

  • Hi there! I'm in OH too :)
  • I don't really think I'm gaining muscle b/c I'm not doing strength training and stuff like that. Running doesn't really cause a lot of muscle to form. I do think a lot of it is water weight b/c my "real" weight obviously doesn't fluctuate that drastically from eating healthy and exercising. I'm anxious to see where I am on…
  • I don't track calories from my electrolytes b/c I use the Nuun hydration tabs which are 0 calorie. Sometimes, I use G2 (but it makes me burp a lot when I'm out running). On my long runs, I take 32 oz of electrolytes with me and typically have another 24 oz in the car waiting on me for when I'm finished. If I'm just doing a…
  • That's awesome!!! It's definitely a mental game, as well as a physical game! I'm SO proud of you and your husband!!! It is funny to see all the lifestyle changes you make! My husband laughs at me now...this time, last year, I was doing "long" runs of 6 miles and felt like I just couldn't go anymore and I was exhausted.…
  • As for water retention, I typically try to drink at least a gallon of water per day. Sometimes I'm just under that, sometimes I'm over. So, I would hope that I am drinking enough to compensate. As for "that time of the month," that's really hard to guage. I have the Mirena IUD and I don't get periods anymore. However, I do…
  • I use this to make smoothies all of the time. I am out right now, but stores near me don't have it, so I need to order more online. I make the following smoothie: 1/2 cup skim milk 2 Tbs PB2 (or Chocolate PB2) 1 packet Slenda (or any sweetener) 1/2 sliced, frozen banana 2 Tbs Sugar-Free Hershey Syrup 5-7 ice cubes Combine…
  • I was die hard WW until finding MFP. I had lost 100 lbs on weight watchers and then in the past 5 years, I had twins, had a singleton and turned 30...metabolism sucks after 30, especially after having 3 kids in a 3 year time span. Over that time, I gained 65 lbs with my twins, lost 62 by the time they were a year old (WW).…
  • Crazy!!! I have Mirena and haven't had a period for almost 2 years. LOVE it!!! I get PMS and cramps like no other every month, but never a period anymoe. I've been an avid runner (20-30 miles a week) for the last 18 months and still, no period!
  • I would estimate based on finding something similar. Remember at diners and other restaurants...usually even veggies are cooked in butter and/or oil. So, if you really want to be smart when eating out, get the veggies and maybe ask for them just steamed (no butter/oil). For example, one of my favorite places is Texas…
  • Breakfast is the meal that jump starts your metabolism for the day. Odds are, by the time you are consuming what you consider "breakfast", it's been over 12 hours since your last meal. You need food, primarily protein, to get your day started. A glass of Carnation Instant Breakfast is not going to give you that fuel for…
  • I think the only time you can get a true and accurate reading for calories burned is when you use a HRM and have it set up to your weight/height. The only way of knowing how many calories burned is by where you are pushing your heart rate zones. I have a Garmin Forerunner for my runs and I always think it calculates high.…
  • Good for you!!!! I started running last June (2009). I've been at it for about 15-16 months now and I just signed up for my 5th half marathon to run in Oct (a year to date from the first one I ever ran)! Half marathons are SO fun!!! You are going to have a blast. While I wasn't doing MFP, I did lose 30 lbs last year (on…
  • Well done! I love reading your perspective on things! Keep up the good are SO inspiring! Good luck with your marathon training!
  • WOW, thanks for this new perspective on weight loss! When I started my journey years ago, I was at 260 lbs!! I am now at 169 lbs, so that's a weight loss of 35%!!!!!
  • Drink a lot of liquids and start over when you are feeling better. Sorry you are feeling sick :(
  • I think one of the problems with fruit is, is that to get an accurate count of it's calories, you need to weigh it! When I was doing WW, I was eating fruit like crazy and I would gain weight. Well, come to find out, that apple that I was counting 1 pt for (after I got a food scale), I realized it was 2 points. So, that…
  • I wish I had more advice, but I don't :( Just wanted to send you a lot of hugs and good luck vibes. I have 3 children of my own and I do full-time daycare for 1 more (so, total they are 1, 2, 5, 5). We don't get out that much b/c the 5 yr olds won't walk that far and then I'm still stuck pushing the other 2 in the double…
  • I like the Biggest Loser Family Cookbook. There are also other ones out there that were written by Devin Alexander (the same person who does the Biggest Loser ones) that I've heard are great too. My neighbor has a few and I'm going to borrow them here soon!
  • I have been drinking Nuun (hydration tabs) and haven't had an issue. I did take G2 with me on this last run (b/c I got a new flavor and wanted to try it and got the pain. I typically do'nt like G2 on my runs b/c it causes me to burp it up constantly. I only drank 8 oz of G2 on that run (b/c when I stopped to use…
  • If you could find some more information, I would be very curious to read more. Ususally the stitch and the shoulder pain go back and forth. If I have them both at th esame time, it's not very long amount of time. Usually I'll get it in the side, then the shoulder, back to the side, etc. It's ALWAYS the right side for the…
  • It's fine as long as you aren't consuming it all at one time and drowning yourself. I usually drink 12-16 (8 oz) glasses per day. I'm training for a marathon though, and it's my way to stay hydrated through the week to carry me through those long weekend runs.
  • I was also going to suggest eating your daily calories and even on some of the exercise days, consuming a few of those calories. If you don't consume enough calories, your body can kind of "shut" down and tell itself to conserve energy and calories. Maybe switch it up for a few weeks and see if that helps you! Good luck!
  • I guess it just depends. If I eat, it needs to be at least 1.5-2 hours before an intense cardio workout. If I feel like I need something right before, it's something very light that won't sit heavy in my stomach. I need time for my food to digest b/f I go jiggling all around during a work out!
  • This is VERY well said and I could not agree more. I feel like MFP focuses a lot more on diet and exercise where WW seems to focus a lot more just on the diet portion of becoming healthy. I'm a lifetime member of WW and have been doing their system off and on for the past almost 7 years now. While I've gained great success…
  • Love the 30 Day Shred. I was not a fan of the Last Chance Workout one (but got it for like $6 at Costco). It wasn't quite up to the cardio level that I wanted to be doing at the time. Good luck with the Shred! It's always a good "go to" one for me!
  • Yeah, I mean, I'm not going to eat just b/c they are there. I will definitely eat to meet my minimum, but I'm not going to keep stuffing my face over and over again just b/c those "extra" calories are! I definitely do think it's more of a science to figure out per person b/c everyone is so different. I've lost…
  • Thanks, you're sweet!
  • This is a great topic!!! 1. I actually WANT to exercise and it's not something that I "need" to do, I "want" to do it! 2. Setting healthy goals for myself. This year, it was to PR on my previous half marathon time (which I went from 2:16 to 2:13...DONE), to run a 10K in under an hour (58:09...DONE) and to run a 5K in under…
  • GOOD FOR YOU!!!! Keep up the good work!!! What an accomplishment! I've BTDT before and it's a great feeling!!! The 30 Day Shred is a great workout! I love level 2....however, level 3 and I have a very love/hate relationship! Ha!