Lucy_Monroe Member


  • You can do water! I know you can. I just put a jug of water in my fridge with slices of cucumber and fresh mint to infuse for flavor. You can also do a *few* slices of fruit without increasing the sugar levels of the water. Just don't go eating the fruit without counting it. ;-) I'm also diabetic and I love the La Croix…
  • It was truly my pleasure, Jenny! Hugs!
  • Jennifer...this is amazing! I absolutely get teary eyed hearing about others being blessed by this challenge, because I have too. I can't believe the difference in my life from just five short months ago and to take this journey with you all...means the world! :)
  • I love it when the prize winner works out like that. :) I was thrilled to realize Tammy B. had won a fitness video from me as she's a dear personal friend. How cool is that? This has been so amazing - everyone's generosity has made it so we have lots of winners every week and I think that is uber cool! Hugs, Lucy
  • I'm in awe reading all your updates. Some of you are just cooking with gas! Some are struggling, but still sticking with it and that just impresses the bejeebes out of me! :happy: For those of you who have hit a plateau or gained a little weight - I just want to encourage you to stick with it. My oldest sister is on this…
  • Everyone has weeks where we's what happens after that counts. Do we keep pressing forward or let it push us back into a rut of unhealthy comfortability. I know you all will keep trying...we will *all* keep trying!
  • This is great! I love hearing how hard everyone is working to meet their goals.'s a smart woman who realizes when her goals need to be tweaked. When I first started this in January, the personal trainer I consulted and myself sort of pressured me into coming to the gym more and working on the machines. It took…
  • Oooh...Jenny, I just discovered the peanut butter Cheerios. They are yummy! I too am a peanut butter addict. :)
  • This is so cool...seeing how you're all doing, hearing your goals for this week. The important thing is to not give up and keep trying, adjusting our goals to fit our capabilities (both up and down) as we go along. :happy: :heart: Congratulations to everyone's successes last week and kudos to all of you who are moving…
  • This is a great article by Denise Austin - really encouraging and a wonderful reminder that we are all unique:
  • That's fabulous! Great job, Kathy...that new heart is working amazingly well for you! :)
  • Thanks so much, Debra! These are fabulous! :) Hugs, Lucy
  • Here are some yummy, calorie affordable dessert recipes: Sweet Potato Pie Tarts - Yogurt Jello - Strawberry Jello Salad -…
  • Yes!!! These are some terrific goals! Keep posting and remember - I'll wanna hear how you did with them come next week. :)
  • You're all very welcome and thanks for sharing about the FitBits! :smile: Here's another link that is incredible - over 100 complete workouts with the best in the business, Denise Austin, Jillian Michaels etc. and FREE on YouTube's BeFit channel:
  • I'm going to start with a link to the online workouts with Denise Austin. For 15 minute workouts, including strength training/toning go here: For 5 minute workouts, including strength training/toning go here:…
  • Hey,'ll just be asked to "Friend" your team and Team Captain, but if you want to "Friend" others, by all means, do so. :) Hugs, Lucy :)
  • Thanks so much for sharing, Linda. What I see in your email and have heard from so many other people is this tendency doctors have to dismiss the words of those of us who are overweight and to give faulty advice that ultimately leads to more weight problems rather than fixing them. I gained my last 30+ pounds often eating…
  • Cool, Stacey...I wondered where your screen name came from. :)
  • Kathy...I will be sending out an email shortly. :)
  • I think the best way to stay in touch with your groups is to make sure you are "friends" - which is one of the reasons I'm so committed to keeping the teams at manageable numbers. Like someone mentioned, you can't read these discussion threads via the phone app, only if you go to the group page in a browser window on your…
    in Groups Comment by Lucy_Monroe March 2012
  • I'm so excited about the level of anticipation and enthusiasm everyone is expressing for the challenge! Thanks, Cbev! We are all into this together and I think that makes a huge difference! {{HUGS}}
  • Herbal teas are also a great way to get your water intake with a little flavor - just stay away from anything with caffeine in it. My youngest daughter *hates* water, but when we started MFP together, she committed to drinking a min of 8 cups a day and she's doing it. I'm so proud. :) The other thing I recommend is keeping…
  • Good for you on the walking, Barb! That's great! You are really consistent with it too - I've noticed. :) As I'm sure you'll hear time and again throughout this challenge, I'm a huge fan of Denise Austin. She does workouts that fit your schedule, target toners, etc. I find I like to do a 20 min video of circuit training…
  • Candice - I use that one too. Especially when I forget to eat and don't want to stop writing to do it. If I don't I'll make poorer choices later. :) Cbev...I love both of those!
  • What great mantras! Thank you all so much for sharing. Positive self-talk is so important to success and we are all going to get there! :)
  • Thanks for sharing that takes both courage and determination to succeed on this journey and you've proven you have both! Hugs!
  • Good for you Valerie! Taking back control makes all the difference and you've done that. Type II is also prevalent in my family and I've shared that I have it. I will also share that it's not always weight related and that even when it is cranky people just need to put a sock in it. ;-). We will get a handle on this and…
  • Sounds to me like your mantra needs to be something like: THIS *is* going to make me feel better. Because it will. We all know it doesn't happen right away, but things get better faster than we expect. I can't believe that I can walk to the store, do mild grocery shopping and backpack stuff home without getting out of…
  • Hi, Kathy! Welcome! :) You *have* been given a gift and what an awesome thing for you to honor that by determining to get fit. Hugs and best wishes on your continued *good* health! Lucy :)