Psufilmgirl Member


  • Kristen Stewart
  • Pretty Woman
  • Bill Pullman
  • Amy Poehler
  • Juliet Lewis
  • The Wedding Planner
  • Jason Segel? Jeff, Who Lives at Home (Which is really good, BTW-highly recommend it!)
  • Bad Teacher
  • Sherlock Holmes
  • Due Date
  • I am finding that the longer I eat clean and healthy, the less cravings I have. Normally I'm all about the chocolate covered pretzel, because it's both salty and chocolaty. YUM. I think the regular exercise has also helped. This week I'm about to try and win a contest at my gym and it's also my pink box time-I love this…
  • Okay. Here's my experiences. I did Atkins in college, when it was really popular, and I lost, but I gained it all back when I started eating carbs. Now, I have a trainer and I'm doing this 12 week challenge at my gym. At first, she didn't limit carbs, just old me to eat the healthy ones. Then, with about 4 weeks left, she…
  • I also hate eggs!!! But my trainer encouraged me to cut out carbs and eggs in the morning do that. I've settled on using one egg and some egg whites and I put a ton of stuff in it, so it tastes pretty good. And I'm getting used to it and learning to like it! Good Luck and feel free to friend me for some support!
  • I have the Polar FT4, I paid more for it at my gym, but got a training session with my trainer, so I'm good on the extra money! The chest strap doesn't slip and you really don't know you're wearing it unless for some reason it loses your heart rate and you have to adjust it. And I love my HRM. I use it to make sure I'm in…
  • SPRINKLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been dying to try the new cupcake ATM, but it's all the way on the west side and fighting the traffic to get over there limits how much I actually get one, as opposed to how much I really want one! I guess watching cupcake wars isn't the BEST idea!! hahaha Great job though, everyone! You all…
  • As far as the HRM thing, my trainer told me that when your heart rate goes into fitness mode you are working on your endurance more than you are burning fat and during that phase your body burns carbs, not as much fat. I always wear my HRM, do some HIIT and then I do the elliptical like once a week with a large incline and…
  • Well, I can't see your diary, but depending on how much you have to lose, you probably aren't eating enough. Especially if you aren't eating back exercise calories. You should explore the message boards and find the people like me who are eating above our BMR and losing a good amount of weight. I would also say, less…
    in help Comment by Psufilmgirl March 2012
  • Let's not just blame Dr Oz here, the reason he pushes this stuff and makes money is because people want an easy, quick way to lose weight where they can still eat fast food and candy. This stuff sells magazines, books, supplements, etc, because people do not want to hear the truth(which we all know) that the only way to…
  • I'd say similar things to abbie. First-you're not eating enough if you are burning that may calories. There's a forum on here for women who eat to lose, you should check it out. Second-Way too many carbs. Not enough protein. You should be eating more than double the protein you are eating now. And eat less processed, more…
  • My carbs come from veggies and fruit. If I'm going to eat something that is an actual "carb" like bread or pasta, I either eat it in the morning, or have half a serving. I've taken to eating whole wheat pasta as a side, instead of a large bowl. Which hurts, because I'm Italian and I love it. I have mine set to 40/30/30,…
  • AWESOME!!!! I'm totally adding you as a friend! I'm trying to friend women who understand this, because they are so supportive!! Anyone feel free to add me, I know what these struggles are like, and I am happy to provide support!
  • In my opinion(that's right, my OPINION), here is what I have learned from weight loss(and we are talking about a 15 year period here, starting at when I was 13) Weight Watchers-only works if you read everything and go to meetings, for me. I lost 50lbs when I was 13 and I gained it all back, plus some. Because I was a kid…
  • Yes, and you're losing lean muscle mass, because you aren't giving your body enough calories to actually function and keep and muscles. So in the end, you might have lost the weight, but you will still have a large percentage of body fat. This comes right from my trainer, who is certified. Unless you are a very small…
  • Red wine! Good for the heart!
  • Trader Joe's has it, but it's pretty high in sodium.
  • ~Their prepared stuffed red peppers ~Roast Pork Florentine(frozen) ~ANY of their hummus, salsa ~Grapefruit ~Asian stir fry veggies ~Kind bars ~dark chocolate ~low fat pita chips-when I'm feeling salty! and last but not least: Two Buck Chuck!
  • I find that eating out causes me to retain water. Large amounts, due to all the sodium. You literally cannot eat at most places without consuming a days worth of sodium in one meal. Even Chipotle, which I have switched to to be a bit more healthy(I get the burrito bowl, no tortillas) and it has about 450 calories, but…
  • I'd say no, because you would have to learn the points system and count points, and by doing that you would have to carry the calculator with you and know all the nutritional values. So it's not any easier than counting calories.
  • I drink a ton of water, because that's all I drink. No caffeine, no soda. Sometimes a little bit of green tea. It takes some getting used to, but eventually I learned to like it.