I'm new and feeling a bit overwhelmed... Help

littleleia89 Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm new to MFP and after my first week I was feeling pretty good. I lost 4 pounds, and then today I step on the scale and I've put on 0.4 pounds, I don't really understand because I was under my target calories. I feel a bit of a failure, a bit rubbish. I'm scared that this is what it'll be like from now on, I'm trying so hard and eating much less and still I'm not losing. Help, has anyone else felt this way?
I know I should weigh myself every day but the scales are right there every morning staring at me!



  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Wow you lost 4 pounds in your first week! That is an amazing loss! I don't think you should be at all worried about a .4 gain, that's still a 3.6 pound loss in 2 weeks! Your body will fluctuate as it adjusts and you will go through stages of loosing quickly or slowly or gaining a little. But the trend over all when you stick with it is down down down. It's the times when you feel like you are not succeeding that are the hardest to stay motivated but keep at it and you will see the change!

    I weigh myself every day - even though I shouldn't - but I only record my weight once a week - and I don't let myself respond emotionally to my weight until Monday (why I can control my emotions but not my feet from stepping on the scales who knows!!)

  • Oh, I didn't know that! Thank you! I'm finding it hard as my family aren't really behind me, there is a lot of competition between my sister and I so when she sees me trying to eat right she buys chocolate and eats chips. I'm trying to resist or work it into my calorie goal but it's difficult. I'm changing my habits but it feels like an uphill battle.
    So I should try and chill out a bit and not worry if I go up a little as long it goes down?
    Thank you for your kind wordsx
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    My first 3 weeks at it I lost 5 pounds and then put 3 back on I lost 4 pounds and put 2 back on it went up and down for a few weeks then leveled out and by the time 3 weeks was up i'd lost 7lb and it stayed off I did get disheartened at times but I've made the decision that this time the weight is coming off no matter what so when the scale goes back up I know if I have done wrong or not and if the answer is I have eaten right and exercise then so be it I don't worry but if I know I ate chocolate didn't exercise I try harder for the next week.
  • Thank you both very much I didn't know it worked like that. I won't be too upset, I'm just going to work harder! x
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    The scales are the devil!!! :devil: If you're going to weigh every day then please get used to the fact that your weight will change almost daily!! Eating carbs or sodium or exercising or being dehydrated (plus other reasons I cant think of now) will all affect your weight.

    Please measure yourself. Please have a goal pair of jeans that you try on once a fortnight.

    The scales do move eventually, but they are no measure of your actual achievements on a daily/weekly basis.

    And as for your sister??? Tell her in no uncertain terms that you are trying to lose weight and would appreciate her not tempting you with rubbish. If she carries on, dont let her in your house!! :laugh:

    Good luck hun. You can do this, for YOU! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks. I think i'll do that, I'll find my skinny jeans, the ones that haven't fit for 5 years and start trying them on. I'm only at home for another week and then I go back to University, hopefully it'll be easier when I'm on my own!
  • I know how you feel, I put a pound on today after being well under my calorie goals and was mortified... but weight goes up and down a bit I guess, you'll be fine, keep doing what you're doing cos it sounds like you are doing really well!

  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. I have found over the past 10 years of trying diet after diet after diet that the real success comes when you can view weight loss as a longterm permanant lifestyle change -- consistent, healthy behavior is the key. I'm at my lowest weight since the age of 13, and that little piece of information that I just gave you is my cornerstone. Weightloss begins in the mind -- don't get caught up in the day to day number on the scale or getting frustrated because you weigh a little more when you worked out so long the day before. It will do very little if you work super hard during the week and are very restrictive with your food then end up gorging on the weekend -- you'll feel like your efforts are futile and give up. It's better to make a little progress step by step and reach your goals over the course of a year than to lose weight quickly and cycle through the same weight for the next decade.Take care of your body by eating healthy food every day and doing a comfortable, reasonable amount of exercise daily.

    Work on adapting consistent healthy behaviors into your life -- and the weight will come off!

    Also, if you need support and mfp friends, feel free to add me. :)
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    The same thing happened to me this week, but I actually gained a pound overnight! Saying I was discouraged is a serious understatement. I've been counting calories for over a year now, and in the last two weeks, I have been having a lot of trouble with my weight going up. This is the first time it's happened since I've been dieting, at least the first time it happened for no reason. I did get really discouraged, but I stuck to it, and all the weight (plus a little extra) has now come off. There is nothing like the relief you feel when that happens. I won't tell you not to worry about that, because it's hard to just make yourself not care, but think of a goal. I check my weight daily, but Friday is my official weigh-in, when I record my new weight on MFP, so if it's gone up on Monday, there are still a few days to get it back down. Also, think about the foods you're eating when you gain weight. I was staying under my calories, but eating pasta, and that's what started all this. Good luck. Stick to the plan and your weight will go back down.
  • The let down is hard, but we are always harder on ourself. One thing is taking measurements because at times you will have no loss or some gain but you will see inch's go down. Also, channel the emotions to help you continue pushing forward. For me, its always been trying to understand whats happening to me to the best of my ability and trying to stay positive.

    Your own emotional state can affect how you lose and stress can play a BIG role in slowing down weight loss. So think positively, keep your head up and dont look back. Look forward to the next time you step on the scale and see the numbers go down.
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    I can also verify what everyone else has said, & personally am really pleased it has been said as I seem to lose one week, gain the next then lose more again the next so overall has taken about 19 weeks to lose 19 lbs BUT I have also lost a total of 12 " & am feeling so much better about myself & in a few weeks you will too. It is always difficult when you don't have support at home as I think that is crucial so get the family on healthy eating too if you can. Do not let them discourage you; you deserve this & you can do it. Good luck.
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    If it helps any, my weight can fluctuate up to 3 or 4 pounds in just one day depending on how much water I drink, how much sodium I had the day before, whether or not I've recently eaten...lots of things can affect your weight. Do you weigh at the same time every time you weigh in? That helps some. Otherwise, don't make your self crazy - it's really normal to go up and down a little.
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