Official Nightshift thread!!!



  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    yea, I just started drinking green tea and honey at work after lunch, helps because I always want something sweet!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    oh good call. i recently bought a box of green tea.. i didn't think i'd like it, b/c i had drinks with it before and wasn't crazy about them. i realized though that it was the ginseng that i didn't like, the green tea is great, woohoo!
  • 3110cynthia
    my thought is give yourself a splurge day once a month - and the other nights out give yourself an extra 300 cal.s - no more than once a week and i fyou drink the right drinks you'll find that you may not have to use the extra 300 anyway - or skip lunch and replace it with rice cakes and water just to quell the pain of hunger if you need to or want to - and consider your night out cal.s your lunch ya know like breakfast 10am , dinner 5pm and lunch(nightout) 11pm - get creative - i know you'll find a way
  • MeganKS
    Just joined this site and it's cool to see a nightshift thread on here. I work an 8 hr night shift at a hotel sitting behind a desk the entire time. It's money, but it's a drag to be asleep while the whole world is awake, and vice versa. Not to mention having to take care of a 1 year old during the day, and now I'm bound and determined to fit in a workout/dieting schedule into the mix of work, school, and kid haha!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Just now getting in bed. Hard shift, but logged 10k on the pedometer. The worst part of nights is having an SO that is up all day (and hates being lonely :grumble: )
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Cutmd- yeah I know hwat you mean. At least now my SO is on the same schedule that I am just days. Now I get to sleep when I need to except on my days off.

    Welcome to to night shift megan!!!

    I will be working tonight. Another wonderful 12hr shift. At least I will have good company tonight :-)
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    Options I glad I found this thread. Working night shift is indeed tough!

    I'm on a 12-hour shift tonight, but thank goodness it's my "Friday!" lol :)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Just going to bed after swing shift. I have a day off, then I do 4 day shifts, so it will be about a week break from overnights. But I still feel you all....
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    anyone working this weekend?? ugh i'm straight thru til tues.. already tired.
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    Does working 4-12 count me in? I'm just getting ready to get off. Work in downtown Pittsburgh.
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    if that is 4pm-12am... then it sure does... I havent been on here in a few days, I have just been using the app on my iphone. How has everyone been doing? I have lost another pound and feel better than I have in a while.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    lean-congrats on the loss! i'm right there with ya on generally feeling better. i have to say, last year, especially during the winter months, i think all i did was work, sleep, and eat... and i really didn't feel like i had the desire to do much else. now that i've been on this road of weight loss i def notice that i have a lot more energy, and overall i feel better, and i find myself wanting to workout when i get up... i have my not so great days also, don't get me wrong.. but in total i'm happy with life and myself right now.
  • dresdenkali
    After a weekend trip I am back to the graveyard... Just dusted off my fangs and doned my cape. Muhahahaa... Now to strike terror in various computer systems!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    After a weekend trip I am back to the graveyard... Just dusted off my fangs and doned my cape. Muhahahaa... Now to strike terror in various computer systems!

    haha speaking of fangs... a couple of my friends and i are big True Blood fans, and i was invited to a viewing party this weekend for the season finale.. i bake/decorate cakes for a hobby, and they asked me to make red velvet cupcakes to go with the whole blood theme of the night... between that and making a birthday cake for my sis and mom this week..... hello temptation island!! lol i'm doing my best to partake as minimally as possible and get some extra workouts in!
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    WOW... I do NOT want to be working tonight!!! I haven't worked since last tuesday night and now am scheduled (and took extra shifts) every night till saturday. I'm already beat and my shift just started. I don't know if I'm more excited that it's slow tonight or not cuz all I wanna do is sleep :angry: maybe I'll do some Yoga.......... maybe.......
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Thanks Allie, I can't wait until I start looking better again. Well just more definition. I can see the outline of where my 6 pack used to be but it is buried deep. I carry my weight well for how overweight I am. Everyone is shocked when I tell them how much I am trying to lose. They are like "Really? You need to lose 130lbs?" then I tell them how much I weigh and I either get a funny look or just wow. Oh well. I never got that out of shape just packed on the pounds.

    Mamarandall- what can we do to entertain you?
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    yeah i was reading this whole thread about people getting similar reactions when they discussed their weight loss efforts with other people. like i mentioned before, my whole serious start with this happened with a contest at work, so everyone knew who all was signed up. since then i try not to really talk about it with people, friends and co-workers alike.. i'd rather them notice a change and say, hey u look like u lost more, or something of the like. i went to the park yesterday and actually made it through jogging a mile, which i was really proud of b/c i haven't done that in a long time. i told my mom about it and she gave me this look, like i had said i just jogged 100 miles.. it was weird. oh well is right! let them all be jealous i say!

    2 hours left then i finally get a night off, woooooo hooooo!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Yeah you are right. I am just gonna wait for the compliments and not say a word... Congrats on the mile... I don't think I could run a mile right now but I haven't tried yet... I am gonna wait til I lose more to start running though. That is alot of pressure on the knees at my current weight.. Hope you are having a good day off.. I don't get a day off until tomarrow.
  • GrayJohn
    I've been working nights for 6 years now and still hate them. Everyone brings cakes and sweets in, I used to indulge in all of that but now I pre-plan what I'm taking to work. I work 10pm - 7am and I find drinking water and also eating fruit and oakcakes does the trick. Sometimes I will have some sweets or a slice of cake but I don't myself up about it anymore - I just exercise more the following day when I wake up. Simples

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  • MairiK
    MairiK Posts: 9 Member
    I am from the UK , I'm a nurse and work 2 - 3 night a weeks. I have just come off a 5 night stretch and should reallly go for a sleep but having discovered this thread I have spent ages just reading everyones posts, I work 9.30pm - 7.30 am. The shift completely wrecks your system, I have been doing it for 9 years as it suits family life I have 2 kids 8 & 6 so perfect for them but not me. It's very tiring and takes a lot of will power to avoid the temptation of all the bad food that is around. I have been doing really well since joining MFP, it's great for keeping the motivation going.