MzBug Member


  • You slapped your guys hand when he grabbed a handfull of your carefully measured popcorn on movie night... Your guy gives you a WTF look when your meat portion is less than half the size of his... Dinner guests give you a funny look when your plate is mounded with steamed vegies and everyone else is eatting lasagna... Your…
  • I haven't done any research so I am not sure what constitutes a detox bath. I know that when I have muscle soreness from activity a soak in a hot tub of water with a cup of epsom salt helps. You can even find scented epsom fav is the lemongrass and eucalyptus.
  • I have no problem going 4+ hours without checking it. It drives my guy nuts! A few times I didn't hear the phone for a call or a text and my guy stormed in the house (during his work hours) figuring I was dead or something since I didn't answer. I got my behind chewed for it.
  • It starts with a nice steak dinner (830ish) followed with coffee and dessert about an hour later. At around 1030pm my guy will get comfy on the couch and nap through the New Year, waking at 1230ish and will watch TV until 3-4am. I will do the dishes, read a book until he wakes up. At that time I will give him a kiss, take…
  • If it is just the standard payroll taxes you will be ok as long as your entire tax obligation is paid by April 15. They don't care when you pay them, just that you pay them by the 15th. Other payroll deductions (like insurance), if not paid on schedule could cause a lapse in coverage or a loss of coverage.
  • I have helped many people along my way. Years ago my late hubby and I offered a gent outside a grocery store a hot shower and lunch. He came home with us, got his shower and ate his lunch. He asked if there were some small tasks he could do around the house to help us out. He helped us for the afternoon and I gave him a…
  • My guy asked for cargo shorts, sweat pants, lounge pants (pajama pants) and slippers. What else he is getting... rechargable hair and beard trimmer, scalp massager, barbeque tools and thermometer fork and assorted goodies for his stocking that may include a gift certificate for a pedicure. After he got his cast off I took…
  • Gift card for a sporting goods store, or a generic Visa gift card that can be used anywhere.
  • My guy told a couple co-workers about the framing fiasco while at work last night. This morning there was a half hearted message on my phone from the gallery employee apologizing for not informing us or offering us the mounting service when we were ordering the frames. The gallery owner has offered to repair the situation…
  • When my guy and I first moved in together he would insist that I get into "happy pants" (yoga pants, sweats, capri) and a t-shirt after work. He likes the comfortable look. When I lived alone I would wear the same clothes (casual buisness) all day...less laundry to do!
  • Alvin and the Chipmunks! When I was a teen I babysat 2 little girls that would play the Christmas album over and over and over EVERY DAY of the year.:noway: Haven't been able to stand it since.
  • My guy and I sat down and talked about this tonight after we both calmed down some. We will go back to the gallery and give them the opportunity to "make it right". We will be talking to the owner, not the employee that we delt with. If they choose not to correct the situation we will request a full refund and a return of…
  • I got him what he requested... He seems to have grown... lounge pants (thick and thin ones) sweat pants cargo shorts slippers I also got him... scalp massager foot massager foot warmer for his chair (our floors are freezing in winter) stocking stuffers
  • What kind of heating system do you have? Gas, oil, boiler, electric? You may need to have your ducts cleaned or your system inspected. When I lived in a house that had oil heat, the system developed a problem and we had very fine black oily dust every where that was a b!tch to clean up. If it smells like rust you may have…
  • Maybe the dog was giving sad eyes because it swallowed the fish whole and they were still moving as they went down.... :sick:RIP fishies.
  • Just make sure that the URL starts with https://www.xxxxx and not just http://www.xxxxx. That designates that the site is SUPPOSED to be secure as far as your information goes. Sticking to well known legit sites doesn't hurt either.
  • I grew up in a house of 6 guys and 2 gals. We were the minority....we got cussed out when we left the seat down. You get used to checking before sitting.
  • Grasshopper brand Ashland or the Stretch Plus Lace Ups. If your feet really hurt, go to a podiatrist and get fitted for orthotics. Then you can put them in almost any lace up shoe and be comfortable. I would also suggest a peppermint lotion for your feet and lower really helps. You can also freeze a small water…
  • First talk to your current lender. When we did ours they rolled all the fees and such into the mortgage payments. With everything it dropped our payments by $425.00 a month. Do some research on ANY company that is making offers that sound too good to be true, but there are some legit ones out there.
  • There are a few web sites that let you upload a picture and play with different hair styles and colors....give it a go! If you are set on short, make sure the stylist knows you want to donate before you start. My opinion....leave it medium to long with some layers and try a semi perm hair color going a shade more auburn or…
  • After washing and conditioning use a leave in conditioner that has a thermal protectant. Some Argan oil from mid shaft to the ends helps too. Comb (not brush) it in and leave it alone to air dry. Try using a semi perm. hair color since you use them so often.
  • Personally I would enjoy a break from all the family drama and would have my own Thanksgiving. Invite those you wish to visit with and ask that they all contribute something to the gathering. No one feels put out or superior for "footing the bill" for the entire gathering. Only those that WANT to be there will attend and…
  • a pinch of cocoa powder or salt in coffee grounds when brewing a pot of coffee will cut the bitterness use a citrus peel on scuff marks on the floor or on a water spot on a wood table vinegar to clean shower heads, coffee makers and in the laundry to soften "scratchy" towels used coffee grounds in indoor planters to…
  • Dark's winter time, the brown looks warmer.
  • I am a little weird when it comes to yogurt. The ones with fruit stuff are too sweet and the plain is too tart. So....I mix them together. I buy the large tub of a "light" regular yogurt (vanilla) and a large tub of plain greek, dump them in a large bowl and whisk them together. I put them back in the tubs and put them in…
  • Easy... Throw a couple chicken breasts (turkey, beef, pork...) in the crock pot with 6-8 cups of stock (veg or no/low added sodium chicken). If you want it to cook quicker you can chop the chicken up. Add spices of your choice. If you want to add potatoes chop them in bite sized pieces and add when the chicken is half…
  • I don't have an answer for you. I have long hair that takes a long time to dry. My guy will smell it and play with it when it is wet or damp. Not so much when it is dry. Doesn't seem to matter what shampoo or conditioner I use. If I go to bed with damp hair I can count on his head being right next to mine with his nose…
  • If you are not getting responses via official routes, try going through a church organization or a group like the Elks, Lions, FOE, FOP, etc. If you just show up without some sort of local person or escort you will probably be sent away. Good Luck!
  • Because my 42 year old, out of shape boyfriend decided to play "flag" *eyeroll* football with guys half his age this afternoon. He held his own, but rolled his ankle and is now sitting on the couch with an ice bag. It sure is a pretty color of purple. A bit puffy too. He smells from all the Ben Gay that has been slathered…
  • Another suggestion.... find a good ethnic food store. Look at the spices and sauces (not creamy based) that add a ton of flavor. I found that just a couple teaspoons of Thai Peanut Sauce goes a long way on cooked vegies. Add some spaghetti squash and some lean protein and it makes a huge fantastic dish for very few…