Cant figure out where to go to help in NJ?

So, I live in NJ, and my fiancee and i are trying to call the numbers and send email to the contacts that Governor Christie sent out, but we arent getting any responses. The support efforts in NJ have been incredible, and im so happy to see that, but i know we are needed somewhere. And we want it to be somewhere that really needs help... thoughts? We are prepared to do manual labor, as well as make donations of food, and clothing, as well as transport people and things...


  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If you are not getting responses via official routes, try going through a church organization or a group like the Elks, Lions, FOE, FOP, etc. If you just show up without some sort of local person or escort you will probably be sent away. Good Luck!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Try this. It was a link shared by a friend of mine who works for the OEM in NY.
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    In truth, if you're not in an area that has been damaged then your local Red Cross office may not as tied up on the phone and can give you practical information about where/when/how you can help. If they are unavailable to help, then get yourself into an area that needs help. You'll find Red Cross trucks, tents from them and other organizations including local churches and charities etc. If you're a member of some organization like the Junior League or such they may have plenty of info, too.

    Want to go and make a difference in a small way? Buy a case of bottled water to hand out to anyone you want to give it to, bring some small gifts for kids, boxes of diapers, spare blankets go a long way with mommas and a big smile and a willingness to listen to people who are hurting can be as important as shoveling sand out of a street.

    I have been in Pensacola after the last big hurricane hit. A week later power was still out, there were no available hotel rooms and not a lot of room for a table at the Cracker Barrel in the morning but holy cow it was amazing to be able to make a difference in the day of a few people.