

  • Keep going, don't stop. You could be under eating which makes you gain weight as well as your body kicks into starvation mode. if you are sore you could just be gaining more muscle. When do you work out? Do you eat something within 30 min of waking? 100 cal? Banana? Hard boiled egg? This kicks your metabolism into…
  • Yes, I have RLS too. I find the more I exercise and keep a routine it does help. I found Magnesium helps, but I am not a doctor. I got this last spring after I had a flair up with my MS. I now take med's for it to assist in gaining control of it. Which is helping along with the exercise. If I don't exercise I really suffer…
  • I find Stress and Gluten is my killer too! I really try to eat more veggies and fruits and lean protein and I find I do have more energy too. I love my elliptical. I got myself running 4 miles a day before I had my major relapse in 2010. So it is the closest thing I can get to running. I love exercising, it makes you feel…
  • Heck I just figured it was some ones MS acting up again! LOL Not a big deal. Finding my spell is bad too.... =) LOL
  • I was diagnosed with RRMS May 2010. A day my life was changed forever! I look at things differently now. I deal with the symptoms as they appear and stay positive and active. My Nero said I have had it all my life and I have just dealt with the symptoms one at a time no really knowing what was going on until my major…
  • I started it a month after my diagnoses in May 2010. My nero asked me to stay on it and give it a good chance to get into my system for at lest 4 months to notice any difference. I did, and it pretty much took that long to notice positive changes in my symptoms. I also take a variety of Vitamins and a daily drink called…
  • Hello. I have MS too. It is a struggle every day to keep moving but I do! It is hard to get any help from anyone, as you probably realized not many people really understand what comes along with MS. I take DMT and a lot of additional vitamins to help with the symptoms. Take one day at a time, each day trying to increase…
  • Thank you for sharing that was really interesting!:happy:
  • Gluten Free is hard. I started with weight watchers with the points system. It works but you have to stick with it. I am now counting calories and yes I find it really different then the Weight Watchers. Weigh Watchers teaches you to eat more form all the food groups while counting points. I too had to do the gluten free…
  • Awesome job! Makes me want to do it too!!!
  • I really don't know what to say. I have a teenage daughter too. However, she eats a lot of junk food. Often she look or comments to me or hears others comment on how good I look from loosing so much weight. I try to suggest better eating habits for her as I know she wants to be healthier, but it just makes things worse in…
  • First of all I feel nothing/no one should make you feel down about your self. We beat ourselves up enough without help! Second if you want it do it. He's gotta do what he's gotta do, and so do you! Just my thoughts and feelings. You don't have to listen to it... just you asked so... LOL What is your business?
  • You will do it.. Your doing great! Keep it up! :smile: :smile:
  • ~:heart: ~ I am 43 yrs old, 5'1" and my goal is to be 130-135 lbs. This is the hardest bet to loose...but I am going to do it!!:smile:
  • Congrat's on your new Bundle. I am sure you do need motivation. It is hard when your kids are so little. Just try to do things as they are easily done going with the flow of things. Just dont' forget to look after yourself. That is the main key. Good luck.:smile:
  • Wow that is awesome! Just wondering if your getting enough calories in? Or maybe it is the protein? You need clean protein when you running like that but you probably already know that......
  • Theres nothing wrong with asking a man out for an evening. Thats how my hubby and I got together 24 years ago! LOL Men can't read your mind. Through it out there! If the answer is not you haven't lost anything you didn't already have, right? if he says yes...well your one step to maybe a great thing even friend! nothing to…
  • you can find it at to try before you buy it....
  • ......see below
  • I was wondering the same thing?
  • Hi I was diagnosed with MS May 25 2010. 1 yr ago yesterday! Ya it is hard to stay focused. Today started out great but is windowing down! Been feeling crappy this last week. Weather has been damp with rain and getting not sure if that has to do with it..... But yes I am happy I have lost 70 lbs I float up and…
  • I love her too! bought her book and 30 day shred! Listen to her Pod casts... awesome! I have tried her triple Chocolate protein powder. I truly find it helps me keep my cal. intake up and my lean protein in check! Always learn something from her everyday!!
  • This lady has really inspired me! She has helped me tremendously with my MS. I will soon be my 1st anniversary of being diagnosed. I have learned I can't do what I used to but I can work up to more endurance and learned I must have more "Patents". We can push ourselves with MS, but we are in control of it and we have to…
  • I agree with kimmerroze. PLUS ! Too much Sodium can also make you feel hungry! I lowered my sodium down to 1500 and try to stay in that range. If I go way over I feel Hungry and nothing seems to fill me up!! I didn't realize it until I heard it on the iPod Cast that Jillian does.... and WOW! Is right! I have been paying…
  • I got the 30 day Shred the other day and just did it. Level 1 is hard. Had to push myself to get through it. I understand with P90X you need other equipment accessories... which costs more later.... and the Insanity you don't.... just saying..
  • @amarie35:flowerforyou: : I think you look great! :heart: Keep up the good work. I will come! "Nothing worth while comes for free. You gota work for it! " :wink: Have you tried the p90X AB Ripper? It might help you out? You can find it on the net for free... message me and I will gladly send the addy too you! Its hard! But…
  • I don't know if I lost weight because I drink it more then I do anything else other then WATER. But instead of coffee or anything else I would choose Green Tea over that after my "Morning Java". I drink it weak and black, so there isn't any extra calories and it helps detox the system! :wink:
  • Right on the money!! :wink: Thanks for listing that!
  • I just cut it in half, remove the seeds and inside. Place it on a cookie sheet face down on 350 for 15 minutes and flip it over. Continue for another 15 or until tender, scope it out... Yum!:smile:
  • All depends on where your going????Salad with a grilled chicken breast? That's what I usually fall back on anyway? If you want something just make sure you count your calories. I never consider my healthy eating as a diet because I am automatically feeling I am deprived. Have Chicken(of some type), veggies and a potatoes…