

  • Haha I get that too, my dog messed up one exercise by walking in front of me lol. The more I do it the more I am figuring out how to correct my movements or stance. A lot of times I think I am matching the trainer but I am off. Also, I think my baggy workout shorts trip it up some. I will say that I have been doing the zen…
  • lol sorry about that... still adjusting to being awake during normal people hours :P
  • I cannot not stop raving about my Kinect. Your Shape:FE really is an awesome program for fitness. I am starting with using the personal trainer 3x a week. I will continue to do the treadmill 30 minutes each day too, but I have started before and after the threadmill doing the Zen class. For me, it helps solve the problem…
  • Well there are options... stop drinking even diet soda :P Recycle or get cans. Typically for me I try and go the recycling route. I don't usually go for bottled water unless we are on a trip, but instead I have an RO-DI system that I fill up a couple of sports bottles at a time to have for when I work out and my pitchers…
  • OT: I think a HRM is the only way you are going to figure out calories burnt for a program that does not give an estimate. Off Topic: Squeee! I got mine, the first night I hit Rallyball and Reflex Ridge with it, and it was one heck of a work out. I loved it. Tonight I got Your Shape: Fitness Evolved... It is simply…
  • Its been touched on, but the holidays to me are like when I take a vacation. I try and moderate my calories to what would be a maintenance level and enjoy myself. Its about moderation and not letting the food control you. Thanksgiving, is going to be hard on me too. I know its going to be hard not to get that 2nd helping…
  • Yeah, there is a thread dedicated to us night folks. I have been working nights for the majority of the past 14 years. :( I can tell you what has worked for me. I treat my nights like the average person treats day shift life. I work about 1a to 9a, so I treat my schedule as the following. I wake up at 6:30p and eat dinner…
  • I am having a hard time watching the show. With the black team (AKA Brendon and Frado) it just hits me that there is too much focus on the money. Its too much about "Whats good for TV" and some focus on the actual way to lose weight. Some of the tips and information given is very helpful. I dont fault people that like it,…
  • Well, also the meetings from WW can help too. Sometimes its easier to talk to someone face to face. But, aside from the weigh in, its still on you the other 6 days a week to stay on track. I think the hardest thing is forcing yourself to be honest with you first and formost. That said, Weight Watchers is a good program.…
  • I stress mathematically, because our body's tend to behave irrationally. But, if the given number of 1430 cal per day is correct, then yes you should lose weight. As a 32 year old male, I know that I have not gone into starvation mode by staying between 1200 and 1500 per day. To get a firm answer, you need to speak with a…
  • The math's confound me, but I follow a common sense diet. Basically, I work out my BMR with out adding in exercise calories. Basically, my goal is to consume less than that, but not less than 1200 per day. My BMR is 2027 for my current weight and age, so with exercise I try and end each day with 1200 to 1500 calories. But…
  • I have a pair of these. Very very awkward when you first put them on. However, they are simply awesome for natural running or walking. You will notice that you use your feet differently when wearing them. To me they were worth it....
  • I am proud to say that I am formally a Mnt Dew addict lol. When I started my journey I knew the soda, even diet (which I hate), would always be a major issue in the work to lose weight. What I thought was an addiction to the dew was nothing more than me taking the easy way out. I crave flavor, so what I did was got on top…
  • Yeah, it happened but don't let it beat you down. One thing, do not try and starve or take in to few calories to try and make up for it.
  • One of my biggest problems with overnights has been lack of activity. I usually consume a lot of my time at home with games. So far, I have successfully adapted to get up and doing at least 10 or 15 minutes of some activity every 2 hours. Either walking my dog in the back yard, cleaning a room or even just jumping jacks.…
  • The let down is hard, but we are always harder on ourself. One thing is taking measurements because at times you will have no loss or some gain but you will see inch's go down. Also, channel the emotions to help you continue pushing forward. For me, its always been trying to understand whats happening to me to the best of…
  • It helps in part to be stubborn like a mule at times. But, its not been easy.. It helps more to have healthy options... If you have to make the conscious choice between healthy or junk its easier to choose whats right. I try and keep some various fruits, rice cakes and low cal/fat pop corn types of things around.
  • I guess I am really lucky. I work nights and live in a less than safe area to to much going out in the evenings for shopping. So he typically takes care of the shopping. For us, sunday's are the day that the shopping is done and that morning before I go to bed we set up the list. Basically he has the power to get whatever…
  • I do and don't at the same time. In order to lose weight like I wanted, I planned in exercise to meet my caloric goals. One thing I don't do is that if I work out more, I don't eat more. I try and balance my exercise so that if I am feeling really drained I will tone it back some.
  • ^ This pretty much sums it up for me. My own food and lots of water. Also, I try and take 3 10 minute breaks to go for a good walk during the night. I find this helps with what to me has felt like a lot more sitting. I mean what are you going to do in the middle of the night? Chill out at wal-mart? I try to stay strictly…
  • I say do it when its best for you. I work nights, so I am usually awake by 7p, eat dinner with my better half and between 9 and 10p I work out. It fits my schedule and allows me more time with my better half. I know there have been a lot of studies and back and forth on the when. But, I did my own totally unscientific…
  • I set my mini goals every 10lbs. So my next one is 239. It makes the accomplishment and self motivation feel easier to focus in smaller chunks. Usually I do something to reward myself. A little treat, a new shirt or something like that. Exercise is hard to build a habit with but once you do it's hard to stop. Think of it…
  • I had to point this out... I am absolutely taking the longer road, because I felt from the start, that this was not just about losing the weight but it is a life style change. I wanted to learn how to eat right and not let myself get stuck where I did. I think for any of us its very important to take every step one day at…
  • For me its treadmill +ipad. I watch an episode of something that keeps my mind off the clock. Sometimes I cover it up with my hand towel.
  • After a weekend trip I am back to the graveyard... Just dusted off my fangs and doned my cape. Muhahahaa... Now to strike terror in various computer systems!
  • :smile: Thanks everyone, it means a lot. Due in most part to my weight, pictures over the past several years are rare. Much less the courage to post them. The support here at MFP is great, its helped a lot. Thank you again, for all of your support and compliments :D.
  • I have been on night shift for many years now, I think its somewhere around 6 years, before that was 4 on 2nd shift and 3 on 3rds. Its true, you never get used to it... But, I was always a night owl so it works for me ok but the home life is hard at times and fed into my general unhealthy life style. More or less it led to…
  • I say yes, if anything you can keep track a bit easier of how healthy you eat and work out. With or With out weighing yourself, you still have access to everything else MFP offers including the community. Step back and look at the big picture, its more about your general health, not your current weight. Although a lot of…
  • Well, my schedule is I wake up at 6p, go to work at 12a and off work at 9a and usually asleep by 11a. So in terms of when and what I eat, I usually eat dinner around 7p which is a more dense calorie meal. 600 to 800ish pending on what we have. Then I have a snack at 2a, lunch at 4a (Usually around 200 to 400 calories) and…
  • I am sorry for you loss. For me, exercise is just as much mental as it is the physical work. When things are up, down or I am stressed out I have found that working out helps me work through the issues. Like others have said, take your time and ease back in. I would maybe try something slow, focus on that while your on it…