Here We go again...

Im thinknig about joining Weight Watchers again. I have been toying with the idea for about 6 months, but I kept giving this another shot. My problem is motivation. I want to lose weight, but sometimes I dont want it enough! Also, I have gained so much that I feel like I might be fat forever...which is a HORRIBLE outlook, I know. I feel like an *kitten* paying 40 a month for something that is free here, BUT the meetings are key. I think they have helped me stay on track. On MFP, there is no one weighing me in, so its easeir for me to cheat...on WW, I have to go in front of a stranger and weigh in..its motivated me before. I think I need the group guys are great on here, but I need some person to person contact, because I feel like Im doing this alone. What do you guys think, WW or MFP? Or both?! lol


  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Differant strokes for differant folks....what ever works for you [no right or wrong] Everyone has differant motivators,Do it for yourself ,to live a healthy lifestyle... Congrats on doing something about it! You will do it!!!!!:wink:
  • dresdenkali
    Well, also the meetings from WW can help too. Sometimes its easier to talk to someone face to face. But, aside from the weigh in, its still on you the other 6 days a week to stay on track. I think the hardest thing is forcing yourself to be honest with you first and formost.

    That said, Weight Watchers is a good program. They have been around for a very long time and help many people make major lifestyle changes. For me, my mother was one of the people that did the meetings in the 70's and 80's. So, I have been able to use a lot of what she learned durning her time to apply that to my own program. If it helps you, then its worth every penny of that monthly fee....
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Join up on a group or create one, I have over 100lbs to lose, so I joined up with other people on here with over 100lbs to lose, and we have a weekly weigh in on Fridays, and usually another member posts weekly challenges. So it feels like I'm checking in with people. lol

    I guess though, if you feel like you might cheat yourself (since its not like we can really see the scale, just have to trust what you post), WW might be a better solution. You could always do both. Use MFP to log your foods, but go to the WW meetings.

    I don't know if any of your friends are working on their weight, or if your good at making new friends, but my mom did WW and after a while, her and just a group of people she met at the meetings kind of quit paying, and started having weekly meetings at each others houses. So they all sort of grouped together, and still do the same kind of meeting, but...for free. lol
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi Virgo,
    I did try the group thing, and it didnt work lol
    The friend thing might be another reason why this is so hard. I recently moved to a new area with my boyfriend, so I dont know anyone. When I lost 70 lbs yrs and yrs ago, I did that witht he help of my trainer friend. There are some really cool people on here, but its just not the same as face to face. I would definatly still talk to people here.
    As far as the $, Im saving for my wedding, and really dont have it, BUT...Im gonna end up spending it in new clothes anyway, cause all the clothes I have are too small!!! SUX!! I went from a size 14 to an 18...and I have tons of jeans that dont fit...also winter is coming, and Ide drop a lot of $ on a new coat, cause theres no waaaay I can get into last yrs now. But hopefully by the time that comes around I can squeeze into it.
    I guess the worst thing that can happen is I try WW, and I dont lose, and waste $.
  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member

    Good luck with whichever you choose. The only previous time I had any success with weight loss was with WW, so it really can work. I just can't justify the cost just now and I feel this is every bit as good.

    I get my boyfriend to check my scales when I weigh in and take my measurements - that is my way of making sure I don't cheat on here!

  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    Welcome. I have been on MFP for 3 months, starting my 4th. It's the best decision I have made in many years. I have lost weight with diets many times before, but it was never a lifestyle change. This time is different; it's a lifestyle change, not a diet. Good luck on your weight loss journey. Please feel free to add me as a friend; we can help motivate each other.
  • pavanneh
    pavanneh Posts: 65 Member
    I have to agree that face to face time and having someone weigh me in sure makes it harder to cheat. But, in the end it is still you that has to change. But, if that is what you need to get started go for it. You can do both WW and MFP. Just don't log in what you eat unless you want to. This would still be a great support place. The more support the better. My daughter has about 30 lbs to lose so I am going to suggest we weigh each other-buying a new scale and doing measurements once a month. She wants to join the military. So, hopefully that will help us lose weight. Maybe your BF can help you with weighing in and measurements.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Think you can do both programs at the same time. Log into MFP each day and enter your journal. Go to the in person meetings if they help you too. One of the neat things about MFP is that it is here for you 24/7. The community support is wonderful. At this time of day I usually catch up with some of my Int'l friends. There is usually someone available to lend support -- anytime day or night. Good luck in reaching your weight loss goal.
  • jdsouthernbelle
    I say do both! We would hate to lose you here on MFP!

    MFP is also a good tool to keep track of those weigh in's, exercise & food logs. But I can understand about the face to face motivation.

    Best wishes on your journey girl! Just know we are here for you no matter what!
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I think I have decided to do both. Ill go to meetings, and log my food on WW, doing the points thing, and also log in here for extra motivation. Last time I was on WW, their message boards were not as active as these...and I like people I have met on here!! So, Tues is my first meeting...and weigh in! Thanks everyone!! :smile: