

  • I like to encourage you all to keep at it , I lost 140 pounds , gained 5 pounds of muscle . I lost it in 8 months so it is just a matter of how bad you wanna do it . No one can really encourage you better then progress. I fail fail today start again tomarrow, it is not always ez but I can tell u it feels so good not to…
  • lol that is a really good question ,my arms used to be 16 inches when I weight 330 pounds ,then as I lost weight and toned up my arms they went down to 14 inches ,right now my arms are 14.5 inches. So to fully answer that question they got toned first, now they getting bigger.
  • I added that last pic of me from last summers party, the date is right but is off by a year, I actually been doing this since july 19th 2010
  • Primal instinct , men AND WOMEN are exactly the same, you find someone more attractive ,are you gonna punch them in the arm or say whats up homey ? that doesn't leave a very good impression does it now. Women are the same way even if you wont admit it ,Before I was 330 pound , in my 20s women were very nice to me, always…
  • look at my profile and you see all you need , I just actually hit 8 months today and Im 10 pounds aqay from my goal weight. Want a liitle advice , set mini goals like 10 pounds a month or 5 pounds in a week or 2 and just work like that then it dont matter how long ur main goal takes............
  • great job , will only get harder to lose the pounds from here on in , just don't get discouraged will take longer and you will have to work even harder, lol Im going through the same thing right now , I need to lose 10 more pounds to be at my goal weight and it has been a real struggle . Just keep doing what ur doing and…
  • Well I liked running a lot ! but ever since I spoke with him I just figured Id like lifting a little more, so I did what he said and it's giving me results. It's a funny thing, for a month your lifting, the weights getting heavier, but your body appears the same, then one day you wake up and your muscles are bigger ! lol…
  • Well after reading many of these post , we can all agree on one thing. There is no right or wrong answer , just what feels best for the person , what to start with. See I read a lot on this and my friend told me jogging is bad period if your trying to gain muscle. He has been lifting for awhile and has entered body…
  • I was getting the same answers everywhere I looked ,but in the end I think like everything else, that may a bit of old school thinking. I mean I still dunno, but look at these athletes today ,especially in the NFL. Built and all they do is run all day everyday..........
  • You want progress you need to stress your body out, confuse it. When you get comfortable doing the exercise that your doing ,pick up the pass, add more stress to your body during the exercise. BTW congrats on all your hard work :)
  • I love General Tso's Chicken and know that is loaded with calories (salt and sugar) , so I decided to find a recipe on the net, a healthier version and I did was 350 calories per serving and I was able to have brown rice and broccoli with it. First time I made I was skeptical, but it didnt taste bad at all. You could tell…
  • The one thing I have learned through the past 8 months is progress comes from challenging your body ,if you do the same exercises all the time your body will adapt to it. In order to not run into the plateau wall you must constantly challenge your body once you start feeling comfortable with what you are doing. Whether it…
  • First thing you need to realize is muscle training does burn fat, it may not burn it as fast as cardio in the start, but it is my belief once you start toning your burning fat all day long because of your muscle toning so in the end your actually burning more calories. Well is up to you I just offered some help and if you…
  • You really should stay away from the fried foods, I weighed 330 pounds and ate almost fried food everyday ! when I started my diet I stayed away from pasta, fried stuff, the weight just melted away. I love to eat pasta, but pasta is bad for ya. But there is a solution and it's called spaghetti squash, you can bake it or…
  • you just have to work them harder with exercise ,watch what you eat ,here is some good exercises for abs http://exercise.about.com/od/abs/ss/abexercises.htm
  • I buy a pair of jeans 1 size to small and work on fitting into them :tongue: depending how you look at it, can be like a prize for getting to the goal or a waste of money lol
  • that is the key ,mfp accounts for your weight, that I know for sure, I dont use a heart monitor so I dont know if they do it also, but my treadmill doesnt, it always is the same no matter what with the treadmill, but mfp has changed over time due the to the weight change
  • your goals will always change with progress I think, mine did . I started my goal with wanting to get to 235 pounds, around 250 my goal changed to getting to 220, then 210, now 200, Im not sure if that goal will change to I get there ,or closer to it. My exercises evolved and changed over time. I always challenged my body…
  • Dumping on people that want to be accurate ? no way . Im simply saying ( mostly for the benefit of those that get discouraged easily , Like myself) accuracy doesn't really matter as much as staying motivated to keep going. I was basically passing on what I learned, that worked to keep me motivated to get up every morning…
  • yes that is true , but you take exercising 1 day at time and visual has a big impact on how you see an impact. I don't know about others but for me ,exercise was and is a fragile thing that can be broken easily if Im not seeing a daily result and you cant see daily results based off weight lose. But you can see progress in…
  • This was a question I was asking myself few months ago and you be surprised the answers I found.............. If your lifting weights to gain mass, then your gonna wanna do cardio on the days your not weight training and you want to speed walk not run or jog because it breaks down the muscle, for about 45 minutes a…
  • That is for sure , so many people say it's a life style change ,but you don't quite grab that concept until your actually doing it . lol
  • Im a firm believer coffee is not bad for you, now what you put in your coffee can make it bad ............:happy:
  • Soda has not touched my lips in 6 months........................Soda is the single most obese causing product, when you start a diet first thing that should go is soda, diet soda is just as bad, so thinking because it has diet in front of it makes it better your sadly mistaking :devil:
  • you could be right, but as I said Im no expert and I was just suggesting my opinion based off what she said. My right side of my body was also stronger then my left side due to being used more as Im right handed. I simply corrected my problem by working my left side a littler harder than my right side till it felt about…
  • sure could help ,but your still paying for the food you can make yourself. When I started my weight loss I had no idea food wise what to do........... From this site, to searches I have learned to balance my meals and portion control ,same thing weight watchers will do for you but only free if your willing to put a little…
  • If it was me in this position I would do something like step ups but work my weaker side 2 times harder, this way at some point they will balance off. Pretty much same with my arms ,maybe some 1 arm curls double the workout on the weaker side for few weeks see how that goes. Now Im no expert ,but I wouldn't go paying…
  • OMG how can you ladies say such hateful things towards tatas ! This is unacceptable !