Fighting MS

Hi everyone,
I have been using MFP for a couple months now and have been doing fairly well with it. I have lost around 18lbs so far but still have a bit to go. I love that people are beginning to notice and it makes me happy that I am seeing a difference in the way my clothes are fitting. I also have noticed that what I eat and the way I eat is different.
A little about me, I recently graduated college (yay!) and also recently (Dec 2009) got diagnosed with MS (boo!) Because of this I have had many doctor visits a year and each time they make me stand on the scale. Each time I heard the doctor tell me I was overweight and I should loose weight but each time I just kept thinking "yeah, yeah, I know".
It final sank in when I went to the doctor in Dec and he told me that since I was graduating later that week, I should consider taking some of the extra time I would have and working on getting into better shape because it would help slow the progress and effects of the disease. This for some reason had stuck really well with me. I heard that if I lost weight it could help with fighting the disease and that has been the number one goal since I was diagnosed.
I also decided that I really didn't like a doctor looking at me and telling me I was overweight and needed to loose some pounds. So I decided I wanted to come back for my next visit and prove to him (and myself really) that I could do it. Not only do I want to help with fighting my disease but I want to look darn good while doing it!
I could use any and all support especially if there are any fellow MS patients trying to loose weight, I would love to talk to you and hear your experiences even if it has nothing to do with weight loss since I am still fairly new to the whole MS thing.

Thanks everyone for listening :-)


  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Hello and congrats on making a lifestyle change!! I know how those pesky docs can be...I have MS (relapsing-remitting/dx'd 9/98), too. :)

    Some days are tougher than others, but just know that you have a fabulous support system here for you. Even though it may be harder for us at times, we can do this! We'll show those doctors! :)

    Best wishes,
  • SherryGirl
    SherryGirl Posts: 40
    Hi I was diagnosed with MS May 25 2010. 1 yr ago yesterday! Ya it is hard to stay focused. Today started out great but is windowing down! Been feeling crappy this last week. Weather has been damp with rain and getting not sure if that has to do with it.....

    But yes I am happy I have lost 70 lbs I float up and down 5 lbs but with my MS I get water retention so.... I just keep working at it. Funny thing is how everyone says I look better then ever! Hard to believe you have MS... well this week! I have hid it well. Struggling to get back walking again. It helps keep the pain away and makes me feel better go get moving ... :wink: :yawn:
  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
    Hi. I was "officially" diagnoised in 1998--although I had gone through numerous tests and had been showing signs of MS for quite some time. I joined MFP on 3/3/11 to lose weight and to take some of the burden off my knees and legs ( and yes,--to keep walking as long as possible!). Would love to have another friend who has some of the same health issues as I face. Am sending you a friend request now. Good luck!