Opera_Bound Member


  • Thank you all for your words of support, motivation, and explanation. I won't give up, that's for sure. I think everyone is right that it's time to make a change in some way or another. I shall stick to the 30DS but I will monitor my caloric, sodium, sugar, and water intake more closely. Someone asked if I had just started…
  • Fantastic!! Great work and great inspiration! I'm 5'8" and hope to one day be a solid 145lbs. Congrats and keep up the great work! Oh...and you have great hair! :happy:
  • I know you don't like freezing produce but have you tried the steam fresh bags of veggies? As a graduate student with limited time, I find the Birds Eye Steam Fresh bags of veggies to be REALLY delicious, quick, and healthy when I need something on the go. If i'm really strapped for time I could eat the whole bag of…
  • Sounds delicious! Thanks for the idea. I've been wanting to bake something that will make my house smell like fall, but that I can actually enjoy without feeling guilty. :)
  • Hahaha - I only wear it to the gym...but I love it! My former roommate just finished her Master's degree at the Univ of NE in Lincoln so she brought me this shirt when I saw her last! :drinker: Always puts a smile on my face though.
  • :blushing: Thank you all for the sweet and motivating comments. :flowerforyou: ODONNA - Haha, I'm a DANCING QUEEN...generally the FIRST one out there on the dance floor, along with my mom and sisters! hehe, We're ready to party! :drinker: Cyp - XOXOXO You're the best! Thanks for all you do for me. :flowerforyou: :heart:…
  • I also have a personal issue with the BBW club - yes, I'm a BBW right now, but I've met some men that strictly only date BIG girls. To me, that seems just as bad as a guy who only wants to date the skinny girls. I'd fear that once I continued to lose the weight, a man that liked me as a BBW might not enjoy a 'less curvy'…
  • *hugs* Thank you for such a vulnerable post. Your post struck home with me as I've been dealing with the same sort of issues as well. Here's a bit about my story and the advice I've come across.... My last 'relationship' ended in 2006, as a sophomore in college. I was about the size that I am currently (230) and due to…
  • I'm guilty of being the dorky music kid who 'rocks out' to CLASSICAL music! haha. Sometimes I use my cardio as practice time and mouth along to opera arias. I get some funny looks when they hear whispered Italian, French, and German. Sometimes, I also do my best attempt at an 'air drum set'...:blushing: yep - I pound it…
  • For me, I exercise...it truly does give me that high from endorphins (sp?). Just be careful to not OVER do it at the gym, especially with lifting weights - you dont want your agression/anger/stress to end up making you push so hard that you hurt yourself. Whether I'm angry, upset, anxious, or just super busy, if I make the…
  • I just saw this thread - felt the need to join in! MFP's 3262 + my 36 = 3298!! :heart:
  • BUMP! I can't personally relate to your situation, but all of these suggestions will help an upcoming change in my budget. I've been working two jobs for the past two years after finishing my Bachelor's degree, but I'm moving across the country and will become a 'starving' graduate student in 2 months. I'm terrified that…
  • :drinker: WOOHOO!! :drinker: Congrats to you and your wonderful achievements!! :flowerforyou: Enjoy your hike tomorrow, and don't forget to stop and smell the roses! :wink:
  • :drinker: WOOHOO!! :drinker: Glad it worked out for you! Your salad was just as yummy, right? I'm a fan of dipping! :happy:
  • First off - deep breath. :flowerforyou: It's ok to have an off day. Not everyday will be perfect...but congratulate yourself on not missing any workouts! I struggle to make 3-4 times a week, let alone 6! :drinker: So cheers to you on that! As for the 3lb gain - have you considered retaining water from an increase in sodium…
  • I like SeminoleFan best! GO NOLES!! :drinker: (I'm an FSU Alumni!) haha
  • I remember you from before, I also had a year long gap of not caring, and I'm back at it myself! You were a great source of motivation and support for all of us - so now it's our time to return the favor! You CAN do this and you DESERVE it! :flowerforyou: I wish you the best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Sorry to hear about PCOS - Unfortunately for you, that just means you have to work THAT much harder! BUT - you'll feel that much more accomplishment when you reach your goals. I've been gettin down on myself about why I haven't made a change in my weight in the past YEAR - after losing 35 lbs in roughly 6 months time. I…
  • I had food poisoning earlier this week, so I know how you feel. Your best bet is to stick to the "B.R.A.T." diet: B - Bread, R - Rice, A - Applesauce/juice, T - Tea (or Toast). I really like apple sauce, and get the natural, no sugar-added kind. If you like gingerale, try the diet canada dry, and saltines. That's what I…
  • First of all, great attitude towards your rut! It's nice to see that you plan on sticking to it and dont want to throw out all the great work you've been doing for yourself. My suggestion (if you haven't already), is to add the "SODIUM" into what you track along with your calories. If you're eating lots of heavily…
  • Glad to help ladies! I wish you all the best of luck!
  • Welcome Back, Dave! :flowerforyou: I, too, am a returning MFPer! I lost about 35 lbs between 10/2008 - 6/2009, then I got lazy and let 'working two jobs' deter me from my goals of a healthy lifestyle. I've luckily been maintaining within a 5 lb range, but I'm back for the long haul again! I wish you the best of luck and…
  • MandyKay - I like the ziploc bag idea!! :flowerforyou: Think it might get put in the exercise database if you do a little booty shake with it too?! :wink: Glad to see fellow former Weight Watchers friends that learned the trick as well! I really did love weight watchers but I just cant afford all the meetings and tools,…
  • I'm about 5'8" and plan to reach 155-160lbs. That's on the higher end of a 'normal' weight range for my height but I'd classify myself in the 'medium / large' boned category. I've got 'piano' hands and size 10 feet, so I'm not 'small' by any means! The smallest I ever remember being was at age 15 - 168-174lbs...in a size…
  • I love this thread! I'm glad I'm not the only person who sweats an insane amount. I tell people that I could be in the Arctic Circle, Eating a Freeze Pop and I'd probably still be sweating! :ohwell: It's quite frustrating, but when I'm working out, I LOVE to be drenched. I mean, to the point where it drips off my elbows…
  • BGent: Thanks for the reply. I was beginning to think I was doing something wrong! :noway: LOL But - *SURPRISINGLY*, I feel great today. No fatigue and utter soreness like before. Don't know if I did something different or if my body understood better what to do this time around, but I'm greatful for feeling sore in a good…
  • Well, I'm unfortunately not "full figured" up top...mommy didn't bless me with her good genes in that department! :sad: BUT, My mom has a very large chest and has always had issues buying bras that support her and are comfortable. We went bra shopping a few months ago and hit up JC Pennys. They now have a GREAT selection…
  • I :heart: this thread! I was not very creative but use my sn to motivate me. Opera = my passion, gift, and hopefully career Bound = I am 'bound and determined' to make it happen! And after having 7 successful graduate school auditions, I'm proud to say that I'm taking the next step in making my dreams come true! :blushing:…
  • Hi ladies, looks like everyone is doing a great job so far! I got a late start as this week is the first week back to a 'normal' schedule for me. I just finished L1D1...after working a 15hour day! :blushing: I am very proud of myself for finding that extra energy and for keeping on track with everything today! Was anyone…
  • My suggestions are sugar-free gum (gives you the feeling of chewing and some flavor) and ice cold water. Challenge yourself to drink a glass or two of water prior to going for another snack. Most likely you'll get full from the water and/or getting up to use the ladies room, you wont want to get another snack. Also, you…