HalloweenGirl7 Member


  • Hi all, Been sick over here too. I have a cold and also Silent Reflux which has caused a lump in my throat (inflammed/burnt vocal cord). So, I cannot eat 3 hrs before bed. I have actually lost weight from doing that! Lol So, I am hoping with the addition to some exercise since I am starting to get over my cold now will…
  • Had to restart myself: life got in the way for me too! Trying to start over today and have been logging my food and exercising. Sometimes, I try to do too much. And then my health issues kick in and say "no more nothin' for you! " So, easy does it but do it every day! If you are struggling as I am to get started please…
  • Also, Congrats! You are one tough cookie! That is an awesome accomplishment! :drinker:
  • I would use the Leslie recommended info here: http://www.walkathome.com/exercise/calorie-burn-per-mile/
  • Just walked 25 min on a treadmill on an incline of 1.5-4 at 3.5 miles per hour and a cool down of 5 minutes = 30 min Total!
  • I used/use a pedometer while I walk and it tells me the mph etc.. And Cals burned. It doesn't register the walks very well though. So, I use this as a guideline: http://www.walkathome.com/exercise/calorie-burn-per-mile/ And remember it does depend on how much effort you put in. You know what I mean? Like some days you are…
  • That is a great attitude. I struggle with the treats too. I have anxiety sometimes and also fibromyalgia and am used to treating myself when I do stuff that is difficult for me. Like a Starbuck's etc... I really want to get in the habit of exercising and eating better but if I can get the exercise stuff down to a routine I…
  • Never been able to do 5 miles except for maybe once I think...Lol. I can do 3 though. I will post my walk later today! :-) Great job! We can do the consistent thing!!
  • Thanks Debbie you are for me too! I just did another round of Walk Away Your Waistline: 3 Miles! I am pooped! Cleaned the house and did laundry too. Just got back on Saturday from my sister's house and then went on a motorcycle ride with my bf. Monday was time to clean the house. But I promised myself that I would do the…
  • Exercise Goals: Go to they Gym 3 days per week M-W-F + do strength training Do Leslie Sansone DVD's: M-F (with 3 days being a 3 Mile Walk) Weekends: Walk on treadmill or 1 mile DVD walk on Sat or Sun Diet Goals: Choose veggies and fruits instead of carbs for snacks. No candy. No soda. No artificial sweeteners. Severely…
  • Hey Cora, I know you don't want to dress up but why not? You deserve to have fun! Don't let weight keep you from having fun. There are lots of plus size costume sites. If you want you can message me and I'll send you links. I am plus and I am going to dress up! *not trying to lecture you just trying to encourage you! Hugs…
  • Hi! As you can see by my user name HalloweenGirl7, Halloween is my favorite holiday. Really more of a lifelong passion! I love to create my own "Haunted House" and am having a big party this year! My theme is "Witches & Ouijas" and I am of course going to be a Witch for Halloween. I would love to look great in my purple…
  • Wow! That sounds beautiful as well as fun! I'll bet the sand gave you an extra work-out too! You are doing a fantastic job and setting a great example for us all! You inspire me every day to keep it up! Now I just have to post my walks every day! Sheesh...forget to do it sometimes.
  • Okay guys: I just did 3 Miles!! Walk Away Your Waistline! Please feel free to start a new thread: this is not my group it's OUR group! Love you guys and don't forget to "Walk Today"!!
  • You are having an awesome few days there! I should nickname you Powerhouse! Wow! Keep up the fantastic work! I am going to do a 3 mile walk today. Been sick the last few days: flare (I have fibromyalgia) and trying to not eat the free tootsie rolls that came in the mail from Angie's List! Lol
  • Super job!!! You are doing 5 miles??!!! I can barely do 3 right now but some day....:-)
  • Doing a 3 mile walk in 1/2 an hour after my lunch has digested...whose with me?!! Start the weekend on the right foot *pun intended!! C'mon girls Get Your Walk On Today! :happy:
  • Awesome walk! I have only done a 5 miles walk once in my whole life! Lol Some day I will! Great job Debbie!!
  • Great job! Which DVD or how did you do your walk?
  • You ROCK! Did you get your meals and your miles in? Leslie likes to say that...Lol
  • Super job! :smile: What kind of walking did you do? i.e. treadmill, dvd, outside...
  • I just did 2 miles of the Walk Away Your Waistline w/walk belt! I did 15 min on the treadmill uphill and chest, shoulders and triceps at the gym! :smile:
  • I don't know if I have it but I am suffering from chills that come from the inside and very cold hands, nose and feet. Especially nose and fingers. I cannot take things out of the freezer without pain and cannot tolerate the cold without gloves on. The pain can be excruciating! I don't have fingers that turn blue though. I…
  • 45 and trying to lose 50-60 lbs. I started to read a book called The Plan. It helps you detect hidden food sensitivites that cause inflammation in the body and make you hold onto unwanted weight. It isn't crazy: you don't need a lot of stuff and you don't give up sugar, or carbs or fats or anything really. No crazy…
  • I know that Nature Made Vitamins are a high quality. I have trouble with the hard pills: they make me nauseous. Taking a liqui-gel version of the multi has made a big difference. I take a liqui-gel multi vitamin for Women by Nature Made. I have no trouble with that. You can get them at Target . I live in Pittsburgh so we…
  • THIS! This is a heavy duty medication used for hallucinations. NOT for sleep! I would try to get a 2nd opinion. I have taken it and when I switched Dr's they were stunned that someone would give me that heavy of a medication when I did not need it. The Seroquel and Risperdal are notorious for weight gain! It DOES have…
  • I am in too. I lost 20lbs only to fall off the wagon and gain 5 of them back. Goal #1: I want to be able to breathe in my jeans (cuz I just bought a new size right before I gained back 5 lbs). Goal #2: I also bought a shirt at DisneyLand with my favorite Disney character: Alice. The shirt reads "Curiouser and Curiouser".…
  • I calculated my TDEE and eat accordingly. I am 5'4" and 188 right now. I was at 205. I am at 1620-1720 or so cuz my metabolism is quite sluggish. HOWEVER, I have treat days once a week when I go out to eat with my bf or to a birthday party. I just started working out this week (had foot surgery) so that is how I did it…
  • Current Weight:187.2 Goal Weight:182 11/26:187.2 12/3: 12/10: 12/17: 12/24: Well, I was doing well and even did well on Thanksgiving Day but, I feel off the wagon in the days right after. So...getting back on track. It is really hard when you are a guest at someone's house not to gain any weight. Especially if they don't…
  • I am thankful for my family and my bf Jerry. Thankful for good health and the power of positive thinking and visualization. Thankful for this website and all the great support and resources we have on here! My plan is to join the Christmas Challenge and modify it just a bit since I have to have foot surgery on Dec. 11th. I…