miss84 Member


  • Hey there, I'm from central Victoria... feel free to add me, I need more Aussie friends!!
  • AmberClare_X - nice!!! Well I plan to leave in 5.5 weeks time.. so we can count down together, though, sorry I'l be on holidays before you! Guess that means you have more time to work out! Im heading to Indonesia, Vietnam and possible Thailand.. I love it there :)
  • Hi guys, i'v just joined your group, hoping it will give me a bit of motivation! I am heading off on a 5 weeks holiday to Asia, and so want to be bikini ready for the beach!! My aims are to cut down on alcohol or start drinking more calorie friendly drinks... and keep away from processed foods. Also want to improve my…
  • Well again, I havent lost the 3kg i wanted to yet, but i have lost a little. I have cracked under 57kg which i am happy with, and this thread also prompted me to start taking measurements, and those have decreased too!! Yaaay for me! I was really getting into running, doing 5km in around 33-34minutes (very good for me!)…
  • Iv been a bit slack on using this, so now im finally checking in. Last week I decided to start taking measurements, since the scales weren't really going anywhere. I did my 2 measurements this morning, and they have all gone down a little! yaay for me! And I have finally cracked under 57kg, so im happy with how im going…
  • this thread would have been a lot more entertaining if people didnt keep referring to the weather and how 'hot' they were from working out!!! I dont think that was the intention of the person who started it haha. Id like some more hot friends on my list - guys and girls - its good motivation!
  • Id put it in a quiche... with some bacon, onion, parmesan cheese, tomatoes.... serve with a tossed salad yum!!
  • I was organised last night, and make my self a yummy salad - roast pumpkin, walnuts, lettuce, tomato, cold roast pork with a mayo-lemon juice-white balsamic vingear dressing - delicious!!!!!!! not sure how many calories though... but still yum!!!!
  • Im not exactly into metal (i dont like the screaming) though I do love heavy stuff when exercising like Seven Dust, Machine Head, Disturbed (sorry Tia haha), Karnivool, Cog, Mammal, Floating Me, Dead Letter Circus, The Butterfly Effect (<-- A few quality Aussies bands!!) , Deftones,Tool. I put my earphones in, put the…
    in Metal!!!! Comment by miss84 August 2011
  • This might sound a little odd, but I put Avatar on the TV to watch while on the treadmill the other day!!! Watching those lean lithe bodies running and jumping around realy kept me going haha
  • Hey Here's an easy lunch I like to have at work- 95gr tin of flavoured tuna - eg tomato and onion 1 mini tub low fat philadelphia cream cheese 2 rice or corn thins (instead of bread) add any salad as you please yumo!! quick and easy, and quite filling!
  • OK im in again!!! I joined the last challenge, but only lost around 1-1.5kg.... better than nothing I guess!!! If I can get myself to 55kg by spring I will be over the moon!!!!! With the weather finally improving here, its a good motivator to get outdoors and get some miles in my legs! :) My 2 main issues with food are -…
  • My profile pic at the moment, was taken at a bar in Bangkok!! And my other pic was taken in Vang Vieng, Laos!! I love travelling South East Asia!!
  • I always have my music on realy loud when im exercising, i have it that loud that I cant hear myself breathing, its a good distraction. Also when im on the treadmill I set up my laptop infront of me, and put on a tv show or movie! Helps you forgot that you are puffing and working it hard!
  • Australia!!!! Near Melbourne.... its freezing here at the moment!!!!
  • Do you take measurements of your body? I have been watching what I eat and exercising at least 6 days a week, and havnt noticed the scales move much, but I definatly feel slimmer around my waist and much more toned all over....
  • What do you call a body cleanse Giraffe? You mean like a detox?
  • I did 45 minutes jogging/walking on the treadmill last night - while watching the Offspring episode I missed earlier in the week on my lap top - a great distraction from looking at the clock!! Im hoping to fit in a lunch time walk today and mayb treadmill tonight, then might get out on the road tomorrow and Sunday. Bree -…
  • I am realy not a morning person, if its still dark when I wake, theres no way Im getting out of bed! So its my goal to go for a walk during my work lunch break at least 3 days out of 5, plus evening treadmill sessions... lets see how I go!
  • OK im a few days late for joining, but i'm in!! Since winter has begun, I have felt that extra layer of fat creeping on... Dont want to get to spring and feel like I'v let myself go too much!! My boyfriend is finially putting the treadmill in a usable spot for me today, so I have no excuse!! I work 8.30-5.15 and travel…
  • Hey there, im from country VIC feel free to add me!
  • Hey there, im from Victoria. Been using this for a couple of weeks so far, feel free to add me :)
  • haha its a good work out too.... has anyone looked up how many calories burned???
    in Satisfy Me Comment by miss84 June 2011
  • Hi, I'm another Aussie, from Victoria.. damn cold winter weather does not do my body any favours, so thats why im on here... feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • What sort of carlories do you burn doing yoga? Does anyone know?
    in Yoga Comment by miss84 June 2011
  • Iv only done it once, my instructor asked for no socks. I realy enjoyed it, and was sore a couple of days after, so you do get a work out! Im planning on getting into it... let me know how you go!
    in Yoga Comment by miss84 June 2011
  • Im a newby to this site, so sorry if this sounds silly, but whats the 30 day shred?
  • I seriously have a problem with cold weather, just makes me wana stay curled up inside the house! Im starting yoga, thinking I will keep that up for at least winter, since you do it in a nice warm room. Iv only been once, thinking it would be kind of easy, but its not! My body was aching a couple of days after! Nice pics…
  • Hey there, Im kind of the same boat as you... I wouldnt say im over weight, but this cold weather has kind of sent me into hibernation, and i have put on a little extra because of it. So I thought id join this to help keep me motivated... And yes, im Aussie ha!