Camping Food!!!

HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
I'm going camping next week for vacation. I'm certainly not new to the camping scene, been doing it all my life. I do have some great recipes for camp food but I wanted to see what else is out there.

Anyone have any great camping recipes to share?


  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    nothing?! :sad:
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    How long are you going to be out? Your choices will be determined (or hindered) on how long you will be without power.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    We're going from monday to thursday and there's actually a super wal-mart not too far away for last minute stuff.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    pudding cups. fruit. candy. (i am craving sugar)
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    How are you cooking food? If you are using a coleman, then the sky is the limit.

    Breakfast - turkey bacon and eggs. Fruit salad. Cereal and milk. Oatmeal.
    Lunch - Sandwiches, soup, salad
    Dinner - Steak, chicken, pork, spaghetti

    If you are cooking over a fire, then tinfoil will be your best friend. make packets of meals.

    Try and precook and / or pre cut everything you will need.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yup we have a coleman and the oven to go on top of it. I do love tin foil meals though.

    Like I said, I've been camping a million times, I'm just looking for new recipes to try out.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    OK.. Four days with a high quality cooler gives you a pletoora of choices.
    Premake hamburger patties with mushrooms and onions. Wrap in saran wrap and put in cooler over ice.
    Forget the hot dogs. Get the italian sausges. That goes in the same cooler.
    Corn on the cob. If you can, get it "un-shucked".
    Don't forget the cold beer and wine in the same cooler as the meat.
    You can get eggs and cheese and put them in the top of the cooler so that they dont freeze.
    Salsa and hot sause is a must.
    Pre cut veggies (large mushrooms, bell peppers, ect) and get them ready for the kehbobs.

    Obviously this all assumes that you have a grill to cook with.
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    I make breakfast burritos. Make the eggs, bacon/sausage, potatoes and green chili ahead of time, mix it all up and store it in a ziploc bag, then heat up the innards over a camp stove, heat up the tortilla briefly, pile it all on the tortilla, add cheese and serve. Makes for a good, hearty breakfast.

    I also put zucchini and squash in foil with salt, pepper and garlic powder, then stick it in the campfire or put it on the grate to sautee.
  • claire7090
    claire7090 Posts: 67
    One of my kids favourites is pasta with tomato and mozarella (we have two ring camping gas stove but sure you could adapt to use one ring or a pot on an open flame).

    Cook dried pasta in one pan
    In a second pan fry some onions
    When pasta is cooked, drain the water off, put back over heat and stir through a tin of chopped tomatoes, the onions and a chopped mozarella ball.

    Enjoy your trip.x
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    I like to make pulled pork in the crock pot and freeze it to take along camping! Heat it up over the fire along with some garlic bread! Maybe not the most MFP friendly camping food but yummy!! :drinker:
  • jenseye
    jenseye Posts: 166 Member
    One of my favorites is turkey white bean chili, make before we go, store in a tupperware type container, put in the cooler and warm up over the fire in a pan or on the camp stove.
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    most of my camping food comes in 12oz beer cans :wink:
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I always pre-make breakfast burritos so in the morning you can just heat them real quick. I also usually marinate some chicken breasts in individual baggies for grilling. Other than that, it's beer and junk food.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    One of my kids favourites is pasta with tomato and mozarella (we have two ring camping gas stove but sure you could adapt to use one ring or a pot on an open flame).

    Cook dried pasta in one pan
    In a second pan fry some onions
    When pasta is cooked, drain the water off, put back over heat and stir through a tin of chopped tomatoes, the onions and a chopped mozarella ball.

    Enjoy your trip.x

    oooooh! that sounds yummy!
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    bloody mary's to start the day off right!!!

    tin foil, cut broccoli, sliced carrots, bell peppers, butter/margarine. salt/pepper to taste. put veggies into tinfoil and wrap them up and place on grill top and steam the veggies.
  • pogojr
    pogojr Posts: 83 Member
    This weekend we made smores in the backyard (we are going camping this weekend though, rookie season, two kids and a tent). I will never have a smore with a Hershey bar again. Make it using a Peanut Butter Cup. To die for!!! Must arrange your daily calories to allow!

    We plotted our menu this weekend for next: Breakfasts include: Pancakes and French Toast with sausage or bacon, eggs, probably make some potatoes in foil too . Lunches we are keeping simple - grilled cheese, cold cut sandwiches. Dinners: Hot Dogs (for the kids), pudgie pies (pizza ones, need some creative ideas for something different), tacos, burgers (husband made them from ground beef this weekend). He grinded up some bacon and mixed it in with the ground beef), a packet of just add water soup in case it gets a littly chilly. Snacks: Apples, Bananas, Baby Carrots, Granola Bars, Honey Wheat Pretzels, string cheese, makings for smores and probably a few less than healthy treats for the kids too.
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    For dinners we like to cook the following:

    Steak, Chicken or Shrimp w/ vegies on kabobs (grilled). *If you're using wood kabobs, soak them in water for about 30 minutes before putting the meat & veggies on them*

    You can also just go with Steak or Chicken - seasoned via an open flame. Add a salad or corn-on-the-cob for some veggies.

    Any type of fish cooked on a grill is great (*and it tastes even better if you catch it yourself).

    You also can't go wrong w/ traditional hamburgers - just use low fat or low carb rolls.

    Most importantly have fun and enjoy the trip !!!!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I went camping on Saturday... Marinated some steak, threw it on skewers with some vegetables in the cooler before we left, and it was ready to grill by the time we were :)
