Official Nightshift thread!!!



  • MeganKS
    Oh man I'm struggling tonight--the cookies we keep out at the hotel smell so good and I just want to grab one and eat it--just smelling it is making my mouth water and stomach growl--I tried to get myself to eat something else and/or try to get my mind off of it all together--but it's still there--I'm having a mind battle right now of good vs evil--one side saying "just have one, what's one going to really do" while the other side is saying "one will lead to God knows how many, you always say just one and it turns out to be more"--I really dont like nights like this :(
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    don't give in Megan!! lol or maybe just have a half of one, and really enjoy it.. i went to a thai place for lunch today and it was delicious as always, but i hate that i can't really tell the calorie count, and couldn't find it online. i found the closest and plugged it in, and i'm figuring a little over what's listed just to be sure. i had a whole can of lite fruit cocktail and a yogurt for break and i'm so full now. can't even think about eating lol. plus work's been steadily busy which helps as well!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Sooo... where has everyone been?
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    Well, I'm here... and super bored. I'm going through and commenting on everything I could possible comment on because it's another slow night... I'm half tempted to go wake up a patient or two and just chat with them. It's always hilarious to talk to ones that are super drugged up lol... We have some fun conversations!!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Yeah... that sounds like a boring night if you have to go wwake up patients to talk to. Hope you had a fun night. I ended up doing tons of patrols to pass the time. Time for bed now.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Anyone working tonight? Slow night here. Went to a trainer today at the gym...could barely walk after!! He kicked my butt!!!
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    Anyone working tonight? Slow night here. Went to a trainer today at the gym...could barely walk after!! He kicked my butt!!!

    I am!!! AGAIN! Basically I work a lot and half the time, it's slow so I'm bored. I'm always hanging out on MFP or doing Yoga to give myself something to do. I'd probably be on FB too but my work has blocked it. I keep praying that they don't block this site too :grumble: Seriously! I don't know what I would do with myself if they DID....
    Sounds like a good day at the gym though! I always love being so sore I can't walk.
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone, just found this thread when I got home this morning. I have been on the the third shift at Chrysler now for almost 6 years and from the little bit that I read, am one of the few who like this shift. I have been on my new lifestyle since Jan. and have lost 38 pounds. I did put 5 back on when the kids were out of school and we were off camping this summer, but I will get those off again.

    As for eating, I keep my diary from midnight to nidnight and all the meals stay the same. Sometimes it looks funny having breakfast for lunch or a huge lunch, but I just add the food where it should go. Sometimes I will cheat and add a snack to the day before if I have the calories and I eat it close to midnight. Probally shouldn't do this but it does work for me.

    As for exerecise, I run the stairs on my lunch, have started running after I get the kids on the bus in the morning and sometimes I will use the elliptical.

    Good luck everyone, stick with it.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    On overnights and stealing sleep when I can since hubby says I'm always sleeping and should spend time with him, though he gets to sleep while I'm at work and I don't :grumble:

    I will totally add food to the night before Dave, I feel like there's no harm as long as I don't go over.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Isn't that annoying CUT? My boyfriend says I sleep all I'm lazy or something. I don't go to bed till 8am!!
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    Not sure if I've posted in this thread yet. I'm a hospital pharmacist at a 470 bed hospital. Overnight, there is only one pharmacist on duty. By law, I have to stay in the pharmacy (must have pharmacist present). Anyway, I work for 7 days and then I am off for 7 days when another pharmacist works my shift. I do not accrue vacation time, do not get sick time or any paid time off.

    My shift is Thursday night through Wednesday night. I leave my house at 8:15pm and drive about 80 miles to work. I start working at 9:45pm and get off at 7:15am. I do not get a lunch break, but we do have a break room. I generally bring in a Lean Pocket for my evening meal. At 7:15, I clock out and drive home. I either eat a breakfast bar while driving, or sometimes wait until I get home for some cereal. I mess around on the computer for about an hour to unwind then I go to bed. My husband wakes me by 6pm so I can get ready for work. He makes dinner and we eat at 7:30, then I dress and hit the road.

    My shift will be over for the week tomorrow. Then, I flip my days and nights back around. I sleep most of the week to get caugh up. I do get out on my bicycle for an hour a few times a week. No chance or time for exercise during my work week. (9.5 hours at work, 3 hours driving, 8 hours sleeping, and 3.5 hours for eating, bathing and unwinding).
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Just found this thread, great idea.
    I have been on nights for over 2 years now. My husband used to be on nights, but he has started to go to school so we are on completly different scheduals now. Still adjusting to the change.
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Not sure if I've posted in this thread yet. I'm a hospital pharmacist at a 470 bed hospital. Overnight, there is only one pharmacist on duty. By law, I have to stay in the pharmacy (must have pharmacist present). Anyway, I work for 7 days and then I am off for 7 days when another pharmacist works my shift. I do not accrue vacation time, do not get sick time or any paid time off.

    My shift is Thursday night through Wednesday night. I leave my house at 8:15pm and drive about 80 miles to work. I start working at 9:45pm and get off at 7:15am. I do not get a lunch break, but we do have a break room. I generally bring in a Lean Pocket for my evening meal. At 7:15, I clock out and drive home. I either eat a breakfast bar while driving, or sometimes wait until I get home for some cereal. I mess around on the computer for about an hour to unwind then I go to bed. My husband wakes me by 6pm so I can get ready for work. He makes dinner and we eat at 7:30, then I dress and hit the road.

    My shift will be over for the week tomorrow. Then, I flip my days and nights back around. I sleep most of the week to get caugh up. I do get out on my bicycle for an hour a few times a week. No chance or time for exercise during my work week. (9.5 hours at work, 3 hours driving, 8 hours sleeping, and 3.5 hours for eating, bathing and unwinding).

    Sounds like you need to find a new job. no breaks, no lunch, no sick, no vaction, then you have to drive and hour and a half to get there... UGGG. I like my job, but if I had to deal with all that, they would know where they can shove it. My schedule is a little more time consuming than your though, at least you get 8hrs of sleep. I wake up at 2pm, get ready to go to the gym, go to the gymfor baout an hour, come home, shower and cook, leave for work at 5pm, get there at 6pm stay til 6am, drive home. get home for 7am and wind down enough to go to bed hopefully around 8am. so(12hrs work, 2hrs driving, 6hrs sleeping, 4hrs for exercise, cooking, showering, eating, and me time), but I work a 3-2-2-3 schedule.
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    I get a 27% premimum on top of my base pay for not getting any PTO. When I add that to my shift differential, it makes it worth my while. I won't do it forever, but I really like the large paychecks. I'm making $30 more per hour than a regular day shift pharmacist. I can really sock away some money, plus have enough to buy any toys I want. Sure, it will kill me. But, I will give it up after a couple more years.
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I guess that's not too bad then.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Hey everyone! Anyone workin tonight? I just had the best veggie burger ever...Morningstar black bean..MMMMM
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    i'm on for the next 5 nights!
    lee- that sounds awesome! i just wish those morningstar burgers weren't so darn expensive. for break i had a yogurt (light&fit orange bliss- tastes like an orange creamsicle!) and a grapefruit cup... haven't been eating the greatest lately, i need a jumpstart!

    quick edit: i've noticed that since i really started exercising regularly that i have more energy, which is a good thing. however, with this, i usually am not able to nap before work like i used to.. if anything i'll get maybe 20 min. i'll be fine for the majority of the shift, but the last 90 or so minutes just kill me. all of a sudden i feel completely exhausted, and sometimes fight to keep my eyes open. anyone else having issues?
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I always get really tired around 4, sometimes take a lil nap. Coffee? I live on it!

    They are expensive, arent they? They were on sale so I picked them up, sometimes Target has them cheap too!

    I have been working out a lot lately...I hope the weight melts off, Im not eating my excersize calories either. I just started working out hard about 2 wks ago tho, I dont have patience! Thought Ide be thin by now jk lol
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    oh i know! i only get them if they're on sale. so ridiculous. i've found that i love target for getting certain food items. can't beat the prices, and even then things go on sale like lean cuisines. i just wish i had a super walmart or something that had a produce section. i can't stand the fact that it's so costly to eat well! my one saving grace is this market-place type of store that i can get certain produce at for much better prices, and i feel, quality.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I totally agree...its good for cereals, snacks and things like that, but you have to go to another store to get the rest of your food...lil annoying. Now that I mention it, Im gonna go there tomorrow after Petsmart lol:smile:

    I am off next two nights, but I have to work the weekend..stinks!!!