3kg (7lbs) loss in July!



  • kayaka1
    kayaka1 Posts: 16 Member
    Well I over indulged today so have hopped on my friends 'air climber' machine she's loaned me and burnt off just enough calories to get me under for the day. Phew. I look forward to my weigh in day in a week!!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Just checking in with everybody to see how it's going so far! What exercises do you have planned for today?

    I'm hoping to go walking/jogging tonight and do stairs as well at a local track, then come home and do some weights!
  • shiransom
    shiransom Posts: 83 Member
    I'm planning to start the 30 day shred today and I'm teaching a ballet class later :)
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    Name: EJ
    Start Weight as of today or close to: 125lbs (56.6kg)
    Goal weight by the 1st August: 118lb (53.6kg)

    Need motivating again, On day 10 of 30DS, up 2 lbs instead of down *sobs*
    Was meant to do C25K week 6 day 3 yesterday but scales upset :(

    being down 3kg would make me smile sooooo much!

    hey EJ,
    dont be upset...
    let look at it, have you changed anything since doing the 30d shred????
    cuase if you havent i dare say it muscle or your not eating enough. do you exercise normally?? running is a PERFECT weghtloss machine! it burns calories like no tomorrow and gets everything jiggerling!

    Thanks! :)
    I have been running, i started the c25k thing and then when it got to running 25 minutes i have just stuck at running every couple of days for as long as i can (but never less than 20 minutes!)
    im doing the shred pretty much every day, but tonight im going zumba for the first time!! :D
  • amandanzgirl
    amandanzgirl Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Guys!

    My only real exercise at the moment is walking with my son. I am finiding it more and more hard to get off the couch as it gets colder! Although yesterday I did the first day of Couch to 5k, and didn't go too bad. So will try and keep that up too.

    I'm thinking about joinging the gym again, even just for a month to see how I go. I used to be a gym addict, before life - mostly my son took over.

    Eating is going good, going back to eating lunch as my main meal, then something small for dinner. Also, have upped my calories to 1350 per day as I think my body responds a bit better to eating a little more then the 1200 I am given by MFP. Will see how I go this week. Looking for a bigger loss this week (at least 800gm - 1kg). Will see how I go :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member

    how you all going??
    im gone 500g today!!!! :) so well on my way!
    how is everyone else doing???

    sounds like your all getting abit of exercise in...

    i have started walking 30min every morning!!!
    its really helping, if you are a person who just CANT get out of bed, GET OUT OF BED!!!!
    its not an excuse!!!! go to bed earlier and get up earlier!!! do you the world of good!!! :)

    pick it up ladies!!! your doing great!!!! :)
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Bree - that's awesome that you are getting up earlier to get a walk in in the morning! I admire you for that! I would love to do that... But I blame MFP for not doing it because I seriously can't get off of this website at night until I'm literally falling asleep on my computer. :laugh: And by that time it's late!

    I know it's no excuse though... And I know I'd feel AMAZING if I got in an hour walk in the morning before work! So that will be my goal this week to do that at least once! I'm going to try for tomorrow and we'll see how it goes in the morning. :yawn:
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    nice Aimee!!!!!
    hahaha no blaming, only yourself missy!! hahaha
    you are going away in a week GET UP GIRL!!!!!!!:laugh:

    you CAN do it and you know wat it adds an extra 200 calories or more that you burn off that you can forget about and keep your night time exerise as normal. adde 200+ calories burned just by getting up!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!!!!
  • amandanzgirl
    amandanzgirl Posts: 79 Member
    nice Aimee!!!!!
    hahaha no blaming, only yourself missy!! hahaha
    you are going away in a week GET UP GIRL!!!!!!!:laugh:

    you CAN do it and you know wat it adds an extra 200 calories or more that you burn off that you can forget about and keep your night time exerise as normal. adde 200+ calories burned just by getting up!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!!!!

    Good idea Bree - I am up 5.30 most mornings thanks to my 20 month old boy anyway, he would just have to come with me!
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Good idea Bree - I am up 5.30 most mornings thanks to my 20 month old boy anyway, he would just have to come with me!

    EXCELLENT amanda!!! welldone!!!
    a 30min walk is perfect to star toff the mornings!!!
    try is every day for a week and see if it makes a differnece i can guarentee it will!!!!
    get moving ladies!!!! :)
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    Bree - that's awesome that you are getting up earlier to get a walk in in the morning! I admire you for that! I would love to do that... But I blame MFP for not doing it because I seriously can't get off of this website at night until I'm literally falling asleep on my computer. :laugh: And by that time it's late!

    I know it's no excuse though... And I know I'd feel AMAZING if I got in an hour walk in the morning before work! So that will be my goal this week to do that at least once! I'm going to try for tomorrow and we'll see how it goes in the morning. :yawn:

    Haha I have the same problem. This website is so addictive!
    Whenever I set my alarm early for a morning workout I find it so difficult to get of bed knowing how cold it is out of my bed at the moment. Darn winter!
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    OK, so I'm going to give this a go too. I've been very unmotivated the last few weeks...maybe having a 'challenge' like this will get me back on track.

    Name: Laura
    Weight today: 81.2 kgs (179lbs)
    Goal by 1 August: 78 kgs (172 lbs)

    Good luck to you all!!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    nice Aimee!!!!!
    hahaha no blaming, only yourself missy!! hahaha
    you are going away in a week GET UP GIRL!!!!!!!:laugh:

    you CAN do it and you know wat it adds an extra 200 calories or more that you burn off that you can forget about and keep your night time exerise as normal. adde 200+ calories burned just by getting up!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!!!!

    So I did NOT make it on my morning walk this morning! :blushing: I only got 6 hours of sleep and couldn't drag myself out of bed. :yawn: Tonight I MUST go to sleep before 11pm so I can try again tomorrow morning! I'm forcing myself to not bring my laptop to bed so I won't be distracted by MFP, so I can accomplish this. :laugh:
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    I set myself a challenge to walk 30 miles over this month!
    I was every lunch time, i get half an hour a day, and im taking your advice Bree, im up at 4.30 every morning and i keep meaning to walk the dog in the mornings as well, so i will give it a go tomorrow - please dont rain! ;)
  • sarahq21
    sarahq21 Posts: 40 Member
    Great work girls!

    I'm already up at 5.30am to go to the gym every morning. It's the easiest way to find time to exercise! Usually don't get home from work until 6.30pm, then by the time I make dinner, eat it and clean the house I have absolutely no time and/or motivation to exercise... Sometimes get the Wii out, but that's about it!

    Morning workouts are definitely the way to go... They increase your metabolism for the whole day too!
  • miss84
    miss84 Posts: 29 Member
    OK im a few days late for joining, but i'm in!! Since winter has begun, I have felt that extra layer of fat creeping on... Dont want to get to spring and feel like I'v let myself go too much!!
    My boyfriend is finially putting the treadmill in a usable spot for me today, so I have no excuse!!
    I work 8.30-5.15 and travel half an hour each way, so I will be aiming to exercise at night...
    Start weigh is 58kg, hoping to reach 55kg!!
    Good luck everyone!
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    welcome newbies!!
    Laura- youve come to the right place for motivation and to get rid of those kg!!!
    goodluck to all the newies!!!!
    looks as though we are starting abit of a trend by walking AT LEAST 30min a day!
    this includes rest days as well.
    i have been getting up at 630 and doing a 30min walk which is 3km the speed i go!
    so i walk 3km every morning the last 3 mornings. doesnt sound like much but as a sleep in girl and a VERY unmotivated girl at 9am let alone 630 this is a BIIIIG improvement and im seeing results already.

    down 1.7kg from monday!!!! i was 79.1 and this morning 77.4!!!! :)
    so ladies it does help!!!!
    GET those *kitten* out of bed, and GET walking. i know its cold, its winter here in melbs too!
    but the cold fresh air is awesome!!! treadmil if you have one???

    give it ago for jusut a week!!! thats all i ask is every morning at least 30min before work, at gym or watever! just do it!!!!

    goodluck ladies! we are gettinbg there i hope. WEIGH IN SAT MORNING!!!!!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi everyone and welcome all new people :smile:

    Happy today, I weigh in Wednesdays for the Michelle Bridges program and was down to 66.5kg after getting up to over 68kg by Monday because of my bad choices on the weekend, but it was a 700gm loss since last Wednesday. Hope to be a little less by Sat morning :happy:

    I am so not a morning person and I did try to get up early before the kids when I first started working out. I just found it wiped me out and by the end of the day I was exhausted. Maybe at the time I was doing too much as I was doing C25K on the treadmill at 5.30am then getting kids up and to school and going straight to the gym and working out there for another hour or so, then trying to fit in a DVD (like the 30 Day Shred) as well during the day. Probably should have been going to bed earlier than I was too!! Hmm could probably try it again now as I have dropped going to the gym from 5 days to 3 now during the week and sadly have been doing next to nothing on the non gym days.

    Bree - fantastic loss, 1.7kg since Monday Woohoo that is amazing. You will be at your goal weight in no time :happy:
  • miss84
    miss84 Posts: 29 Member
    I am realy not a morning person, if its still dark when I wake, theres no way Im getting out of bed! So its my goal to go for a walk during my work lunch break at least 3 days out of 5, plus evening treadmill sessions... lets see how I go!
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Wow great job Bree! Have you done anything different food/water wise to see that difference?

    Im doing 30DS again...I had been doing RI30 but i just dont like it as much as 30DS for some reason. Think im going to have to add a walk/run on the tready everyday to match you ladies! I only usually do 30mins of something a day, maybe thats why im not seeing anything much on the scales lately!