny that the people who had a good time in high school tell those of us that were miserable, picked on, mistreated, outcast and wished we were dead for those awful four years to "Get over it...high school was a long time ago. Take the chip off your shoulder. Be the bigger person." etc. Personally you…
  • I have naturally curly hair that looks disgusting if I don't shower daily. I condition only every other day and shampoo & condition on the alternating days. The conditioner not only helps moisturize my hair, but it helps get the tangles out since I can't brush my hair like people with straight hair can.
  • Eat at least as many net calories as your BMR.
  • Lots of cardio mixed with lots of lifting, jumping, scrambling, etc. Boot camps are awesome for this type of training. I did one last year and signed up again this year. You've got plenty of time, and I was 25 lbs heavier than I am now and still managed to get through it. Message me if you have specific questions. Good…
  • In an hour of spin class, according to my heartrate monitor, I burn between 470-550 calories, depending on what we're doing. And that's after losing 21 lbs.
  • One of the best things about spin class is that YOU control the level at which you work, not the instructor. Unlike aerobics classes where everyone can see you taking it easy, no one in the room knows how hard you have your bike cranked down. Plus (at least at my gym) they usually have the lights turned down. Go and try…
  • Not every one accepts changes in their friends very easily, unfortunately. I've lost friends eliminating certain habits before. It sucks, but in the long run, it was for the best.
  • Guy I haven't seen in a while (as he gives me a weird eyeball): How much weight have you lost? Me: 20 lbs Guy: That's freaky. I know a guy that just kept losing weight and he looks sick now. Um, thanks? On a good note, I was making chicken tacos the other night and checking out the calories in a small tortilla and my…
  • Feel free to add me. I'm on daily through the week, and sporadically on the weekend.
  • Focus on the measurements, not just the scale.
    in So sad Comment by josery1630 April 2012
  • No tatoos and only pierced ears. I have considered a small tatoo but my hubby hates them, so that's a no-go.
  • That's actually kind-of funny. I can't believe she had the guts to tell you to swim for 5 minutes then leave. You're supposed to always share lanes when swimming during busy times, and some people like to circle swim (down on the right, back on the left or vice versa) or stick to one side of the lane (always stay on the…
  • Proventive Harmonized Protein is super yummy! I get that from my local farmer's market-type store (Sprouts) and mix the chocolate with unsweetened almond milk. Clean protein and no chemicals.
  • I used to be extremely insecure and had a really hard time with the things you described. Then something big happened and I had to go seek therapy. Turns out, I had a lot of unresolved issues that caused me to have extremely low self-esteem, and that's what caused the jealousy. I still get a little jealous from time to…
  • Carpet should be fine, I just needed the mats for the extra cushioning as I tend to get knee and shin issues otherwise. Barefoot would probably work for you, just be careful not to slip on the carpet. There's a LOT of side to side stuff, so if you don't have good traction, you'll slip easily.
  • They're not necessary, in my opinion. I was doing Insanity and never bought a single food item from Beachbody and still managed to lose the weight I was looking to lose. Most everyone makes a recovery drink...just go to a sports nutrition store and you'll find about 100 of them. In my experience, however, chocolate milk…
  • For some women (or men), there's always the temptation to cheat so if women keep only women friends, then the temptation is removed in that setting. I personally feel that if I'm on a website that's private to me (meaning my husband isn't a part of that community - he has absolutely no desire to ever be on MFP) then it's…
  • There was a post on here about how clean eating was causing hair to grow really fast. Search for that post, maybe.
  • Log it as housecleaning maybe?
  • About 30 minutes at 350 or 15-20 minutes at 400. There's a recipe on that has you microwave them first, then bake them. Think I'll try that next time as I like mine thicker but they tend to burn on the outside before cooking on the inside.…
  • I'm an emotional eater too! Go for a walk, workout, punch something, chew some gum, go talk to a friend, watch a movie... Sometimes those work, sometimes I just have to eat. Hope your day gets better!
    in Crabs Comment by josery1630 March 2012