3kg (7lbs) loss in July!



  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Name: EJ
    Start Weight as of today or close to: 125lbs (56.6kg)
    Goal weight by the 1st August: 118lb (53.6kg)

    Need motivating again, On day 10 of 30DS, up 2 lbs instead of down *sobs*
    Was meant to do C25K week 6 day 3 yesterday but scales upset :(

    being down 3kg would make me smile sooooo much!

    hey EJ,
    dont be upset...
    let look at it, have you changed anything since doing the 30d shred????
    cuase if you havent i dare say it muscle or your not eating enough. do you exercise normally?? running is a PERFECT weghtloss machine! it burns calories like no tomorrow and gets everything jiggerling!

    Thanks! :)
    I have been running, i started the c25k thing and then when it got to running 25 minutes i have just stuck at running every couple of days for as long as i can (but never less than 20 minutes!)
    im doing the shred pretty much every day, but tonight im going zumba for the first time!! :D

    I have been doing the c25k aswell...After having a week off being sick between wk4-5 and coming back to it with it changing to all running i was just not into it as much. Think the most i got to was 10mins straight. So i dont think the long running is for me after all...maybe it would be different if i did it outside, so i might work up to that one day :)
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    I really like reading about how everyone is going.
    This week sadly has not been great for me...tonsillitis has knocked me for a six.
    So I'm giving myself the week as did my doctor :sick:
    Come Monday morning I am back to gym and 30DS even if I feel yucky, my goal is the 3kg and I'm determined to get there by end July :bigsmile:
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Wow great job Bree! Have you done anything different food/water wise to see that difference?

    Im doing 30DS again...I had been doing RI30 but i just dont like it as much as 30DS for some reason. Think im going to have to add a walk/run on the tready everyday to match you ladies! I only usually do 30mins of something a day, maybe thats why im not seeing anything much on the scales lately!

    thanks guys!!!
    Welldone Amandac72!!!!
    thats great!!! welldone!!! fantastic. we all make bad choices on weekends but that HAS to STOP!!!!!:explode: im in the ame boat!!! has to stop working my *kitten* off all week to blow it on weekends! id be at goal if i didnt do that!! :(

    haha thanks kaylah :)
    i havent done much differnt i have started walking on my treadmil for 30min in the morning, no gym workouts at all and no running unfortunately but doing my 30day shred for the last 3 days. so yeah been exercising which is good, and been watching my sodium and more wat ive been eating, snakcing on fruit mainly with one extra littl thing like cruskit and oeanut butter or laughing cow cheese and biscuits. but toher than that not much different?? the weekdn should prove differnt... i know i laways put on over the weekend but i put on over 2kg last weekend :(
    not this weekend ladies!!!!
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    I really like reading about how everyone is going.
    This week sadly has not been great for me...tonsillitis has knocked me for a six.
    So I'm giving myself the week as did my doctor :sick:
    Come Monday morning I am back to gym and 30DS even if I feel yucky, my goal is the 3kg and I'm determined to get there by end July :bigsmile:

    oh no tonsillitis is awful!! :(
    i had mine out about 6 years ago. painful plus i woldnt reccokmend it! :(
    i hope your recovering alright! thats sucks. lay low and just watch wat you eat if your not exercising i know its the last thing you wanna do when your sick, but HEAPS of water, 1200calories and watch that sodium. and be careful with wat your eating especially if youur at home bored or feeling down! :)
    hang in there! you'll get your 3kg in july :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    cna i say to all the runners, orwanna be runners out there.....
    i did c25k and i didnt last much longer than week 4 :(
    i am now running 10km!!!!!!!!!!

    it took me about 6weeks to get there. to build up my fitness then i went for a run with my bf and i said i wanna try get to 5km outside ive never run big distances outside and i defiantely have never run 5km or even outside at all.
    we finally made it home and i was stuffed and i asked how long, 8km!!!!!!!!!

    so then once i knew that he took me on a 10km run and i did it!!!
    listen up ladies!!!!!! SECRET TIME.......:wink:


    i obvisously know it does have a sense of fitness to it, but if you give up when your brain and mind tell you too, then you'll never achieve anything fitness wise! say goodbye to fitness goals!!!
    i want everyone to get to their fitness goals!!!!!!!
    i was an 80kg girl with plenty of fat on her! and i got my big *kitten* out there and pushed it! granted it does help when you have someone there, so grab a friend, partner or someone sporty or a pt for an hour and ask them to go for a run with you. they have to push and encourage you! you cant stop til you actually colapse and i promise you, you wont!! :)
    you just THINK you will :)

    believe in yourselves and you WILL run that 3km, or that 5km or even that 10km!!!!!
    just have faith in yourself and KNOW your mind will give in before your bosy so stick to your brain and keep going!!! xx
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    I really like reading about how everyone is going.
    This week sadly has not been great for me...tonsillitis has knocked me for a six.
    So I'm giving myself the week as did my doctor :sick:
    Come Monday morning I am back to gym and 30DS even if I feel yucky, my goal is the 3kg and I'm determined to get there by end July :bigsmile:

    Thats not good! Hope u are feeling better soon! How are u going with your running?
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    @ Bree that is awesome! Everything seems that bit easier when u have someone to exercise with!

    My sister runs sometimes so when i feel a bit more confident i think i might have to join her see how running outside goes! I agree 110% that its all in our heads! Its not an easy thing to get past...well for me anyway lol
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    My running has been stopped as I inflamed some ligament or another on the side of my knee :grumble:
    I am determined to finish this though I see no reason why I can't. I used to run and swim distance as a younger person, just because I'm nudging 50 is no excuse. I might not look as 'good' doing it but I should be able to do this! C'mon body don't you dare let me down :laugh:
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Just got back from my morning walk/jog! I only did 25 minutes but it really jump started my day! I am sooo ready to take on the day now with a fresh burst of energy! :bigsmile: I'm going to add this into my routine. I forgot how good it feels to workout in the morning! It really sets up your day right. I always make better eating choices after a workout.
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    I got up and walked this morning! Whoop whoop!
    I did the C25K up untill week 6 or 7 i think, then i "gave up". I say gave up, but i kinda didnt. if it wants you to run non stop for 25 minutes then i figured i can do that without the programme, and now just do it when i want to, then i dont feel any pressure, so i guess i feel i "completed" it rather than gave up.

    im not a morning person either, but im pleased with myself when i do bother as i always feel better for it ... its just hard having that conversation in my head when the bed is so warm and inviting! :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    WELL DONE!!!!
    ahhh im soooooo proud of you ladies!!!!!!
    welldone on getting up and waking/jogging!!!! and even better im sooo glad your feeling better for it!!!! :happy:

    that really is AWESOME!!!!!!
    congrats, and to all you other ladies that are still with us i hope, GET UP!!! GET MOVING!!!!!

    come on even if its for 5days and have the weekend sleepin! you'll be doing your body soooo many wonders you have no idea!!!!
    dont leave it to the night time to work out, break it up, so your body is constantly BURNING!!!!!
    burning FAT that is!!!!!

    good work again!!!!!

    ps. i however did not walk this morning :embarassed:
    however i am down 1.8kg (4lbs) since mondya, must be all that damn sodium and fluid i retained over the weekend! and the little walk in the mornings helps add my calories burned for the week = 4132calories burned!!! GONE!!! SEE YOU LATER!!!!!:laugh:
  • miss84
    miss84 Posts: 29 Member
    I did 45 minutes jogging/walking on the treadmill last night - while watching the Offspring episode I missed earlier in the week on my lap top - a great distraction from looking at the clock!!
    Im hoping to fit in a lunch time walk today and mayb treadmill tonight, then might get out on the road tomorrow and Sunday.
    Bree - 1.8 in a week, thats awesome!!! If i have a big weekend out and about, I feel l loose weight! But then get back to the normal work day routine and put it back on... weird hey
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    have a GREAT wekeend everyone!!!
    be good and check back in on monday good or bad vent it here!!!!!

    enjoy!!! and get out and have a walk or jog if you can this weekend get those bodies moving!!!
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    OK, so I went for my normal dog walk last night but I made myself jog some of it...aching butt muscles now put I guess I should look upon the saying "no pain, no gain" with some fondness right now. I'm 1.2 lb down since Tuesday which I guess is about 0.5 kg - hopefully I'm moving off this plateau :-D

    Hope everyone has a good weekend - take care of yourselves!!

    Laura x
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    OK, so I went for my normal dog walk last night but I made myself jog some of it...aching butt muscles now put I guess I should look upon the saying "no pain, no gain" with some fondness right now. I'm 1.2 lb down since Tuesday which I guess is about 0.5 kg - hopefully I'm moving off this plateau :-D

    Hope everyone has a good weekend - take care of yourselves!!

    Laura x

    That's great! Congrats! :bigsmile:
  • shiransom
    shiransom Posts: 83 Member
    I've raised my calorie intake from 1200/day to 1600/day (I was not losing any weight at 1200) and started 30ds. I'm on day 4 and I've lost 0.5 lb (0.23 kg).
  • pjm1806
    pjm1806 Posts: 41

    i am so in when i will lose 3 kg i will be at my goal :) which is 58kg - 128 lbs for those who use imperial system :)

    i am 61 now, and my dream goal is 55kg :) - 121lbs which will be hard

    134 now
    128 goal
    125 hotness :)
    121 model :DDDDD

    lets do it ladies :)
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    Gained 1.2kg this week! :( I'm now 61.2kg so don't think I will reach my goal of 57 by the end of the month. I'm not going to let this put me off though. My new aim is 59kg by the end of the month.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I've raised my calorie intake from 1200/day to 1600/day (I was not losing any weight at 1200) and started 30ds. I'm on day 4 and I've lost 0.5 lb (0.23 kg).

    I raised my cals today too. I was previously doing 1310 per day. Just changed my activity level from Sedentary to Lightly Active and now my cals are 1400. Hope it helps!
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I've raised my calorie intake from 1200/day to 1600/day (I was not losing any weight at 1200) and started 30ds. I'm on day 4 and I've lost 0.5 lb (0.23 kg).

    I raised my cals today too. I was previously doing 1310 per day. Just changed my activity level from Sedentary to Lightly Active and now my cals are 1400. Hope it helps!

    How does raising calories help you lose more weight? I've been eating 1200 most days this week and still managed to gain weight. Do you think raising my calorie intake help me lose weight this week?