Help!!! Stuck in a moment!

Sherry45106 Posts: 7
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi Everyone!

Okay, so I've been at this for a couple of months; I've lost a "whopping" 6 lbs, which is fine... I'd rather lose 6 than gain 6, of course. But, my issue is that I've been stuck at the EXACT SAME WEIGHT for days and days now. I really feel like it's too early in the game to have hit a plateau. (I've got about 55 lbs to lose....) I have consistently ended the day by coming in only a few calories shy of my allotment, with one or two exceptions where I went over by a couple hundred calories. The thing is, I can FEEL that I have lost weight in the way I physically feel and in the way my clothes are fitting. My daughter says she thinks it's because I am losing fat and gaining muscle, but I don't see how I could be gaining muscle because frankly the weather where I live has been very dreary and I haven't done my walking in over two weeks. The only exercise I am really getting is a little yard work (in between the raindrops) and housework. The good news is I have not and WILL not give up. I love this site, and it is really keeping me in check and putting my eating habits right out there in front of me.. I now make a conscious effort at portion control and food choices, where as before I would just cruise through the day shoving whatever I felt like in my mouth and then wondering why I was still gaining weight on a monthly basis! Does anyone have any suggestions, or should I just ride this out and hope that the scale starts to move soon??? Oh, and btw, the scale is NOT broken!!!! lol... my daughter and MALE room mate seem to be losing weight according to this scale just fine, lol! I know I shouldn't be dwelling on the numbers game here, but it sure would be encouraging to see that number start to drop again!


  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    are you tracking sodium ?????? too much sodium retains water which leads to not losing weight ... also are you drinking lots of water??? hope that helps and good luck on your weight loss
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    It is possible you're gaining muscle. Yard work takes muscles for sure!! I know my forearms will be sore the day after a lot of strenuous weed pulling. And honestly, if you're losing inches & your clothes are fitting better, don't worry about it! Add some weight lifting and that should move things along. Drink more water (you shouldn't be retaining if you've lost inches, since water weight makes you bloated so it's not that, but water still helps!!!). Make sure you're getting at least 25g fiber everyday and hitting your protein goals as close as you can. Do you eat back your exercise calories? Try most of those too.
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    First of all, great attitude towards your rut! It's nice to see that you plan on sticking to it and dont want to throw out all the great work you've been doing for yourself.

    My suggestion (if you haven't already), is to add the "SODIUM" into what you track along with your calories. If you're eating lots of heavily proccessed foods (ie: frozen dinners, canned goods, pre-packaged foods, etc.) you could be retaining water. I, unfortunately, have to keep a certain amount of frozen foods (generall weight watchers meals) in my diet due to my 60-70 hr work weeks. But, when I can, I try to eat fairly 'clean'. Stock up on your frozen, steamable veggies for easy and quick help with meals if you can't do the fresh ones. I even love the Publix microwaveable steam-in-bag veggies, just finished some for lunch! Anyway, just be conscious of your sodium intake.

    Another thing to consider is if it's nearing your time-of-month. Talk about bloating, mood swings, cravings, water retention, fatigue, etc. AVOID the scale during that time, but continue what you're doing, it's great.

    Also, I'm not sure what your calorie defecit is set at, but make sure it's not TOO low. That can lead your body into starvation mode and cause it to store every calorie received.

    If the weather is bad, you may want to try some DVDs or fit TV or simply just dancing around your house. Housework and Yardwork are great, but just shakin your booty can add a little bit of fun and extra burn to your routine.

    I hope some of this has helped! And again, keep up the great work and attitude! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • To Ittybitty, Arielle and Opera Bound;

    Thanks for the advice! I picked up additional bits of info from each one of you, and I think this may help me along!!!! Thanks again, and good luck to all of you as well!

    Take care,
  • Well mama.. I will say that I agree with everyone. I think that you shouldn't worry about the number. Wait it out and you will lose again. Oh and I have Tony Little thing with your name on it if you want it! I got it real cheap! Just throwing that out there. The excersizes have little to know impact and they are super easy. Perfect for us! Hope that helps as well!

    Love you Mama!
  • Erin, thanks babygirl! I know, that number thing is purely psychological. My jeans are fitting better everyday; seems like I'm losing it in my butt and my stomach quicker than anywhere else, which is fine since that's where most of my problems lie! And heck yeah, bring on that Tony Little exercise! I can do it... I do not fear it!!! lol... Love you!!! :heart:
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