AlissaAngelo Member


  • Yes, love to meet others that are POSITIVE and on this fitness journey. Let's do this! Added many of you already. :)
  • Found it! I'd love to join. :)
  • Double posted! Oops!
  • Another person here encouraging the Polar FT4. I love mine! I'd venture to guess you burned a bit more during Upper Focus. However, it's not AS high of a calorie burner like the other T25 workouts.
  • I force myself to refocus... it's one day at a time and we aren't gonna be perfect. It can be tough but just jump back on board and review your goals. Write down your goals!!! Hang them somewhere that you will see each and every day. Planning ahead is also SOOO helpful... it makes what I'm gonna eat a no-brainer. :) Alissa
  • Hey there! I'm a mommy to two little girls (age 5-1/2 and almost 3). Sending a friend request! :)
  • Such a FANTASTIC feeling!!!! Soon when you hold them up, they will look so big too. I found that as I lost weight, my big jeans didn't look so big when I fit in them but when I was fitting in smaller jeans I saw just how big they were. CONGRATS!! This is such an accomplishment!! Yippppeeeee!!!!
  • Fantastic! Thank you everyone!
  • Exactly! Plus you can practically do everything on Facebook these days. You are SO right on the health and fitness... it's a year round, life-long journey and it's a one you've got to be willing and ready to make a change in your life. Took me a while to figure that out but once I did, it's been very rewarding. Good stuff!
  • I was super skeptical before I started Shakeology but after 30 days was hooked. It's worth a try, plus they offer a 30 day bottom of the bag money back guarantee. Turbo Fire is lots of fun, dancy and kickboxing in one with drills mixed in. Another favorite of mine is Les Mills Combat, it's the kickboxing without the dancy…
  • I personally ignore the sugar goal... if you aren't eating a ton of refined sugar and it's coming from natural things like fruit, then don't worry about it. Mine is over every single day and I've had no issues losing weight. :) Hang in there!
  • Definitely at least 300 to 500 extra calories a day! Good luck! :)
  • The freeze dried fruits are excellent... I love the grapes! My problem is I can't stop eating them.
  • I just got here and saw how "dead" it is... I hope everyone is doing well on their journey!! :) I agree, it's hard to keep up with multiple boards, etc. I was glad to see the IDOB ladies on Facebook and here.... :)
  • I'm a little late but here is my info... :) Name - Alissa IDOB Name - Lissa Weight Loss Goal - Right now I'm near my goal weight but trying to gain muscle, get lean and lose extra fat I've been carrying since having my two babies. :) Method of Weight Loss - Just eating healthy and exercise. I pretty much workout 95% at…
  • No. I was going to simply offer a comparison chart... don't always assume the worst in people. Anyhoo, that's what I get for trying to be helpful... too funny! Have a SUPER day! :happy:
  • I love, love, love Turbo Fire! Great music and a good combination of workouts. You've got regular cardio kickboxing and then you've got HIIT workouts. Plus the toning workouts and abs. :)
  • I've done several.... P90X, P90X2, Insanity, Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, ChaLEAN Extreme.... the list goes on. In my opinion a good starter is the ChaLEAN Extreme program. I love it, helped me lose my baby weight the first time around and I just recently re-started it to get me through the holidays. The workouts are short, most…
  • I have a friend who has this workout system and she saw great results with it. :) Combine it with healthy eating, you are bound to get the results you are looking for. :)
  • I know you want something all in one workout, so this is probably not helpful. I really enjoy ChaLEAN Extreme. Like you, I'm a busy mom who needs to get my workout done fast. The workouts in this set are all around 45 mins or less. Weights 3 times a week, targeting upper and lower body each time just different parts (i.e.…
  • I have had an F4 for YEARS and only wanted it to gauge what my calorie burn was during workouts and it gave me just that. I found mine to be fairly accurate when I started using a BodyBugg and compared the two. Mine just died last month and I'm missing it. I will definitely be buying another one... better color options…
  • I have my Shakeology in the afternoon as my "snack". However, I say have it when it is most convenient for YOU! :)
  • I prefer Shakeology, all natural with more nutrients than is available in even Visalus. I have a great comparison chart, if you are interested in it. . It compares not only the Vi shakes, but SEVERAL other shakes on the market. It's what I drink daily and it's made a big difference in my body. Alissa ***POST EDITED BY…
  • Probably, if you combine with diet and exercise. Don't starve yourself and exercise. If you have questions / need support, let me know! I do think you can do it if you commit yourself! Alissa
  • I think anything that gets you moving is good exercise! Get yourself moving and exercising to workouts you like, and you will find yourself wanting to do more and more. Keep it up!!! I love Zumba... so much fun!! Alissa
  • The 1200 is just a base, I would recommend aiming for around 1400 to 1500 calories a day if you are exercising. :) The formula that works best for me is 10 x your body weight to get an idea of what you should eat. You shouldn't be hungry at all during the day, eating every 2 to 3 hours. :) I hope that helps! I've been…
  • I believe you can get it when you buy the program thru a TBB Coach.... I think, I would have to check. :)
  • Fun! Here is my transformation board: My Fitness & Nutrition Board: Well, and here is a link to all my boards in case there are others you would like to check out and follow:…
  • I'm a fan, and was super skeptical before I started drinking it once a day in January. The previous poster is exactly right though... you will see results if you are exercising and have a healthy diet. :) Alissa :)