How am I percieved at the gym?



  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    I'm guilty of being the dorky music kid who 'rocks out' to CLASSICAL music! haha. Sometimes I use my cardio as practice time and mouth along to opera arias. I get some funny looks when they hear whispered Italian, French, and German.

    Sometimes, I also do my best attempt at an 'air drum set'...:blushing: yep - I pound it out when I listen to rock music (Lately it's been Paramore, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, and Relient K).

    Also, I'm always the girl who sweats like the men - it's just insane sometimes, but I :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: IT! :drinker:
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    at my old gym, they used to provide us with towels at the door.... so now i am THE SWEATY GIRL at my gym lol i never bring a towel.. and sweat is dripping from my chin, nose, elbows...etc. (very attractive i know hahaha!::happy: ) i feel gross but im not gonna bring my beautiful towel to the gym and wash it daily!

    and like redbeadhead, i am the bright girl at my gym. i always wear crazy colors lol like lime green top with my maroon running shorts. or purple and pink or yellow and black lol

    and last but not least, at my new gym theres a tv attached to every treadmill. so i usually catch america's funniest videos or the dr.oz show. and every once in a while as im running ill laugh hysterically out loud looll :laugh: and realize that everyone around me is staring at me lol
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    I think as posted by a few during winter we had an awful incapacitating blizzard and the treadmill was my friend...i was on it for hours at clip
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    The girl with the angry face and the soaked awry
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270
    I'm the angry looking guy who comes in, stays an hour and a half, works out like a maniac then leaves in a soaked shirt.

    The time I go there's about 3 or 4 people there, I generally don't care about what people think and I try not to look at anyone else. I get very focused :)
  • redbedhead
    redbedhead Posts: 53
    and like redbeadhead, i am the bright girl at my gym. i always wear crazy colors lol like lime green top with my maroon running shorts. or purple and pink or yellow and black lol

    Being the bright girl is fun! everyone shold strive for the craziest color combo they can come up with! Black is so boreing IMHO.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Anyway, When I did go to the gym I pretty much ignored everyone else. Got my work in, cleaned any equipment I used, and left. I think that's what people should do at a gym.

    I have to agree with this. I turn on my ipod and don't worry about anybody else.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I'm the angry looking guy who comes in, stays an hour and a half, works out like a maniac then leaves in a soaked shirt.

    The time I go there's about 3 or 4 people there, I generally don't care about what people think and I try not to look at anyone else. I get very focused :)

    That's me other than angry looking and guy :laugh: :laugh:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I am definitely Serious Guy. When I work out I have my game face on and I am pretty much in my own world. I usually know what I want to do and what I am trying to accomplish that day, so I don't dawdle between exercises and I move like I have a purpose. I also work out pretty hard, despite my advanced years. I am sure I have a look on my face like "don't mess with me", but that's just me being in my "zone".

    I like to think I am perceived as someone who, while I approach my workouts in a business like manner, is also perceived as a "good neighbor" as well. I always clean machines, always rerack my weights, drape towels all over the strength machines when I am using them, try to be aware of what other people are doing so I don't inadvertently "hog" a machine, etc.

    For clothing, I am black or gray. Especially now-- I have to wear a black workout shirt at work, so it's just easier to keep things simple. So it's either black shorts/gray top or vice versa.
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    Heavy girl with bright red face, huffing away on a machine for an hour. Yep, that's me! Also, I can lay claim to flashing lots cleavage despite having a $50 sports bra... You try holding in 36Fs!!!

    I'm sure despite that people don't think I'm taking it seriously. Pink or red tops, shoes, water bottles, towels, etc. I dance to my music and laugh at the my little tv on my elliptical tuned to Comedy Central. But I am! I take it very seriously!
  • holmesd450
    holmesd450 Posts: 20 Member
    There are quite a few people here who never wipe off the machines after they are done using them. I usually wipe them off before and after i use them unless I am working out with a partner, I make them do it :happy:

    The only people that I usually laugh at are the muscle heads that are always gawking at themselves in the mirror or have the move their benches infront of the wall mirror so they can watch themselves workout, I can't say I laugh at the people who are out of shape in the gyms due to the fact that they are trying to make themselves better, no point in laughing at someone for that. Just my 2 cents
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I'm the girl who looks like she's not working out hard (but she is!!) and is sweating and dripping everywhere...and who occasionally checks out her form in the mirror next to her and also checks out her *kitten* in the mirror behind her. :blushing: I also like to sing along with my iPod when I'm in warm up (any faster, and I can't sing!) or when a particularly motivating song comes on. I may even do a little dancing as I'm on the elliptical or yell at the machines when they don't cooperate with me.

    God knows what people think of me
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I think I'm the "how in the hell is that fat girl still running after 30 minutes?!" girl. :laugh:

    Last night I caught a very fit guy looking at me for extended periods of time many many times (did he really think I couldn't see him in the mirror?!). At first I thought maybe he was interested (haha) but then I talked myself into thinking he was just looking at me in disbelief. :laugh: We had started about the same time and were going about the same speed (7-8mph) on the elliptical and he was obviously majorly struggling after about 20 minutes while I was just chugging along watching TV. :tongue: He quit 10 minutes before I did. :wink:
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    I'm the dorky guy wearing the "doo rag" rocking out with my ear buds on the elliptical for an hour and a half.

    I'm also the dorky guy (same headgear) in Zumba class struggling to keep up with the instructor.

    Sometimes I'm the dorky guy swimming laps in the pool while wearing a heart rate monitor, which nobody at my gym seems to have ever seen before. The other night some dude hollered at me: "what's that around your belly?" ... Belly? Really? *sigh*

    So yeah, I'm the resident gym dork. :tongue:
  • popplylily
    popplylily Posts: 97
    i get all competetive and like watch me now you idiots... and pump the treadmill full blast, last time i did that when there were a load of grannies and grandads visiting the gym for elderly fitness. and they were staring so hard and i was like yeah... to them i must be a marathon runner :))
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    i'm the girl with a long sleeve shirt that has seen much better days, hair past my knees - but it's all pinned up so it won't get caught in the machines - and a skirt (!?!?) over my leggings or yoga pants underneath lol i'm sure i'm a riot to watch but i like exceeding people's expectations.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I spent a TON of years at the gym, but honestly up until now I never thought how I might have been perceived.

    While not very out going I would say I was approachable due to how often I was asked to spot people. I wasn't flashy or noisy, but wasn't off alone in a corner either. I was strong for my size and usually worked out pretty intensely. I didn't want to be the big upper body guy with toothpick legs, but my legs stayed kind of thin no matter what I did. I'd say I was just your regular average guy.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I'm probably perceived as the maniac, and I used to care for a very short while, and then realized I won't see results if I slow down or "take it easy" like everyone else there......If I'm doing HIIT, going slow and steady isn't gonna cut it. I blast my iPod anyway so half the time I'm really not worried about what's going on....not to be inconsiderate, but I'm in my own world blasting Disturbed as I power my way through lol....and yeah, I sweat like there's no tomorrow
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I used to be really self conscious, but now I don't care! Plus I go to an all women gym, which is nice! No muscle headed men (still some muscle headed women). I really forgot about how I looked (mostly red-faced as I'm very fair, hair askew, etc) until a few weeks ago when it shot up to 90F and humid here. I was on the elliptical, really not happy because it was so hot and muggy, and really struggling to get through my workout because of the heat. A girl came up to me and said "keep going. It gets easier. I promise!" and told me how she lost 100 lbs and to keep it up. I was so hot and annoyed that day, i think I probably came off as the b**ch. Yes, I have 100+ lbs to lose, and I certainly was struggling that day, but I wondered how bad I really looked for her to come over and say something!

    I am sure I give people a few laughs, too!
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I'm definitely the "baseball girl" at the gym. Hands down.