Official Nightshift thread!!!



  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hey all,

    Can i join? I am an ER doc so I spend 1/3rd of my time on night, then swing, then days. I am going in at midnight for an overnight shift, and will be doing one for the next 4 days

    It's hard for me to transition. I ate almost all my calories before I took my nap today (stupid nuts :grumble:) and since I know I'll get hungry I am going to cancel my rest day and exercise (helps me stay up anyway).

    Not bringing a meal/snack is so lethal on the overnight. You get cold and hungry, and all kinds of bad snacks are available. Tonight I am bring raw veggies and hummus and a nectarine, along with my usual water canteen. I will eat a small raw kale salad before I go. I would usually bring a big salad with protein and a rice cake with peanut butter, but like I said, I already ate most of my calories being up half the day :ohwell:
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    You can join as long as you promise not to boss around any EMTs... lol
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Or lab techs! lol
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I was also wondering for all the people that work 12hr shifts.... Do you think that we should eat more calories than MFP reccomends? We are up and doing more things therefore burning more calories. I know my days usually run 18hours or more depending on all that I have to get done. Just a thought I had....

    side note: I have trouble eating the amount that mfp recommends anyway (I am just not hungry). I dont want to go into starvation mode that is my biggest fear right now. i know the past week my weight has just been bouncing around between a few pounds. I usually eat around 1600 MFP recommends 1870. Should I be concerned that I havent lost weight?

    I think if you're staying active the entire time, than to make sure to eat more calories and just make sure you never feel hungry. However, I would also make sure that if your eating more calories, that you keep it clean food. You could eat 300 calories in useless carbs and crap or 300 calories on a piece of fruit, PB and whole wheat bread and that will keep you full longer and give you the energy you need instead of the crash.

    I think with you not losing weight, just give it time as long as you are eating as healthy as possible, again, with clean foods and getting some activity in. Patience is hard when you're doing everything right. I also like to keep track of my inches. Inches NEVER lie! the scale could be doing different stuff because of water, or different time of day, or maybe....etc.

    Thanks for the reply. I know that the clothes I wear are looser. And I think that I am over the hurdle cause I was down a pound today. I need to get a tape measure. I usually eat very clean. Egg beaters for breakfast with wheat/multigrain toast. chicken breast/fish with brown rice for lunch/dinner with choice of frozen vegtable. If i eat pasta it is barilla multigrain. It is high in protien, omega 3, and fiber, and It tastes yummy. I usually eat a clif bar in the morning before I workout that way I have something that is light and packed with energy before i go to the gym. I will have my protien shake after the gym. Sometimes I will have another protien shake if I am low on calories for the day. I usually try to throw in a banana a day also, but they run out so quick around this house. I have been bad about remembering but I want to start taking an apple or orange to work for a snack.
  • KnightOwl
    Or nurses! :-p
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Or nurses! :-p

    Oh man, you guys are taking away my reason for being! :laugh: it is interesting how we are all health or first responders

    Do any of you wear a pedometer? I loved mine at work... Until I lost it. It put meaning into my running around, or having to go see a patient on the other side of the the ER for the 3rd time. Then I lost mine. Work's not the same without it :frown:
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Last year they gave all of us pedometers as part of this promotion of good health or something, and we were all into it for about a week lol. I've since bought another one, but I tend to forget to wear it :tongue:
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Where is everyone tonight? Am I the only one working?
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Where is everyone tonight? Am I the only one working?

    I was working, but that means I had no time to log on! :laugh: going to bed now :yawn:, hope you had a good one

    How's the snack bringing going?
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    LOL... yeah the ER can be pretty hectic sometimes at least on the ambulance you get to drop them off after a little ride, and get a break if you are lucky enough.

    Snack bringing has been good. Tonight I brought an orange, banana, yogurt, and peanut butter. I brought a healthy choice general tso's chicken steamer for dinner with some additional steamed veggies. I still dont know how I am gonna eat another 2000 calories today. I did 60min on the eliptical this morning 30mins of running and 30mins of random hill and it gave me another 1200 calories on top of the 1800 i usually get.
  • Lynz888
    Lynz888 Posts: 17 Member
    Oh sweet calorie disaster! Fall semester starts tomorrow. Combined with work, this equates into a huge decrease in sleep for me and an annoying urge to binge eat to stay awake. :(

    Any suggestions of how to stay alert for calculus after working the night before?
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    It's been a crazzy time to log...sorry
  • debjunti
    debjunti Posts: 40 Member
    Oh sweet calorie disaster! Fall semester starts tomorrow. Combined with work, this equates into a huge decrease in sleep for me and an annoying urge to binge eat to stay awake. :(

    Any suggestions of how to stay alert for calculus after working the night before?

    I hear you, my classes start back today too. I actually had the night off but have been up since 2:am should be an interesting year, taking 18 credits and working at night. Ugh where do I fit exercise into that!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Oh sweet calorie disaster! Fall semester starts tomorrow. Combined with work, this equates into a huge decrease in sleep for me and an annoying urge to binge eat to stay awake. :(

    Any suggestions of how to stay alert for calculus after working the night before?

    I would suggest eating more protien to help you stay full longer.... 5 hour energy is my friend when I am super tired... they also sell stacker 2 energy shots at the dollar store for a dollar and they work almost as well.... also if you can find a way to do a little exercise in between work and school that should help also.
  • trachnurse
    Hi there everyone, I am yet another health care provider on the night shift. I am a nurse providing nursing care to medically fragile children in the community. I definitely know that nights is not good for the body, I have been doing this for 13 years, and before that worked mainly nights in various areas in hospital. It is nice to be able to read about the stories from others on nights and know I am not as alone as I often feel. I have a great hubby, however he has never worked nightshift, and therefore has no true understanding of what this does to my body. Lately I have noticed that I get very cold during my shift, and cant get warm until I eat something, has anyone else had that problem? If so, what do you do to warm up? I dont drink coffee or tea, I just dont like hot drinks. Anyway, enough of my whining for today. My shift is drawing to an end soon, and I have a lot of work to do first. Good luck everyone, and have a great day, or night!:flowerforyou:
  • Lynz888
    Lynz888 Posts: 17 Member
    debjunti - I do yoga on my breaks. It increases circulation and burns a few calories without getting too disheveled.

    leanmass24 - thanks, I'll give them another shot. I've tried energy shots before and had counterproductive results. They supress my appetite and then when it wears off I'm far more likely to binge eat or have a dramatic sugar low. Maybe if I have protien before I take it...

    trachnurse - yep, everyone I'm currently on shift with randomly gets cold at work. They drink coffee. I wear extra clothes and try to keep moving. More solutions to that would be great!
  • Julbella78
    Julbella78 Posts: 161 Member
    I work at a hospital and work 3rd every other weekend. It really kicks my butt and it takes about 2-3 days until I feel back to normal. I see patients throughout the night so there isn't any sleep and usually right around 2am I am starving! I used to go to Subway and get a 6" sub but now I am trying to bring oatmeal and yogurt. I have such a hard time working out b/c I normally get off work at 6am, home by 6:30, asleep by 7. Then I have to get up and moving by 11:30 to pick up my daughter by 12. There isn't any further sleep during the day and then the following night shift really kills me. I'm just exhausted all weekend! I hate it!
  • hartterjw
    great to have! I too work overnight at a hotel, been on the overnights now for about 16+ years!! It is interesting to try and control eating habits, but there are some days when its a breeze!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Anyone working tonight?...
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I'm working! Just went for my walk, chest hurts again after I did bench presses last wk. I can't work out my chest for a very long time. Went to see my Dr today for a checkup, he said I could eat 2,000 calories a day and still lose! MFP says 1500, so Im stcking with 1700 for now. He actually suggested online logging. :smile: